Housing Update

Thursday, Jan. 19, 2023


Dear Community Member,

In a recent survey by the Washington Department of Commerce and Puget Sound Regional Council, housing costs/rents, homelessness, and overall cost of living topped the list of 12 issues. 

The Building Opportunity for Housing project will be launching its own survey about housing soon. We want to hear from you as we consider updates to both the City’s vision for housing in the comprehensive plan and the policies used to implement that vision in the Spokane Municipal Code. 

Dept of Commerce Survey results graph 2023

Office of Financial Management Issues Population Forecast

Every five years the Washington Office of Financial Management (OFM) issues population forecasts for each of Washington’s 39 counties. Their most recent forecasts for Spokane County in 2022-2050 were released a few months ago. While population growth has certainly outstripped the forecast issued in 2017, the 2022 forecasts have accounted for that greater-than-expected growth.  Furthermore, OFM anticipates that population growth will only continue in Spokane County. Find out more at the OFM Population Projections page. The City will be using this data to determine our share of that growth over the next few months, in coordination with the County and other Cities in the region.

OFM Population Forecast Spokane County Graph

In the Know...

What is the role of Plan Commission?

This very topic was discussed at the Jan. 11 Plan Commission workshop. 

The Plan Commission is an advising body, making recommendations to City Council on amendments to the City’s Comprehensive Plan and development regulations, and the physical development of the City. By holding workshops and public hearings, Plan Commission provides a key first look and deep dive into proposals for regulations and policy changes to City Council. The Plan Commission also provides opportunities for public participation, evaluating comments, and making recommendations on how to incorporate them into final proposals. Ultimately, Plan Commission supports City Council by providing its professional guidance on how well proposals reflect the vision of the City. 

The City of Spokane Plan Commission meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 2 p.m. in the Council Briefing Center in Spokane City Hall. 

City of Spokane Plan Commission group photo

Left to Right: Clifford Winger, Todd Beyreuther, Michael Baker, Greg Francis (President), Ryan Patterson (Vice President), Mary Winkes (Community Assembly Liaison), Jesse Bank, Carole Shook, Tim Williams

Not pictured: Christopher Britt, Kris Neely

Plan Commission Information

City of Spokane

Plan Commission

Meeting Schedule

2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the Month in City Hall


  • Jan. 11 Workshop - an update was given regarding ongoing engagement efforts and Plan Commission discussed their role in the Building Opportunity for Housing project.


  • Wednesday, Jan. 25: Building Opportunity for Housing discussion at the Plan Commission workshop to discuss public engagement and comprehensive plan policies.
 Agenda Details

We want your feedback!

Provide written comment in email to DevelopmentCode@spokanecity.org. This email list will be notified regarding additional opportunities for participation.

Sign up for Shaping Spokane Housing email updates and announcements here.

Interested in requesting an outreach event? Email us!

Development Services Center is Open to Serve You!

Monday-Friday | 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

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