"The fourth war is on consciousness", said Paul, remember the bus driver I mentioned in the May 2016 newsletter?
I was the only passenger in that 2 hour drive from Sedona to the Phoenix airport, fresh from the meditation teacher training retreat and graduation. I did not fully get it then but it is making sense now.
I appreciated his inspiring life story. Paul was half Native American, he did not mention which tribe, and had the gift of finding lost people in the mountain. He could 'see' the trails they walked. He also was a martial arts master. He had his own studio but chose a simple life. He pointed out the importance of self defense and meditation as a preparation for what was coming.
Just like Paul, I believe our consciousness is at stake. But first let's have a closer look at consciousness. Till today there is no scientific conclusion where this intelligent force field comes form.
Lately, I have been contemplating the nature and mystery of this conscious, life force energy flowing through my body.
The more I feel it and observe it the more I become in awe of it.
My ability to see the twinkling sunlight through the trees, to hear the calming rustle of the wind in the leaves, to feel appreciation for the tree and hug it, makes me feel so privileged to be a conscious, sentient being. Consciousness is our foundation and it's a genial energy.
Consciousness is also information, says acclaimed meditation teacher and author, Sarah McLean. That's why it's said that all the answers are inside. Through meditation we engage in the Direct Experience of the present moment. This increases the flow of conscious energy that naturally purifies the mind-body-spirit system and has the potential for wisdom and insights to occur.
In the chapter 3, Expansion, of the classical ancient yoga text,Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the power of sustained focused attention is described as leading to extraordinary powers of the mind.
In scientific literature it is described as meta-awareness, the ability to
"Observe the observer observing the observed" and how this has a positive health impact both physically and psychologically.
*Wiley Handbook of Mindfulness
Meta awareness is possible due to the thin membrane in the brain called, Pre Frontal Cortex (PFC), that evolved over millions of years, referred to by meditation teacher, writer and cultural historian, Alistair Shearer, as " the crowning glory of evolution'.
It is much like acknowledging the preciousness of Aruba's white sandy beaches, I often refer to as the "dessert of evolution", as it's formed by the accumulation of fragmented coral skeletons over millions of years.
The beaches are now well protected and regarded as our most valued asset. I wish we could regard our PFC as our most valued asset. On the contrary we misuse our brain and we completely dismiss this genial, life force energy at our disposition.
In this current era, called The Industrial Revolution 3.0 or The Third Industrial Revolution, there are 3 killers of consciousness;
2.Distractions and I have to say it:
3.Artificial Intelligence
Busyness and Distraction
Busyness and distraction weaken the PFC power and cause a perpetual Stress Response in the system, which masks our intuition, true needs and purpose.
Constant dispersed attention, not only uses more brain fuel but research shows how superficial attention leaves us feeling empty and unfulfilled because the brain does not register shallow experiences, they are deleted and will not be stored in our great memory vault, the hippocampus.
Through shallow experiences, we become increasingly dissatisfied and therefore seek more "entertainment and thrills that we mistake for happiness' a wise friend told me. If you are busy working very hard to have a better quality life, you are missing the point and will get the opposite result.
Artificial Intelligence
Technological advancement in the late 20th century was initially, advertised as improving our quality of life, yet it seems that
"technology enhanced our physical life but degraded our minds"
We turn to Google for advice, to Pinterest for creative ideas and now AI chatboxes for writing. I personally, avoid AI chatboxes. As a writer and poet, I treasure the process of deep thinking and putting profound feelings into words. I deliberately make a few typpos here to protest agenst all the unsolicited technological innovations. Here is anoter one, to make the poind.
Maybe technology made life physically easier, but we certainly got mentally busier. When the washing machine was washing my clothes this morning, I did not rest or spend quality time with my son or drink coffee with my neighbor.
I made breakfast, sent a few messages, sang a birthday song for a loved uncle and did some banking. In the meantime my in inbox is catching dozens of emails, that my brain could never organically handle in person.
Technology and automation to me, made us more busy and scattered. When the hands free cars come in, I doubt we will be enjoying the view, we'll probably be on our phones in meetings and attending more clients.
Automation also leads to fragmentation of the community because there are less social interactions. Teaching elderly wellness classes the past 6 months, showed me how busyness of family members along with automation weighs hard on the well being of this honorable group.
We are being colonized by artificial intelligence and willingly engage in all the AI software installed in the new phones and smart systems without our consent. Soon the artificial intelligent will outsmart us, and with this rapid technological advancement, if not controlled or regulated legislatively, will lead to the extinction of humanity as we know it.
If I was an ancestral foremother, I would come down from heavens and do some good %@#-whooping. I can hear myself say;
" This is what you do with all our blood, sweat and tears we shed to survive life without fire, electricity and running water? We survived drought, wars, enslavement for you to become robots? Is this the legacy you are giving to our new generations? Life in a pretty, digital box?? "
Hush now, sweet, ancient grandmother, I have some suggestions.
The Challenge
Fortify Your Consciousness and Foster Community
Let's consider the ways in which we can cultivate consciousness and foster community.
When was the last time you actually called or talked to someone for advice instead googling.
I notice that when I only google stuff, like the other day, how to clean copper, " you need salt, vinegar and water ", done, easy and convenient but on the long run it feels empty to get the knowledge without a personal connection.
I also notice the great reward of personal connections with others. I learn so much about the world, culture, history and the human mind through conversations. It is way more impactful and profound compared to watching Youtube or listening to podcasts. I often say after a sharing circle " Better than Netflix ".
Here are some challenges for you to try this month;
Do Not Google anything for a month, are you still breathing? Ok then, 2 weeks, if you have a question, ask an elder, or CALL a friend, if it's a life question, sit with it, let the answer unfold.
Learn Through Real Life Stories. Engage in conversations, with your neighbor, your grandparents, a stranger, you will be surprised how many powerful life stories and wisdom there is out there.
Ask An Elderly for help. It felt fulfilling to ask my elderly neighbor to repaint my mailbox, instead of throwing it away and keep buying new ones.
Read A Book to fall asleep instead of watching a screen as a night cap. Chose a difficult and not too exiting topic.
Earthing Get your feet into the earth regularly. Earthing Article
Get an alarm clock. Protect your precious brain glands, Don't sleep with your phone for a month, ok make it 2 weeks.
Practice living in Vertical Reality. instead of virtual reality
*which also happens to be a cool song of present moment experience.
- ofcourse, follow Shanti's upcoming 8 week, in person
Enlightenment Meditation Program starting Saturday October 12th
*registration now open!!
Please let me know how it went and what you discovered! I am curious!
I wish you success and may you keep your natural instincts, creative power and live social connections alive!
With a hopeful breath for humanity,
*photo courtesy by Deanna Fingal