Friday, September 27, 2019
27 Elul 5779
Shanah Tovah u'Metukah! Happy New Year!
HIGH HOLY DAYS 2019 / 5780
Schedule of Services
S’lichot/Shacharit - 8:15 AM
Candle Lighting - 6:20 PM
Yom Tov - 6:20 PM
Shacharit - 7:30 AM
Scriptural Readings - 8:45 AM
Shofar - 9:30 AM
Musaf - 10:10 AM
Sermon - 12:15 PM
Tashlich - 5:00 PM
Mincha/Ma’ariv - 6:20 PM
Candle Lighting - after 7:21 PM
Shacharit - 7:30 AM
Scriptural Readings - 8:45 AM
Shofar - 9:30 AM
Musaf - 10:10 AM
Sermon - 12:15 PM
Mincha/Ma'ariv 6:20 PM
Havdalah 7:19 PM
The administrative offices will be closed on Monday, September 30 and Tuesday, October 1.
Important Reminders on the High Holy Days
We need your cooperation to ensure the safety and security of our congregants and to maintain the decorum and holiness of the service. Please respect the following guidelines: 

Security Considerations
  • There are procedures in place to ensure the safety and security of the large number of people in attendance. It may take longer than usual to enter the building. Your patience and understanding are appreciated.  
  • If security inspects your belongings or asks for identification, take comfort in our vigilance rather than consider it an intrusion.
  • Large bags and knapsacks are not permitted in the building. Parents with babies may carry a diaper bag.
  • If you see something, say something. Report any suspicious person, object, or vehicle to security or maintenance personnel.

Refrain from entering the sanctuary and walking to your seat during the following times:
  • While the Ark is open
  • When the Congregation is standing
  • When the Clergy or the President is speaking
  • Torah reading
  • Cantor's Hin'ni prayer on 1st day of Rosh Hashanah: 10:00-10:15 AM approx.
  • Silent Amidah
  • Untaneh Tokef and K'dushah prayers: Rosh Hashanah 10:15-10:45 AM approx. and Yom Kippur 12:45-1:15 PM approx.
  • Sermon: Rosh Hashanah 12:15-12:45 PM approx. and Yom Kippur 11:45 AM-12:15 PM approx.
  • Yizkor service on Yom Kippur

Thank you for your cooperation.  L’Shanah Tovah!
Open Tashlich Service in Westmount Park
Monday, September 30 - 5:00 PM

Join us for a meaningful and welcoming tradition to cast off our sins for the Jewish New Year. Meet at the pond (Sherbrooke/Melville). All are welcome! In collaboration with Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom
High Holy Day Family Experience
Mon. & Tues., Sept. 30 & Oct. 1 – Rosh Hashanah 
Wed., Oct. 9 – Yom Kippur
An engaging experience for children of all ages and their grown-ups. Join us to reflect on the past year, and celebrate the birthday of the world.
11:00 AM-12:00 PM in the Chapel with Rabba Rachel
12:00 PM approx. (Rosh Hashanah only) Listen to the Shofar in the Main Sanctuary or Parallel Service
12:00-1:00 PM Kids' Kiddush and Games Rooms for grades 1-3 and grades 4-6

Also join us: 10:30 AM-1:00 PM  Pre-schoolers 
Ages 1-5 in Foundation School classrooms with supervision. Children are welcome to attend the High Holy Day Family Experience with an accompanying adult.
Tues., Oct. 8 – 6:30-9:00 PM - Kol Nidre Night
A supervised youth space will be available. No formal program
Yom Kippur Teach-In
Monday, October 9 – 3:45 PM

Panel discussion followed by Ne’ilah at 5:20 PM
“Spiritual Potholes:A New Generation of Leaders
Look to Smooth the Road Ahead” with Samantha Mintz-Vineberg, Julie Shugarman Gewurz, and Yair Szlak . Moderator: J. Stephen Lipper 
Video of the Memorial for Rabbi Shuchat
This past Saturday night, our congregation paid tribute to the legacy of Rabbi Dr. Wilfred Shuchat zt”l in a moving and inspiring memorial program. The event was live-streamed, and is available for you to watch and share.
Rabbi Adam Scheier featured in his Alma Mater's publication
YCT Rabbinical School distributes a selection of rabbis’ sermons, including a sermon from Rabbi Scheier.
Rabba Rachel Kohl Finegold featured in Rosh Hashanah reflections
Rabba Rachel Kohl Finegold is included in this collection of reflections on the High Holy Days, by Canadian rabbis!

by Samantha White  · CBC Life  Sep 23, 2019 
Breakfast on October 3 sponsored by Elaine and Barry Mintz in observance of the yahrzeit for her father Harry Fleisher and marking sheloshim for her mother Ruth Fleisher.

Breakfast on October 4 sponsored by Joanne and Simon Margel in observance of the yahrzeit for his father Nathan Margel.

Book your kiddush/breakfast sponsorship, contact
Mazal tov to:
Jillian Friedman and Joseph Neudorfer and Joan and Mark Friedman on the birth of their daughter and granddaughter Aviva Rae Neudorfer, sister to Zev, and granddaughter of Shirley and Asher Neudorfer, on September 7, 2019.

Kathy Myron   and   Jonathan Sigler  on the birth of their   granddaughter Joey Rae Sigler, daughter of Jamie Tajfel and Max Sigler, granddaughter of Ricky and Irving Tajfel, and great-granddaughter of Neysa and David Sigler and Celine Myron, on September 16, 2019.

