Housing Update

Thursday, Sept. 21, 2023


Dear Community Member,

Thank you to everyone who attended our in-person open house for the Building Opportunity for Housing proposed development code changes. If you weren’t able to make it, you can still attend the virtual open house tonight, from 5:30-6:30 p.m.. The virtual open house will also be recorded and shared. 

Visit the Project Website for Details

Public Comment Period Open

for Proposed Housing Code Changes

The City is seeking public comment on proposed text amendments as part of Phase 2 of Building Opportunity for Housing.

This proposal amends a number of sections within the Spokane Municipal Code and includes renaming Residential zones, expanding permitted housing options, adjusting dimensional and design standards for single-unit and middle housing development, and modifying related processes and procedures. The intent of the text amendments is to increase housing choice and feasibility throughout Spokane while ensuring compatibility within existing neighborhoods and the community’s vision.

The public comment period ends Oct. 4, 2023, at 5 p.m.

Written comments will still be accepted up to the City Council public hearing. The public comment period provides a set time to receive comments before revising the proposed language that is presented to Plan Commission at their public hearing. All public comments are shared with Plan Commission and Spokane City Council.

The draft text amendments, a text amendment tracking sheet that calls out specific changes, and directions on how to submit comments can be found on the project webpage

Want to Build Middle Housing,

but Don't Know Where to Start?

Homeowners and small developers alike could benefit from building Middle Housing on their property, to provide additional income or build a place for family or friends to live.

If you need assistance navigating the current regulations for duplexes, triplexes, and other Middle Housing construction, the Middle Housing Support Team is here to help. 

Learn More About the Missing Middle Housing Support Team

City Responds to Permit Records

with Focus to Reduce Wait Times

Help the City’s Development Services Center Team help you!

As a way of maximizing staff time to focus on plan reviews to reduce project timelines this fall, the DSC at City Hall will be closed to walk-ins on Wednesdays from 8 to 11 a.m. starting Wednesday, Sept. 27, through at least the end of the year. Calls will go to voicemail during those times.

The DSC will utilize these times to catch up on plan reviews before the International Code Council codes change on March 15, 2024. A spike in residential and commercial permit applications is expected prior to the code change.

At a time when housing is in high demand, the City this year through August issued a record 870 residential permits for units in new multi-unit buildings. There were also 164 residential projects consisting of 923 units in plan review. The City has maintained the same staffing level during the permit request spike.

In August alone, the overall permit valuation was $82 million and there were 358 new total residential units permitted, the highest monthly total ever.

In the Know ... Short Course on Local Planning

Have you ever wanted to learn more about local planning? The Washington Department of Commerce hosts a short course on local planning, which can be taken by elected officials and members of the public alike. All courses are offered at no charge and are open to the public.

The short course includes:

  • An overview of the complex mix of land-use planning laws that work together to support land-use decision-making in Washington state,
  • An introduction to comprehensive planning and plan implementation under the Growth Management Act, and
  • A review of the roles in planning and best practices for public participation.

An in-person short course is being offered in Spokane on Oct. 10 from 6-8 p.m. Register through the American Planning Association Washington Chapter webpage.

Online courses and other resources can be found at the Department of Commerce webpage

Plan Commission Information

City of Spokane

Plan Commission

Meeting Schedule

2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the Month in City Hall


  • Sept. 13, Public Workshop: Plan Commission heard a presentation on the 2024-2029 Citywide Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Consistency Review and discussed the proposed draft code amendments as part of Phase 2 of Building Opportunity for Housing, focusing on design standards and parking regulations. [watch recording]


  • Wednesday, Sept. 27, Public Workshop: Plan Commission will be discussing General Facilities Charges (GFCs) as well as the proposed draft code amendments as part of Phase 2 of Building Opportunity for Housing.
  • Wednesday, Oct. 11, Public Hearing: Phase 2 code amendments of Building Opportunity for Housing will be before the Plan Commission for a recommendation to City Council. 
 Agenda Details

We want your feedback!

Provide written comment in email to This email list will be notified regarding additional opportunities for participation.

Sign up for Shaping Spokane Housing email updates and announcements here.

Interested in requesting an outreach event? Email us!

Development Services Center is Open to Serve You!

Monday-Friday | 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

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