February 21, 2020
MAA Members,

We hope you were able to attend our 39 th Annual Safety and Pesticide Recertification Seminar which was held on January 21 & 22 at the Turf Valley Conference Center in Ellicott City, MD. Attendees heard from all-star speakers like John Ball and even podiatrist Dr. Kerry Becker about keeping their feet healthy. New this year, attendees were able to visit vendors and fill out a passport for a chance to win a free registration to the 40th Annual Seminar. If there are topics you'd like us to cover in up-coming events, please let us know!

We also hope your company will volunteer at our April 18th Arborist Day! Please see the article below for registration information.

If you haven’t done so already, “like” us on Facebook to stay up to date on the latest information and articles of interest for our membership. 

Stay Safe!

Lindsay Thompson
MAA Executive Director
(443) 262-8491
Thank You to our White Oak Sponsors
Sugar Maple Sponsor
39th Annual Recertification and Pesticide Seminar
Our annual winter seminar was a huge success! Thank you for all who attended and presented.

We are honored to have received credits from two others after the program:
  • Virginia Pesticide - 3A Ornamental Pest Control
  • Society of American Foresters - Category 1: 7.5 credits and Category 2: 2.5 Credits

If there is any feedback you would like to share about the 39th Annual Safety and Recertification Seminar, please do so here.

View presentations from the seminar here.
Tree and Ruppert Nursery Feature - Maryland Farm and Harvest
Maryland Public Television showcases "Maryland Farm and Harvest" through a series of episodes every Tuesday night at 7 PM. These episodes typically feature Maryland's agriculture industry. On February 4th, a session on transplanting trees and Ruppert Nurseries was aired. Be sure to check it out here!
2020 Maryland Arborist Day
Our 2020 Maryland Arborist Day will be on April 18th at Cylburn Arboretum in Baltimore, Maryland. Registration is currently open and will close on April 3rd. There will be three Maryland LTE credits available.

Learn more about our event and register here.
Emerald Ash Borer
The Emerald Ash Borer is a serious threat to Maryland ash trees. Usually the upper third of a tree will thin and die back. If you have ash trees that you want to protect from EAB, treatments will need to be made in March.

Learn more here.
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid - Trees
The hemlock woolly adelgid is a tiny, aphid-like insect that is a serious pest of hemlock in Maryland. It is covered with a woolly, white waxy covering for most of its life. Adelgids are found primarily on the young branches of mature hemlocks at the bases of the needles. They suck the sap from the branches and may inject toxin into the tree during feeding. Hemlock woolly adelgid can be controlled by thorough spraying with a registered insecticide.

Learn more here.
Late Winter Pruning
Timing is key when it comes to pruning, consider what you are pruning and what your goals are. Late winter is the routine time for pruning mature trees, before the buds start to swell. It's also the the perfect time to do some structural training of a young tree. Now is also a good time to prune summer flowering shrubs by removing older wood for better sunlight penetration.

Read the full article here.
2020 Tree Climbing Competition
On Saturday, April 4th the 2020 MAC-ISA Tree Climbing Championship will be held at Druid Hill Park in Baltimore, Maryland. The competition will feature five main events and the top four of each will move onto the master's challenge on April 5th.

To register, volunteer, be a vendor and more, click here.
There are a handful of scholarships available for students interested in arboriculture. If you know anyone who would qualify, be sure to share this message with them. Applications are due March 15th.

Scholarship application information can be found here.
New LTE's - Congratulations!
Congratulations to the individuals who passed the January LTE   exam:
Christopher Crilley
Carolyn Draper
Lee Neri
Saurav Pokhrel
Theda Skroski
The next two exams will be March 11th and April 8th. If you would like to register for an exam, please visit the website here. The website also has a study guide and other useful information.
According to the newest ANSI Z-133-2017 this standard is to serve as a reference for safety requirements that will apply to all employers or person engaged in the business, trade, or performance of aboriculture for pay including the following operations: (Clue see sect 1.3)
A: Tree pruning, repairing, or maintaining
B: Tree removal
C: Brush cutting
D: Pest or soil management
E: Installing landscape pavers
F: A, B, C, and D
G: None of these above
Who shall be responsible for the employee safety? (Clue see sect 1.4)
A: Employee
B: Employer
C: Foreman
E: All of the above
F: None of the above
Developing a Control Program for Montgomery County
On February 27th at the University of Maryland Shady Grove Campus, professional association will gather to develop a turf grass, insect, disease, and weed control program that will work in Montgomery County.
ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification
The two and a half day course prepares one to take the TRAQ assessment to become qualified. In Gaithersburg, Maryland get qualified on March 10th through 12th.

For more information, click here.
Tree Risk Assessment Renewal 2020
On March 13th come get requalified! You may complete the course 18 months before your expiration date. This event will be in Gaithersburg.

For more information, click here.
Tree Climbing Championship
The 2020 Tree Climbing Championship will be held April 4th and 5th at Druid Hill Park in Baltimore, Maryland. Registration is open, please visit section above for more information.
Maryland Arborist Day
On Saturday, April 18th, come out to Maryland Arborist Day at Cylburn Arboretum in Baltimore City. Registration and more information can be viewed above.
MAC-ISA Annual Meeting
The annual MAC-ISA meeting will be held in Solomons, Maryland October 4th through 6th. Save the date and keep your eyes open for future dates.