Nov. 15, 2023

We have very exciting news in our Early Childhood Program! In response to a community need for additional high-quality daycare options for infants, we are excited to offer this extension of our already caring and loving daycare program! Our new infant room will open on Monday, Jan. 8. We are in the process of decorating and getting everything ready for our first infants! We have four full-time spaces available. Registration is open now through the next week for Fairmount Temple members only, and then will open up to the general public after that. Only full-time care is available at this time. The first full-time session begins Jan. 8 through June 7. The next full-time session will begin June 10, with already-enrolled infants having priority.

If you are looking for part-time infant care, let us know. If our full-time spaces are not filled, we will take infants part time in the order that they are on the waiting list.

Here are some details:

  • Infants must be between 8 weeks and 12 months old.
  • The hours are a little bit different than the general Early Childhood Program. Infant care is available weekdays from 8:30 am - 5:30 pm.
  • Fees: $99 per day for Fairmount Temple members and $110 per day for non-members


Are you or someone you know exploring infant day care now or in the future? Feel free to contact me to ask questions or reserve your spot at [email protected].

We're very excited to offer this expanded opportunity to welcome infants to our Early Childhood Program!


Holly Green, Early Childhood Program Director


Myra Stone was one of many Fairmount Temple members who attended Tuesday's Israel Rally in Washington, DC.

Thanks to the Jewish Federation of Cleveland for coordinating the logistics of getting some 1,800 Clevelanders to the Rally!  An estimated 290,000 people from across North America gathered at the National Mall to raise their voices together.

Click here for some other photos from the inspiring day.


  • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 6:15- 7 pm - Service of Healing and Renewal in our Bogomolny Faigin Activity Center. The service, open to all, will be led by members of our clergy team and Cantorial Soloist Celia Hollander Lewis. This is an opportunity to unite in song, prayer, and reflection, with open hearts, and seek healing, comfort, and renewal in a time rife with conflict. The service, in person and live-streamed, will conclude by 7 pm to accommodate those going to hear Former Israeli PM Naftali Bennett speak at a Jewish Federation of Cleveland gathering at 7:30 pm.

Click here for the list of names being read in memoriam at Fairmount Temple.

  • SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2 pm (Note new time) - Fairmount Temple and The Temple-Tifereth Israel will co-host Conversations with Clergy. This social gathering, to be held at The Temple-Tifereth Israel, is an opportunity to hear from clergy from both communities as they share their personal journeys and individual hopes for the future. Adam Miller, Vice President at WKYC/TEGNA, will serve as moderator. Join us and hear the conversation! Following the program, there will be time to chat with clergy and members of each synagogue, share a nosh, and tour The Temple-Tifereth Israel. Let us know you're attending with your RSVP here.


Saturday, Nov. 18, 9:15 am

Shabbat Morning Torah Study- Join Rabbi Muhlbaum and fellow members for an accessible and engaging discussion of this week's Torah portion via Zoom.

Wednesday, Nov. 29, 9:15 am

Adult Learning - Rabbi Caruso continues his Wednesday course on Zoom, A Primer on Zionism, examining the evolution of Zionism at a time when Israel and Zionism are prominently on our minds. (Please note, there will not be a session on Nov. 22)  

To register for adult learning series, members can email [email protected]


Beth Wain Brandon (pictured) shares her experience from a two-day solidarity mission to Israel.

Dr. Erin Benay, Distinguished Scholar of Public Humanities at CWRU, is delivering a lecture on Taking Art and Its Histories to the Streets.

Joel Fox is first recipient of The Bob Cahen Outstanding Fundraising Professional Award.

Larry Heller highlighted on for his kindness and redemption.

Rabbi Elle Muhlbaum is interviewed about b'nai mitzvah celebrations (page 18) and Dylan Oakley and Susan Ringel are pictured (page 20) in the new CJN Bar-Bat Mitzvah magazine.

Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk wrote a column for, "Get Out of the Ark and Confront Human Cruelty."

Terri Weinberg, Eileen Sill, Michael Perlmuter and Erica Starrfield pictured in article about ORT-America-Ohio award presentation to Scott Simon, son of Sherry & Bart Simon.


Keisha Krumm, the Executive Director and lead organizer of Greater Cleveland Congregations (GCC), will be our special guest speaker at the Friday, December 1, Shabbat Evening Service at 6:15 pm.


MACE Islamic Center (Richmond Heights) - We have volunteers going this Thursday, Nov 16, from 2-5 pm to pack up food for their drive-thru food pantry and they can use a few extra hands. If you can help, email Wendy Jacobson here.

Chanukah Mitzvah Opportunity

Can you help with our annual Chanukah Project, sending personalized cards to some of our older members? If you can help, let Wendy know here by Monday, Nov. 27. She will send you names/addresses so you can mail your cards before Chanukah begins on the evening of December 7. One recipient said last year, "I don't get much mail anymore, so it was fun receiving your card!"

Operation Warm Up Underway

Our annual collection of winter hats, gloves and scarves supports Operation Warm Up in coordination with NCJW Cleveland. Our collection bin is outside the North doors (Religious School entrance) through Nov. 21. You can also support the project by purchasing items online here and select Fairmount Temple's Caring Community as the shipping address. Thank you to Yarn Over Beachwood, coordinated by Iris November, for their beautiful donation of hand-knitted warm hats and scarves.

Nov/Dec. Connections Newsletter

Click here for the virtual edition.

Click here for the ACFT/TTTI November Collaboration Calendar

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