Dear Friends,
Blessings your way as we shift focus from carefree summer days into the purposeful season of creative action. Hope this finds you replenished and ready for what's next - with joy!
With the transition into autumn underway, the time is ripe to check in on your Mind. What are your reading, learning and discussing lately that captures your attention and ignites the powers of your mind?
As this newsletter features the mental aspects of the integral, our contributors share personal takeaways from their recent learning experiences at ITP events. Enjoy soaking up gems for your practice and please share yours with us, too.
Learning opportunities await you with our fall calendar, including our online Journey of Practice series beginning in October. We are excited that ITP co-founder Michael Murphy will be part of our teaching team this go-round. Sign up now!
Speaking of Michael, Golf in the Kingdom, our 9th annual ITPI fundraiser, is right around the corner on October 7th. Join us, if you can, for a life-changing adventure on the greens and help support ITPI to continue "awakening the world to its fullest potential." Many options to participate!
Thanks so much for sharing the path of practice with us and for your enduring support of our global ITP community.
With love and deep gratitude,
Pam Kramer
ITPI President
Reflections on Integral Leadership Program
by Don Hudson
ITP Integral Leadership Program member
When I signed up for Integral Leadership Program, I was not sure what I was getting into. But from the first weekend when we met in Marin County, CA - I flew cross country for the course - I saw that this balanced program would lend focus on a weakness of mine when I go to trainings - embodiment - and help me examine how a lot of spiritual bypassing had taken me out of body. The IL program helped me realize how crucial embodiment practices are to creating a successful life, and how daily practices taught in the program bolster what for me is often a missing piece.
The Marriage of Heart and Soul
Reflections on the Core Practice Series
by Julie Goldie
ITP practitioner, Vancouver, Canada
Inner conflicts, whether on a small or large scale, are part of my weekly routine, and more often than not, are uncomfortable to address. Some days they are easily identifiable; some others though, not as much. I have not always been aware that this recurrent feeling of chest contraction, to a painful degree, is a helpful indicator of what is going on at the time. Over the past year I have felt it both more often and intensively than I used to. Once I have made myself aware of that fact, my mind immediately started rushing and making conclusions: "I constantly feel down and anxious; I have lost capacity to put things into perspective, and so on." In retrospect, I am the same person I was last year, with the exception that I have moved from one side of the Atlantic to the other in September. Bingo! No wonder I feel vulnerable and predisposed to experiencing tough emotions, as my partner and I have just lost nearly all our anchors, apart from one another.
Click the image above to view Deepak Chopra's presentation at the 2019 IONS Conference.
ITP International collaborated with our partners and friends at the IONS Conference this past July and enjoyed leading the Kata each morning and presenting the
Inhabit Awe &
Noetic Leadership breakout sessions. YeHo!
Essential Listening Summer Workshop
in Bordeaux, France
by David Leech
ITP & Journey of Practice member, London, England
The Essential Listening ITP summer workshop in Bordeaux took place on July 6-8 this year and was presented by Pam Kramer together with ITP Bordeaux Group Leaders Jacques Moreau and Isabelle Goldie. The theme of this newsletter is the power of the mind, and listening is intimately connected with understanding, but one of the purposes of the workshop was to develop greater awareness of how we listened in order to access more profound levels of understanding.
But before I turn to the listening dimension of the workshop inspired by Otto Scharmer's Theory U, I will mention something about the daily ITP practices. Each day we practiced the kata, and for an ITP practitioner who had so far only practiced with others via online ITP sessions, learning and practicing with others in the same physical space not only provided me with a real sense of community, but I noticed that my kata practice took an immediate jump forward.
The Marriage of Theory and Practice
On Involution-Evolution
A Passage from
The Life We Are Given
by George Leonard & Michael Murphy
ITP co-founders
Cosmologists tell us that our world began as some sort of seed, no larger perhaps than a needle point. There was a moment, they say, just the barest instant of time, when from that seed there arose enough energy to create everything in our universe. This stupendous beginning had no atoms, no elements as we know them now, and yet it contained in potential the billions
of galaxies, the millions of species on earth, the human mind
and heart.
Spotlight on Doran Blinderman
ITP San Francisco, Journey of Practice
and Integral Leadership member
How did you become involved in ITP?
I used to own the wine bar around the corner from Aikido of Tamalpais. Lots of ITP members would come in, and I got to know them over time and hear about George and the dojo. I read
Mastery during that period, but it didn't land for me at the time. Pam invited me to a weekend workshop on the kata, and it was such a clearing experience for me. I remember how it helped unclutter my mind after just 45 minutes.
A few years went by, and I hadn't done any further work with ITP. I brought along Mastery with me on a quick vacation in Arizona, and reading it a second time, each sentence seemed to connect with me. I still think it's one of the best written and practical books I've read.
Energized from rediscovering
Mastery, I reached out to the SF ITP group as soon as I got home, and have been on my path since then!
"To learn is to change. Education is a process that changes the learner."
George Leonard,
Education & Ecstasy
Make a gift of support
to help us expand
our programs and
be of greater service
to the world.
ITP San Rafael Presents
4 free Open Sessions
this fall
September 11
September 18
September 25
Falkirk Cultural Center
San Rafael, CA
Contact Donita for more info
ITP Palo Alto Presents
3 free Open Sessions
September 28
October 5
October 12
8:30 - 11:15 am
Sofia University, Aikido Dojo
Palo Alto, CA
Last session of 3-part
Live Social Action Series
with Emanuel Kuntzelman
September 25, 2019
Online only
Special Event
The Practice of Health
with Larry Jacobson and
Pam Kramer
September 25, 2019
Kaiser Permanente,
Beaverton Med. Clinic,
Beaverton, OR
ITP Online Global Dojo Presents
The Journey of Practice Online Training
Michael Murphy guest teacher
Saturdays 10am - Noon PST
Oct 5 | Nov 2 | Dec 7
Jan 4 | Feb 1 | Feb 29
ITP International Presents
9th Annual
Michael Murphy's
Golf in the Kingdom
at TPC Harding Park
Home of the 2020
PGA Championship
October 7, 2019
San Francisco, CA
ITPI Benefit Evening
with Michael Murphy
The Mysterious Kingdom of Golf
October 10, 2019
6:30 - 9 pm
Falkirk Cultural Center
San Rafael, CA
Weekend Workshop
Focus & Surrender:
Beckoning the Winds of Grace
with Max Gaenslen and
Pamela Kramer
November 22-24, 2019
DoubleTree Hotel | Warren Pl.
Tulsa, OK
Save the dates
Integral Leadership Program 2
7 sessions over 6 months starting Jan 17-19, 2020
4 retreat sessions
Jan 17-19 | Mar 20-22
May 1-3 | Jun 5-7
More Info & Registration
coming soon!