Wendy and Allan Gelber on the engagement of their daughter, Casey Erin Gelber to Zachary Alexander Kowalski.

Cathy Rosenzweig and Mark Bindman on the engagement of their daughter Amanda Bindman to David Kovac, son of Dorit Hood and Steven Kovac, and grandson of Elvira Hood.

Maya Dynbort and Matthew Gurberg on their marriage on September 22, 2019.

Send your announcements to
We extend our condolences to the family of
Israel Gillman, father and father-in-law of our members Etty and Ralph Bienstock, Erit Gillman and Lawrence Laing
Maison symphonique concert featuring Cantor Zelermyer and the Choir
Art of the Organ
Sunday, October 6 – 3:00 PM

Enjoy the majestic sounds of the Grand Orgue Pierre-Béique of the Maison symphonique. Conducted by Boris Brott and Roï Azoulay.
Advanced Polls at the Shaar
Monday, October 7 – 8:30 AM-6:00 PM

The upcoming Federal Election will take place on
October 21, which coincides with Shemini Atzeret.
To accommodate those who will be observing the
holy day, Elections Canada will set up a Special
Voting Kiosk at Cong. Shaar Hashomayim. Eligible
voters should bring a piece of government-issued
ID (driver’s license, Medicare card, Canadian Passport) . Voters must already be registered to vote in their electoral district and will be required to write in the name of the candidate and party for whom they are voting. Enter at 425 Metcalfe Avenue. INFO: Robyn Bennett 514.937.9474 ext. 146
Kids' Sukkah Decorating
Thursday, October 10 – 4:00-6:00 PM

Age 2 - Grade 3 . Help decorate the Shaar Sukkah. Art, activities and pizza dinner. $10 per person; $25 per family (free for children under 2 years), grandparents are welcome. Registration required.
Congregational Sukkot Dinner
Sunday, October 13 – 5:50 PM

Services followed by dinner in the Sukkah. Celebrate this beautiful holiday with your Shaar family and friends. Presented by The Pearl and David Tobias Community Engagement Programme. Adults: $45; Students (13-18) $25; Children (4-12) $18; Children (3 & under) free. Reservations required by October 7. 514-937-9474, ext. 139. Enter at 120 Côte-St.-Antoine Road. In case of rain, dinner will be moved inside.
NCSY Teen Limo Sukkah Hop
Wednesday, October 16 – 5:30-8:00 PM

For Grades 7-11. Drive around in style and visit
neighbourhood Sukkahs for dinner and treats.
Registration required.
Model Sukkah Building
Thursday, October 17 – 4:30-6:00 PM

Grades 4 - 6. Use your creativity to build a tiny kosher Sukkah! With the help of a STEAM specialist, you’ll combine design skills with Jewish ritual, to make something truly unique. $18. Registration required by October 11.
Sisterhood Sukkah Luncheon
Thursday, October 17 - 11:30 AM

Join us for a delicious lunch and spiritual experience in the Sukkah. Guest speaker Susan Schwartz, Long time reporter and feature writer for the Montreal Gazette. "Stories That Have Influenced Me The Most and What I Learned From Them" $36; $40 as of October 14. Enter the Sukkah next to 425 Metcalfe Avenue.
YP Shabbat Dinner in the Sukkah
For young professionals in their 20s and 30s
Friday, October 18
6:25 PM Services; 7:30 PM Dinner
Join us for a festive meal in the Sukkah. $25. 
Enter at 120 Côte -St.-Antoine Road. Registration required by October 16.
Getting Real with Dr. Ruth Westheimer
presented by Adult Education
Thursday, October 24 - 7:30 PM

Renowned psychosexual therapist, media personality, and author. In conversation with Shawn Apel, Host of Radio Noon on CBC Radio One.
$36. Enter at 425 Metcalfe Avenue, Westmount
Co-chairs: Alice Lehrer, Angela Lehrer-Vineberg, and Emily Shore
Sundays at the Shaar
presented by Leisure Institute
Sunday, October 27 - 12:00 PM

Yosi Even-Hen. Ritual Director
"Unexpected Jewish Situations"
$5 per person. Pay at the door. Enter at 425 Metcalfe Avenue. Registration required 514.937.9474 ext. 139
Shabbat Youth Programs
Join our youth staff each  Shabbat  morning at 10:30 AM for games, prayers and snacks!

Tot   Shabbat  (Kindergarten and under)
in the Paperman Lobby (Gift Shop)
Children under age 2 must be accompanied by an adult

Rock  Shabbat  (Grades 1-4)
in the Bronfman Youth Lounge
FALL-WINTER 2019-2020
Please consider making a donation to the Shaar Tzedakah Fund to help those in the greatest need.

Shabbat, Sundays, Legal Holidays –  8:45 AM 
Monday - Friday – 7:30 AM
Weekday Rosh Chodesh/Chol Hamo'ed – 7:15 AM
Sunday Rosh Chodesh/Chol Hamo'ed – 8:30 AM

September 23 - October 8
Sunday Slichot/Shacharit - 8:15 AM
Monday-Friday Slichot/Shacharit - 7:10 AM

Kiddush following morning services on Shabbat. Breakfast following services, except Sundays.
Sunday to Thursday - 6:15 PM

Parashat Nitzavim
Candle Lighting - 6:23 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat - 6:25 PM
Mincha/Ma'ariv - 6:25 PM
Havdalah - 7:26 PM

Parashat Vayeilech
Candle Lighting - 6:11 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat - 6:15 PM
Mincha/Ma'ariv - 6:15 PM
Havdalah - 7:13 PM