Housing Update

Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2022


Dear Community Member,


Happy Holidays from Planning and Economic Development! To celebrate this time of year, Planning and the Development Services Center got together for a Missing Middle Gingerbread House Challenge.

Missing Middle Housing is a range of house-scale buildings with multiple units. This can include duplexes, tri- and fourplexes, townhomes, and single-family homes with accessory dwelling units. Not only is Missing Middle Housing compatible with established neighborhoods, but it also fits perfectly into a gingerbread winter wonderland!

Keep your eye out for this festive "Reel" video on social media!

Missing Middle Housing Gingerbread Style Reel Video

2022 Entries


Gingerbread Duplex A-Frame


Gingerbread Duplex

Corner Lot Duplex

Gingerbread Corner Lot Duplex


Gingerbread Duplex


Gingerbread Townhomes


Gingerbread Townhomes

Cottage Housing

Gingerbread Cottage Housing

Single Family Home with ADU

Gingerbread Single Family Home with ADU

In the Know...

Missing Middle Housing is a fun holiday discussion topic! Intending to talk about housing with your family over the holidays? Here are some resources about Missing Middle Housing to share with others:

What is Missing Middle Housing?

Missing Middle Housing Information Video

Plan Commission Information

City of Spokane

Plan Commission

Meeting Schedule

2nd and 4th Wednesday of the Month in City Hall


  • November 9 Workshop - Building Opportunity in Housing and South Logan TOD
  • October 26 Workshop - Housing Action Plan Update and Building Opportunity in Housing Public Engagement


  • Wednesday, Jan. 11: There will be a Building Opportunity for Housing workshop at the Plan Commission meeting.
 Agenda Details

We want your feedback!

Provide written comment in email to DevelopmentCode@spokanecity.org. This email list will be notified regarding additional opportunities for participation.

Sign up for Shaping Spokane Housing email updates and announcements here.

Interested in requesting an outreach event? Email us!

Development Services Center is Open to Serve You!

Monday-Friday | 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

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