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15 JANUARY 2025

Disaster Ministries - United Church of Christ

Our denomination is quick to respond to hurting people all over the world. The link above gives you an opportunity to respond to the devastation of the wildfires in California.

Building Bridges of

Inclusion, Justice, and Spirituality

This week's issue of Rock The Week includes

No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey,

you are welcome here!

This Sunday at Shadow Rock

9:00 am

  • Childcare is in the Blue Room
  • Spiritual Play is gathering in the Lime Room (ages potty-trained to 8 years old)
  • Sunday School for ages 9 and up in the Green Room
  • Adult Spiritual Formation and Kindlings in the Multipurpose Room. We continue our exploration of Family Systems Theory and look at the "Scale of Differentiation".
  • Hospitality Cart with coffee and cookies in the Parlor.

10:15 am

  • Worship in the Sanctuary (childcare is offered in the Blue Room of the Education Bldg 10 - 11:30 am)

11:15 am

  • There will be Sermon Reboot after worship.

Future Food and Fellowship Opportunities for Your Calendar

Our next event is a potluck that will feature chili. Is that with or without beans? Come and see.

We are also looking for people to bring crackers, cornbread, onions, cheese, and fritos.

Anyone who might be interested in bringing something on Sunday please give Liz Curry a call or email her. Remember we are a nut-free campus.

  • Feb 23 Potluck-chili
  • March 9 coffee chat
  • April 20-Easter breakfast managed by SR Board
  • May 18 Coffee chat
  • June 29 Potluck Send off to Sabbath

This is our informational meeting for people who want to learn more about Shadow Rock and explore what it may mean to join our fellowship. We will meet in the multipurpose room in the education building after worship, February 9th. All are welcome!

On February 23rd we will be celebrating the people who claim us and our claiming of them. Claiming each other is the way we talk about membership and formalizing our relationship with each other. We do this during our worship service and it kicks our joy meter into the red zone. Contact Pastor Ken if you are interested in joining Shadow Rock and being a Shadow Rocker.

RECRUITING USHERS (The above is an early picture of our ushers. Do not let the picture make you think women are not welcome or can serve because they can and are indeed welcomed.)

During our worship service there are some important things happening behind the scenes. Our ushers stand ready to help and our safety team members are watching for members that may be in distress and monitor traffic on and off our campus. In addition to these tasks, they also like to participate in worship from time to time. However, our limited numbers do not always allow them to do other things. We want to grow our number of ushers and safety team members.

To this end we’re looking for a few people to add to the usher team – No full-time commitment, just one or two Sundays per month would be a great help.


  • Help hand out bulletins before the service
  •  Help distribute Ritual of Friendship tablets
  •  Help work the mics during celebrations
  • Help with the offering
  •  Help recover the Ritual of Friendship tablets after the service
  • Generally – keep an eye on the pastor and congregation in case someone needs assistance

If you’re interested, please contact Peter Johnston

(602) 828-2088

Shadow Rock Family Recent Losses


We want to inform you that Nancy Ireland died this past week. Her service will be at Black Mountain UCC on March 8th at 1 PM.

Please keep her husband, Ron Ireland, and all the family in your prayers.

FYI. We collect used reading glasses and pass them on to the Lion's Club to be distributed to people who cannot afford glasses. We collect them in the Parlor/check-in cabinet as we have designated a drawer for used reading glasses.




Click on the Link Below for More Information

Desperado LGBTQ+ Film Festival - Phoenix, Arizona

January 24, 25, and 26 at Paradise Valley Community College

Annual Electronic Recycling with AZStRUT was a great success. Thank you to everyone who managed the collection and to everyone who donated their old electronics.