What Is a Master Plan?
A Master Plan is a collaboratively developed document that describes a community’s vision for future development, using text, maps, and diagrams. In Albemarle County, Master Plans are used to guide future public and private development and to coordinate and prepare more detailed plans.
Master Plan Update Process
The public participation process for the Crozet Master Plan includes four phases:
- Phase 1 focused on updating the community's vision and guiding principles that lay the foundation for the Master Plan document.
- Phase 2 involved Focus Area Input and Design Strategies. During this phase, staff worked with the community to identify specific recommendations and associated updates to maps on the topics of Character/Land Use, Connectivity/ Transportation, Conservation/ Parks & Green Systems, and Implementation.
- Phase 3 consisted of a period of recommendations drafting and refinement.
Phase 4 (current phase) will include drafting each chapter and taking the Final Master Plan Draft through public comment, public hearings, and approval processes.
Community Engagement
View the Community Engagement home for this project, available at
www.publicinput.com/imaginecrozet to view previous feedback opportunities and catch up on the project's progress to date.