Fostering a Healthy and Equitable Community
for all in the Pajaro Valley
As the Covid-19 vaccine distribution is becoming more available we want to share information to help you stay informed and learn if you qualify for a vaccine yourself.
From the State
COVID-19 vaccination is one of the most important tools to end the COVID-19 pandemic. The State is prioritizing vaccines for equitable distribution to everyone in California who wants it. The State expects to have enough supplies to vaccinate most Californians by summer 2021.

Click the link below to learn more about the phased distribution plan for the vaccine and to sign up to be notified when you qualify to receive the vaccine.
From Santa Cruz County
HSA Public Health is currently prioritizing vaccinations for Phase 1A populations as well as individuals age 75+ and those 65+ who are low-income and/or live in South County. These clinics are specifically targeted at high-risk populations within Santa Cruz County.
Vaccination Opportunities
Vaccine Clinics Utilizing Public Health Vaccines and Eligible Population
Dates, # of Appointments, and How to Register
250 Main Street
Watsonville, CA,

Pedestrian Clinic

Eligible Population:
  • Phase 1a
  • Age 75+, South County residents (zip: 95019, 95076, 95077)
  • Age 65+ South County residents (zip: 95019, 95076, 95077)
Ongoing dates:
Thursday - Monday (210 appts/day)

Registration Options:

*Registration & Call Center are available in both English and Spanish
Safeway Pharmacy
(multiple locations)

Eligible Population:
Ongoing dates:
Thursday - Monday
(210 appts/day)

Registration Options:

*Registration & Call Center are available in both English and Spanish
Federally Qualified Health Centers 
(Salud, HSA, SCCH)

Eligible Population:
  • Phase 1a
  • Patients age 75+
  • Anyone 65+ who is Medi-Cal eligible, un/underinsured

For FQHC registration information, visit:
Questions About the Vaccine?
Hear from local experts and get your questions answered.
Attend this free online forum:

COVID-19 Vaccines: What You Need To Know Now
Tuesday, February 23, 2021, at 6 PM on Zoom

Real-time translations will be available in Spanish, Mixteco, and Trique.
Community Health Trust of Pajaro Valley |
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