Tell us about your summer fun in the Allegheny County Parks!
Summer is officially over, but we hope the memories you made in the Allegheny County Parks this summer last you through the winter. Before you break out your favorite flannel, tell us what you did this summer! Did you host a family reunion in South Park or attend a summer concert in Hartwood Acres? Maybe you splashed in the Boyce Park Wave Pool, or rode your bike on the North Park Lake Trail. Whatever you did, we’d love to hear about it. Send us an email with your favorite memories from the summer. Bonus points if you include photos!
RAD supports Hartwood Sculpture Garden
The Allegheny Regional Asset District Board of Directors recently announced its support to Allegheny County for the Hartwood Acres Sculpture Garden as part of a special celebration for RAD's 25th anniversary. Allegheny County and the City of Pittsburgh submitted a joint proposal for $1.5 million to bring art to the parks. Allegheny County will use its funding for the Hartwood Acres Sculpture Garden. The Parks Foundation is a partner with the county on this project.

Project Updates
Cascades Outdoor Classroom
Work has begun on the Cascades Outdoor Classroom in South Park. This joint project of the Parks Foundation and Allegheny County will offer visitors an immersive nature experience with Park Rangers to learn what lives and grows in their parks. This seating area is part of an education and programming hub, which also includes a five-acre meadow and the Cascades water feature. The Outdoor Classroom is the starting point for a half-mile environmental educational trail loop in development by the Parks Department. Additional funding for this project has been provided by the Grable Foundation.

Settlers Cabin Waterfall Trail
The stunning waterfall in Settlers Cabin Park has long been a destination spot for hikers but the deteriorated trail condition and steep terrain have made visiting it challenging. Thanks to a partnership between the Parks Foundation and Allegheny County, much needed trail improvements are underway. The Waterfall Trail will be designed to preserve sensitive botanical areas surrounding the trail. Plantings scheduled for next spring will restore and protect the stream banks from erosion. Additional funding for this project has been provided by an REI Outdoor Places Grant and Fed Ex.

Learn more about the ecology of Settlers Cabin Park.
Volunteer Opportunity
Fall is the perfect time to plant trees. Help the Parks Foundation and Allegheny County Parks plant 200 trees in Hartwood Acres Park.Volunteers are needed on Wednesday, November 6 from 9am - 3pm. Larger trees will be planted, along with small bushes in one- and two-gallon containers, so everyone can participate. This planting is part of the Little Pine Creek Restoration Project and funded by Patagonia.

Sign up here by October 15 or call Barbara Brewton at 724.327.7627 for more information.
Pour at the Park
Thank you to our patrons, vendors and sponsors!
Thanks to everyone who joined us for our semi-annual Pour at the Park at the North Park Lodge last month! This event helps the Parks Foundation raise funds to design and implement projects in all nine county parks. Your support makes great parks happen!
Boyce Park | Deer Lakes Park | Harrison Hills Park | Hartwood Acres Park
North Park | Round Hill Park | Settlers Cabin Park | South Park | White Oak Park
Allegheny County Parks Foundation | 675 Old Frankstown Road | Pittsburgh, PA 15239