In an industry that gained a lot of attention during the pandemic as the “first to shut down and last to open,” (If I never hear that again, I’ll be okay!) live entertainment has gone through extensive scenario planning just to come back to what we once knew it to be. Participating in the Strategic Foresight Fall 2021 session through Envision Greater Green Bay, I had a perfect opportunity to think differently about what the future would hold for live entertainment. What better time to consider the future, since everything we had known had just come to a halt?Read the full story here.
We Graduate a Great
Strategic Foresight Cohort!
Sixteen local leaders, representing a Catholic parish, the Greater Green Bay Chamber of Commerce, the City of Green Bay, NEW North, and more made their final presentations to the Envision Board of Directors on April 8. Two new Envision board members also completed training along with Envision's new Executive Director, Steve McCarthy. Enjoy highlights and photos of their presentations.
Green Bay's Innovation Incubator
When you bring in a future-focused trend analyst from Europe, you want to take her to the most exciting places in town, right? Show her that we too have a sharp, creative eye on the future, right? So that’s exactly what we did when Vicki Loomes of TrendWatching flew in from London to guide our first celebration of World Futures Day. Here's a photo journal of our visit to TitletownTech.
Relive World Futures Day!
Did you miss our March 1 celebration at St. Norbert College? Or did you attend, and you'd like to share some of those remarkable presentations with your team? We've got video footage of the TrendWatching presentations that you can access here:
Keep an eye on the results of the 2020 Census as they are published - and think about how they might affect Green Bay. For example, more and more articles document U.S. workers moving from high cost, high problem areas to lower cost, low problem areas. Why can’t Green Bay be one of them?Read more here.
For our Strategic Foresight Grads
Amazing Strategic Foresight Tools Demo!
See Strategic Foresight thinking applied to Ukraine
by Nan Nelson, Board Member
As they watch the war in Ukraine develop, futurists are considering worldwide impacts. What possible futures do the signals point to? Even if you're not terribly interested in the details of the ongoing war, you will be fascinated by the application of many of the tools we have learned in Strategic Foresight training in this comprehensive presentation.Learn more.
Foresight you can use today
Recommended by Nan Nelson
How to Win Over Your Futures Skeptics
Wayne Pan, Institute for the Future's Research Director, has some ideas about how to overcome this #1 problem for those looking to introduce strategic foresight into their organizations.
If you’ve done any amount of futures work you’ve inevitably had experiences with skeptics. The doubt can come in the form of snide comments about plausibility, subtle questions about data, or outright rejection of any possibilities that don’t fit into a comfortable, already-held narrative about the future... So how can we productively address skepticism in our audiences? Read the article here.
The Corporate Futurist for Deloitte points out five trends that will reframe our perspectives and inform growth-sustaining actions - if we pay attention and act boldly. In short, he suggests: technology will transform the art of the possible; stakeholder capitalism must remove negative externalities; new global strategies demand new interfaces between government and corporations; the business ecosystem has become critical to success; defaults will be reset at societal, economic, and organizational levels. Read more about these signals.