Housing Update

Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2022


Dear Community Member,


Shaping Spokane Housing aims to address our housing needs while preserving community character and livability. Based off the well-informed strategies in the Spokane Housing Action Plan (HAP), the program identifies comprehensive plan policies and development code regulations that can be improved to increase housing choice throughout Spokane.


As someone who has expressed interest in supporting housing in our city, we hope you follow along and stay engaged in this next step towards lasting housing choice for the City of Spokane. We appreciate your interest and time.

Introducing Building Opportunity for Housing

Following on the heels of the successful Building Opportunity and Choices for All interim ordinance, the Building Opportunity for Housing project intends to develop lasting Comprehensive Plan and Municipal Code amendments that increase housing choice and diversity in the city.

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Help Shape the Future of Housing Policy in the City of Spokane

The Building Opportunity and Choices for All interim ordinance was developed in recognition of the critical need for housing, passed unanimously by City Council, and signed into effect by the Mayor in July 2022. However, the interim ordinance is an emergency short-term response to a long-term problem.

Housing Units Graph

Permit History Shows Missing Middle Gap

For many decades, the environment for building housing has not been designed to offer a variety of options within each neighborhood. Barriers exist across many levels of government and within the financial realm as well. City of Spokane Planning Services and Economic Development continues to provide an increase of inventory in housing options and opportunities. Read the blog! 

Community Workshop at Hive

Community Engagement

During the Building Opportunity for Housing planning process the City will undertake a series of outreach and engagement activities designed to capture the intent, vision and impressions of residents toward housing diversity and choice. More on this effort will be available soon.

Housing Choice is Part of Our Past and Future

The City of Spokane has a long history of providing many different housing types, designs, and styles. And yet, in the last 10 to 15 years missing middle housing development has been just that, missing! Building Opportunity for Housing hopes to change that, by easing the way for more creative, unique, and attractive housing while supporting the choices necessary to meet more residents’ housing needs.

In the Know...

When talking about expanding housing choice in Spokane, it’s important to know what the choices actually are. These will be explored further during this process, but a brief description of the various smaller-scale housing types is provided here for your reference. 

Accessory Dwelling Unit

A secondary unit, on a lot with an existing home, can be attached or detached. Changes to the Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) development code were approved earlier this year.


A building with two dwelling units on one lot, attached at one or more walls. 

Townhouse / Townhome 

Dwelling units on their own individual lots that share one or two side walls with an adjacent property. These can also be referred to as attached homes.


A building with three/four dwelling units on one lot, attached to each other in some way.

Cottage Style Development

Smaller detached housing structures on one lot, typically oriented around shared parking and outdoor space.

Plan Commission Information

City of Spokane

Plan Commission

Meeting Schedule

2nd and 4th Wednesday of the Month in City Hall


  • November 9 Workshop - Building Opportunity in Housing and South Logan TOD
  • October 26 Workshop - Housing Action Plan Update and Building Opportunity in Housing Public Engagement


  • Wednesday, Jan. 11: There will be a Building Opportunity for Housing workshop at the Plan Commission meeting.
 Agenda Details

We want your feedback!

Provide written comment in email to DevelopmentCode@spokanecity.org. This email list will be notified regarding additional opportunities for participation.

Sign up for Shaping Spokane Housing email updates and announcements here.

Interested in requesting an outreach event? Email us!

Development Services Center is Open to Serve You!

Monday-Friday | 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

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