Housing Update

Thursday, July 6, 2023


Miles Bergsma Photography

Dear Community Member,

The entire Planning Team hopes everyone had a safe and fun Fourth of July!

As the weather gets warmer and you spend more time outside, don’t forget that City Hall is still buzzing.

Development Services Center is open to serve you Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you have questions about your property or a project you’re thinking about working on, we’re here to help…

Short-Term Rental Ordinance Before Council July 10

At its June 12 agenda briefing, City Council voted to defer the proposed Ordinances C36391 and C36392 for short-term rental amendments to a final public hearing on July 10. You can watch the briefing for an overview of the proposed changes [click here to view].

City Council will consider several proposed substitutions from various council members to the draft and will vote on substitutions at the Public Hearing on July 10th. You can review City Council agendas on their webpage

Plan Commission Recommends Approval of Building Opportunity for Housing Comp Plan Amendments

At their June 28 public hearing, Spokane Plan Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendments proposed as part of Phase 1 of Building Opportunity for Housing.

Please note that Plan Commission also recommended three changes to the proposal, as follows:

  1. Replace the word “churches” in the new text with the term “places of worship.”
  2. Change the name for the second level of residential intensity from “Residential Increased” to “Residential Plus.”
  3. Amend the language of Policy LU 5.5 to include compatible along with complementary development guidance.

Did you miss the hearing? You can watch the recording below. The proposed amendments will be before City Council at its July 6 study session.  

In the Know ... Spokane Housing Action Plan

Did you know that Shaping Spokane Housing – the initiative that has led to accessory dwelling unit code updates, the Building Opportunity and Choices for All interim ordinance, and the ongoing Building Opportunity for Housing project – was created to help implement the City’s Housing Action Plan?

In July 2021, the City adopted its Housing Action Plan (HAP) to focus on implementation of housing policies and goals. The HAP identifies actions that the city can pursue to encourage more housing options and create more homes for more people. The Housing Action Plan built upon past initiatives and community discussions around infill development, housing quality, and affordable housing funding. The HAP yielded a coordinated set of strategies, based on community priorities, that supports more people being able to find a home that meets their needs with access to opportunities, services, and amenities.

  • Priority A: Increase housing supply, options, and affordability for all incomes.
  • Priority B: Preserve housing affordability and quality to help people thrive where they live.
  • Priority C: Enhance equitable access to housing and homeownership.
  • Priority D: Leverage and grow partnerships to support housing initiatives across the region.

Shaping Spokane Housing has helped and continued to help move some of the HAP strategies forward by expanding allowed housing types and encouraging missing middle housing throughout Spokane’s neighborhoods, continuing to streamline and simplify changes to the City’s permit process, and revising accessory dwelling unit standards to allow for additional flexibility.

Learn more about the Spokane Housing Action Plan

Plan Commission Information

City of Spokane

Plan Commission

Meeting Schedule

2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the Month in City Hall


  • June 28 Public Workshop – Phase 2 of Building Opportunity for Housing kicked off before Plan Commission with a discussion on lessons learned from the interim ordinance and how units should be regulated. [watch workshop recording]
  • June 28 Public Hearing – Plan Commission voted unanimously to approve the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments as part of Phase 1 of Building Opportunity for Housing. [watch the public hearing recording]


  • Wednesday, July 12, Public Workshop: Plan Commission will continue discussion on lot regulations as part of the Phase 2 of Building Opportunity for Housing. Proposed updates to the fish rearing text in the Shoreline Master Program and the South Logan TOD Project Preferred Alternative will also be discussed.  
 Agenda Details

We want your feedback!

Provide written comment in email to DevelopmentCode@spokanecity.org. This email list will be notified regarding additional opportunities for participation.

Sign up for Shaping Spokane Housing email updates and announcements here.

Interested in requesting an outreach event? Email us!

Development Services Center is Open to Serve You!

Monday-Friday | 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

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