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Keeping connected through community, traditions & belief.

Shabbat candle lighting is at 4:50pm

This week's parsha: Bo

Torah reading: Exodus 10:1 - 13:16

Haftarah: Jeremiah 46:13-28

Havdalah: 5:52pm

Shabbat Services Information

All services are available in person

services or on Live Stream

(Live Stream info will be sent in a separate email)

Friday at 7:30pm- Kabbalat Shabbat

Saturday at 9:00am- Shabbat services

Saturday Minchah service following kiddush


Friday, January 31st is Birthday Shabbat

January birthdays are invited to Friday services for our

monthly Birthday Shabbat. Celebrants will receive a special

birthday blessing and we'll enjoy some cake.

Adult Education Classes

Israeli Dance Mondays 9:30-11:00am

No experience necessary…Tell all your friends

A great way to start the week. Come for a fun, cultural and social morning.  

Taught by Jill Cohen.

Class will meet on February 3 & 10

$5 per session for members; $8 per session for non-members

Is That True? Tuesdays, 10-11am

A new, weekly, Torah portion study class with Rabbi Benson.

We will look at the historical, archaeological,

and literary evidence (or lack thereof) related to selected

passages of the week’s Torah portion. 

No previous knowledge required. 

In-person and on Zoom: Is That True, 

Meeting ID: 816 1645 9653, Passcode: 284582. 

How to Read Hebrew, Wednesdays, 11am

Instructor: Marty Rubenstein

Class will meet on Zoom

Meeting ID: 872 5649 5836 Passcode: Hebrew

Contact me at and I will tell you all about the class. We have had this class for a long time and it's been well received by our participants.

Coffee Talk with Rabbi Benson, Thursdays at 9:30am

Coffee talk is meeting at NSJC

Hebrew in the Torah with Ann Helfgott

Fridays at 10am

The class meets in on Zoom

Meeting ID: 892 6678 8458 Passcode: 633953

Upcoming Events

Goods & Services Auction Fundraiser

April 27th thru May 4th

Click here for more information

Evening Minyan Time Change in February

The evening minyan will begin at 8pm

Sunday thru Thursdays.

The Men's Club Axe Throwing Event

scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 2nd has been cancelled.

Rabbi, I Have a Question

Monthly series, the first Friday service of the month at 7:30pm

Bring your questions regarding and learn about this topics:

February 7th – “What Page are We on?” Never be lost in services again. Learn the parts of services, the tricks for finding your place, and all the moves to stand, sit, and bow like the best of them. 

Click here for future topics.

Sisterhood Fundraiser

Saturday, Feb. 8th, 7pm

Join us for a concert featuring

Rob Benson and his band.

Make your own sundaes.

Click here for more information and to RSVP.

Men's Club Annual World Wide Wrap

Sunday, February 9th at 9:30am

Men and Women are invited to participate the the mitzvah of putting on tefillin. Don't remember or have never done this before? Don't worry, we will help you.

After services, please join us for breakfast featuring our guest speaker, Brendan Miller. Brendan is the son of Josh and Ellen Miller.

He is a member of the Three Village Swim Club and has

has been selected to swim on behalf of Team USA in the 2025 Maccabiah Games in Israel this summer!

Suggested donation $5 for breakfast (18 years and older)

Save the Dates

Sisterhood Rosh Chodesh Group

February 5th and 25th

More info to follow

Tu b'Shevat Seder for Israel

Wednesday, February 12th at 6:30pm

RSVP to the office or directly to Rabbi Benson by February 7th. No charge but donations are welcome - all money collected will be split between seder expenses and to aid the Hostages and Missing Families Forum.

Men's Club Shabbat

Friday, February 28th

Dinner- 6pm

Services: 7:30pm

Join us for dinner followed by Kabbalat Shabbat services led by members

of our Men's Club.

Click here for more info.

If you would like to participate in the service, contact Ben Etkin at

Click here to sign up for the dinner.

