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Media Community

Channeling the Upper Valley

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July 20, 2022


Support CATV

JAM Crowdfunding Progress Report: 100%



Hermit Hill Family Farm Foundation, McCrory Family, Michael Choukas, Stettenheim Foundation, Peg & Todd Allen, Sharon Racusin, Allie Levy, Holly O'Connor

Nancy LaRowe, Cole As'sude, Jordan Green, Sarah Stewart Taylor, Kyle O'Dowd, Jean Burling, Susan Green, Kevin Ramos-Glew, Daniel D Maxell Crosby, Kristin Lehmann, Monica Medina, Liz Ryan Cole, Elizabeth Kurylo, Susan and David Taylor, Lisa Johnson, Jeanne Medina, Michael Beahan, Janice Henshaw, Judith Reeve, Corlan Johnson, Jes Raymond, Amber Hanna, Michelle Rogge, Ellen Hender, Joe and Kamron Clifford, Atlas Warren-Lutes, Kelli Guss, John Echternach, Bretton Watts, Casey Bernard, Nora Jacobson, Matthew Mazur, Jimmy Zien, Tamsin Orion, Susan Mullens, Michelle S, Stanton Williams, Brian Kenyon, Will Freihofer, Noor Taher, Jennifer Rickards, Annelies Ostler, Jeudi Davis, Elke Hanna, Robert O'Leary, Sean Donahue, Helen Davidson, Phin Roy-Ollie, ANONONYMOUS donors & PRIDE PROM guests

With your tremendous community support,

we reached our $15,000 goal with 16 days to spare,

unlocking a 2:1 match through the Better Places program of the VT Dept. of Housing and Community Development to support the creation of an innovative, inclusive new media arts community center for the Upper Valley.

It's not too late to add your name by July 31

and help us reach our stretch goals!

Visit our "Patronicity" Crowdfunding Campaign page for more info, a video about our vision, and link to support.


@CATV Upper Valley Channel on Comcast 1075/Vtel 169 & 1169

@CATV Government Channel on Comcast 1085/Vtel 170& 1170

@Streaming at, CATV On-Demand, YouTube

Common Ground Special Youth Edition: Climate Change

Youth journalist Annie Hanna hosts VT Reps Becca White and Jim Masland and NH Rep Russell Muirhead to address regional impacts of Climate Change for young people looking ahead to an economy, natural world and society transformed by climate change.

Youth-produced at jamCAMP: News & Multimedia Journalism (Summer 2022)

Common Ground Special Youth Edition: Education Policy

Youth journalist AJ Fredland hosts VT Reps Becca White and Jim Masland and NH Rep Russell Muirhead to address current controversies in educational policy at the state level, specifically around educator compensation and civics education related to competing narratives of American history. 

Youth-produced at jamCAMP: News & Multimedia Journalism (Summer 2022)

The women behind the economic rebirth of WRJ

Youth journalists investigating the economic renaissance of White River Junction made a compelling discovery: A disproportionate number of small business owners behind the transformation are women. Hear interviews with the owners of Juel, Flourish, Revolution and Gear Again for their insights and inspiration. Produced by Ollie Hanna, Annie Hanna and AJ Fredland at jamCAMP: News & Multimedia Journalism (Summer 2022)

Helping the worms help our planet

Take inspiration from the kids at Hartland Elementary who built a new school compost and created this short documentary film to show others how they can do their part to achieve sustainability.  Produced this spring in  partnership with CATV through a Vermont Arts Council Artist-in-Residence grant.

Local Government & School Boards on CATV 

Pictured: Norwich, VT Selectboard (7/13/22). Find local government and school meetings for Hartford, Norwich, and Hartland, VT; Hanover, NH and Lebanon, NH (SAU88 only).

Upper Valley Religious Services on CATV 

Pictured: Riverbank Church, White River Junction, VT. Join your local house of worship or visit a new one Sundays.


@CATV Podcasts

SHELF HELP podcast record session at the Briggs Opera House

CATV in the Valley News

Out & About: 3 Upper Valley bookstores venture off the page with podcast

... "Shelf Help also fits in with CATV’s plan for its pilot podcast program, launched this year, which involves training community members to produce their own podcasts about topics in the Upper Valley."

Read the full article


@CATV at the Briggs Opera House, @JAM (Junction Arts & Media), & around town

A/V Yard Sale to benefit JAM

July 23 8am - 11am

Looking for another way to help build a new home for media arts in the Upper Valley?

Donate used camera/audio/ lighting gear any time until July 23 and/or stop by and pick up a treasure!

5 S. Main St., 1st floor

(former Newberry Market)

White River Junction, VT

The Junction Dance Festival

"Dance is motion and motion is life. In every culture around the world dance is a means of expressing identity and feelings and connect with others. Dance is the yeast that makes the bread rise. It is the essential ingredient in all celebrations of joyful life events. We love dancing and we invite you to join in!"

Dance Workshops, Screenings & Performances at the Briggs Opera House, Open Door, and outdoors in White River Junction, VT

July 22-24


From around the region...


CATV partners with the Vermont Access Network (VAN) for HD (high def) community-produced content on Comcast 1070 (VT) and streaming everywhere.

CATV supports lifelong learning to engage the tools of media for individual and community expression in the Upper Valley.

Contact Us
CATV Newtro_for CC.jpg

Studio in the Briggs Opera House

& offices now at JAM (Junction Arts& Media)

5 S. Main Street, White River Junction, VT 05001

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