Share Hope This Christmas

Gifts For Children

Christmas Gift Pack

We are planning to prepare 1500 Christmas boxes for children this year. It brings us great joy to see a million-dollar smile on these children’s faces. We are excited to pack, seal, and deliver each Christmas box as we share the Gospel and expand our reach year after year. 

Gift Pack Price: $10

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School Uniform

In many South Asian countries, a school uniform is a luxury that many children simply cannot afford. Your gift of $15 can provide a school uniform and a new pair of shoes to a child who dreams of getting an education. 

School Uniform: $15

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Backpack for Kids

Have you ever seen the simple joy that a child feels by having a backpack to call their own when going back and forth from school? Just $10 can provide a backpack for a child in need.


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Gifts For Pastors

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Many pastors spend difficult hours walking from one village to another. They can visit three to four times as many villages in one day on a bicycle. Just $75 can help a native pastor be more effective by supplying them with a bicycle.

Bicycle Price: $75

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A Pastor and a motorcycle are a powerful combination. A motorbike is an extremely useful and time saving tool, especially in hilly areas where pedaling a bicycle is difficult. The cost of a motorbike is $1,000.

Motorcycle Price: $1000

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Homes For Pastors

In many south Asian countries, we don't get permission from the government to build churches and because of this many church activities take place in the houses of believers or pastors. SWI has helped build many homes for the pastors over the years. In these homes, countless souls and lives have been transformed.

Homes For Pastors

Price: $2500

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Gifts For Ministry

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Every Native Pastor wants to give the people they serve the chance to read and study the Bible in their language. Imagine the impact you can have on native pastors and their believers by providing a Bible through a gift of $3!


1 Bible Price: $3

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Gospel Tracts

All people need the chance to read the Gospel in their own language. Imagine the impact you can have on native missionaries by providing Gospel Tracts. Gospel tracts will help a native missionary share the story of our Savior and cost $25 a bundle.

Gospel Tracts

Price: $25 a bundle

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Church Building

A church building in a village becomes a community center bringing forth truth, hope, and fellowship. Your gift of any amount to our Church Building Fund can help plant native churches in villages around south Asia.

Church Building

Price: $2500

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Select A Life Changing Gift



Most families in the impoverished areas in which SWI serves have little or no insulation or indoor heating. Those who sleep on the streets are even more exposed to the cold.

Your gift will help provide soft blankets, giving warmth and protection to those in need during the winter. This is a simple yet profound way to serve those in India.

Blanket Price: $15

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Water Wells

15 years ago, SWI drilled water well in one of the villages in India. Until this well was completed, women carried huge containers on their backs and walked for miles just to get enough water to care for their families every day. This well has not just improved lives, it gave us a foothold into the community; thanks to this gift of water, many precious people have come to know the Lord.

Water Well

Price: $1500

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Sewing Machine

Due to the immense amount of work it takes to run a home without electricity, running water, or a sufficient income, many SWI missionaries in rural villagers spend all their time dealing with life's necessities, making them unable to "get ahead." Your gift will enable a missionary family to not only tailor their own clothes but even to start a personal business out of their home.

Sewing Machine

Price: $150

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Your gift towards chickens can help supplement a family’s income and often helps a family get on its feet financially. They can hatch chicks to increase their flock and later have more eggs and chicks to sell. 25 chickens and a chicken coup for the startup of a poultry farm which provides food, employment, and income for an individual or family.

25 Chicken Price: $100

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Water Buffalo

This is a big gift! A buffalo is a great asset for a poor missionary family. It can do the hard work of plowing the fields for crops and can provide transport as well as milk and cheese. That's labor, food, transport and extra income that can help a family, not only survive but prosper. Receiving a water buffalo can even greatly improve a family's financial situation when they sell the liters of milk the animal produces.

1 Water Buffalo Price: $500

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Goats and their offspring provide families with a key source of protein (milk and meat), help families generate income and ultimately help them become self-reliant.

Your gift of $75 will help buy a goat for a family in India.

1 Goat Price: $75

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