Book Club

Thursday, March 6th at 1:30pm

Book is: LIKE MOTHER, LIKE MOTHER by Susan Rieger

Any questions, contact Susan Kessler at

or 631-698-5129.

Purim Services, Thursday, March 13th at 7pm

New Musical Purim, watch for details! 

The 2025 Sisterhood

Shalach Manot Fundraiser

Look for the Purim is Coming email from NSJC Sisterhood. It includes details about the program with links to your personal sign-up page and login information. Can’t find the email? Follow up emails will be coming soon!

This year, recipients will have the option of requesting a box of treats.*

We will again be mailing Purim cards to everyone who is sent Shalach Manot and donating a portion of the profits raised to organizations that are committed to helping people and families that are experiencing food insecurity.

In 2024, we supported Island Harvest and Long Island Cares. In addition, Sisterhood donated to Yashar LaChayal, an Israeli organization, that sends Shalach Manot packages to Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers. The remainder of the monies collected will go towards keeping our Sisterhood and synagogue strong and vibrant.

*Sisterhood will only make up Purim boxes for those who request it.

They will be available for pick up during the Megillah reading or at the Purim Carnival.

Orders can be placed online at and must be received by

Thursday, February 20 at 11:00 PM.


Mazel Tov to Brendan Miller

Mazel Tov to Brendan Miller, son of members Ellen and Joshua Miller, who has been selected to swim on behalf of Team USA in the 2025 Maccabiah Games in Israel this summer! 


The Maccabiah Games is the world’s second largest sporting event - an international Olympic-style competition that promotes Jewish pride and athletic excellence, cultural education and immersion, and connection with Israel. Approximately 10,000 athletes from over 80 countries are expected to compete in 42 sports categories in this year's 22nd Maccabiah. Over the course of 3 weeks, Brendan will train for competition and participate in Israel Connect, visiting historical and cultural sites, attend Jewish identity seminars and experience volunteer activities designed to help develop a sense of Jewish awareness and Jewish pride, all while creating lifelong connections with other Jewish athletes, coaches and trainers from around the world.  


If you would like to support Brendan in this extraordinary opportunity, please visit his fundraising page here:

We are proud to have one of our NSJC family represented at the 22nd Maccabiah Games and appreciate the excitement and outpouring of support from our local Jewish community. 

Help Los Angeles Recover from the Fires

Donate here to help with general fire relief:

Donate here to help the Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center rebuild:  GoFundMePJTC


Every Sunday at 9:30am

We meet in Lake Grove in the Bahama Breeze Parking Lot (corner of Alexander Ave. & Middle Country Rd.) and walk on the perimeter sidewalk of the 

Smith Haven Mall. 1-1.5 miles total. 

For questions email

NSJC Food Pantry Update

Please continue to keep our pantry going by purchasing JUST ONE MORE THING when you are shopping at the supermarket.

Todah rabah!

Bonnie Samuels

Social Action Chairperson

Judaica Shop

Need a gift? Our Judaica Shop is the largest one in eastern Suffolk County!

Give us a call

at 631-928-3737

or email us: 

Are you looking for a gift for a baby gift, wedding gift or just a house warming or host gift. Lots of beautiful items for sale. 

Also a reminder, if you have a bar/bat mitzvah, we are the your source for kippot and tallasim. 

To set up an appointment, contact Stacey Nosenchuk at (631) 839-7987.

NSJC Board of Trustees


 President:       Heidi Buhler  

Executive VP: Debbi Varano

VP Finance: Eric Zwerling

VP Education:    Lenore Frank

VP Membership: Iris Heller

VP Fundraising:  Brandie Osman

Secretary:        Diane Ritter


Sheryl Roberts- Sisterhood

Robert Benson- Men's Club 


Brian Mankuta -Past President   

Ellen Cordes

Erin Davids

Elliott Dreznick

Zach Dubey

Ben Etkin

Jerry Green

Mark Israel

Brandie Osman

Stacey Nosenchuk

Andy Polan

Gary Weitz