
Housing Update

Thursday, April 20, 2023


Dear Community Member,

Thank you again to everyone who contributed to the Building Opportunity for Housing survey! Check out a sneak peak of the results Plan Commission received at their April 12 workshop below. A full report on the survey results will be shared once available. 

In the Know ... Proposed Short-Term Rental Code Updates

Short-term rentals are residential units (e.g. bedrooms, basements, entire dwellings) that the property owner rents to a guest for periods of less than 30 days.

Currently, short-term rentals (STRs) are only allowed in residential areas of the city and require a permit, which ensures the STR is operated in a safe manner that does not significantly affect the residential nature of the neighborhoods. Operating STRs in non-residential zoning districts changes the building use to a hotel/motel.

What are the proposed changes under Shaping Spokane Housing?

  • Expand where STRs may be located – such as in the downtown core and other non-residential zoning districts. This creates a path to compliance for existing units.
  • Cap the number of units by structure type. Low-density residential structures (single-family detached homes, duplexes) are limited to one STR unit. Structures with three or more units in residential zones are limited to 20% of the total units being rented out as STRs, and in non-residential zones will be limited to 30% of the total units.
  • Establish annual life safety inspections through the Fire Department and require a notarized Life Safety Compliance form for new or renewing permits.

Watch the presentation staff gave on April 13, 2023, for more details ...

Plan Commission Information

City of Spokane

ο»ΏPlan Commission

Meeting Schedule

2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the Month in City Hall



  • Wednesday, April 26: Plan Commission will discuss the first draft language of the Building Opportunity for Housing Comprehensive Plan text amendments. 
 Agenda Details

We want your feedback!

Provide written comment in email to This email list will be notified regarding additional opportunities for participation.

Sign up for Shaping Spokane Housing email updates and announcements here.

ο»ΏInterested in requesting an outreach event? Email us!

Development Services Center is Open to Serve You!

Monday-Friday | 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

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