Welcome to Grace at Home. God's best to you in 2022! May God bless you and your family with the gifts of heaven and earth this year.

Due to icy conditions and severely low temperatures, in-person service will not take place today. Grace Community Christian Church will share in worship online only this morning.
Click on the pictures below to access the video content. Scriptures and prayers are located below the links.
"Our Hope for the New Year"
(video for reflection)
"Do It Again/Surrounded"
(Opening song)
Children Worship and Wonder
"You're Worthy of MyPraise"
(song of reflection)

"We are Disciples of Christ"
(Video about Disciples identity and community)
"By Faith and Baptism:
Understanding Our Faith"
(Sermon by Pastor Yvonne Gilmore)

Gifts of generosity and grace
You may give gifts, tithes, and offerings online below or mail in a check to Grace Community Christian Church.

Thank you for your heartfelt gifts and generous support. Thank you for making space for Grace to be shared between, among, and beyond our walls.

Your faithful tithes and offerings make a difference. We are grateful for your ministry.
We are a part of something BIGGER...than ourselves, than time, than darkness. We are a part of God's movement for wholeness in this new time. Let us give in gratitude and commitment.

Some of you may not be baptized yet, but for those who have been baptized, do you remember your baptism?  

Usually when we baptize someone, we use their whole name, making sure to identify this specific person is voluntarily making a public affirmation of his/her faith. From that moment on, that person is one who can be called by God’s name!

Just as there are expectations from your family of how to live up to your family name, we have expectations of how each of us, and all of us, will live up to being claimed as God’s own beloved daughters and sons. One of those expectations is that we will lovingly share our time, talents and treasure in the life of the Church.

Today, I want to encourage each one of us to claim what a privilege it is to be baptized into Christ Jesus. As privileged people, we respond with our offering. Let the gifts you offer today, and throughout this new year, be gifts of gratitude for the privilege of being named “disciples of Jesus Christ!”

Offering prayer

Source of all being, hear our thanks as we offer ourselves and these symbols of our daily living to you. May your Spirit pour into us, as it came into Jesus, for we truly want to be claimed by you as we follow him, holding nothing back. Transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, help us to share our lives, our hearts, our energies, as well as our efforts, in ministry to the world around us. Help us find ways to live the Good News of your love for one and for all in service with Jesus, your Beloved Son, Amen.
Click here to give online using Paypal or your credit card
Opening Prayer

Holy God, even as we step into a new year, this year 2022, we find it hard to “fear not.” We’ve been challenged by COVID, weather, isolation, and other things beyond our control. We’re eager to draw close to you.
We’re eager to be filled with holy expectation.
We’re eager to experience your Spirit descending into our lives. So claim us in this hour. Call us to rejoice in you, in Jesus, the Christ, and in your Holy Spirit, Amen. 
Prayer of Trust
Voice of Heaven, we lift our praises and concerns to you. Before you breathed the Word which tamed chaos, you named us your children, heirs of all the goodness you desired for us.

When we baptize ourselves in the frigid waters of fear, you come to gather us up,
drying us off with grace, wrapping us in the warm, fluffy towel of the Spirit.

When our faith becomes as threadbare as the
carpet beneath our feet, you come, your work boots on, your tool belt around your waist,
building a new foundation for us, whistling, 'my hope is built on nothing less . . .' When we worry that someone else has taken our place in your heart, you show us where our name is etched, so you can always feel us with every beat.

God in Community, Holy in One,
we lift our prayers of joy and our concerns to you in trust and confidence in your love,
even as we pray together saying,
 (The Lord's Prayer - Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name...)
Acts 8:14-17
14 Now when the apostles at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them.
15 The two went down and prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit
16 (for as yet the Spirit had not come upon any of them; they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus).
17 Then Peter and John laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.

The movie insight and discussion group will watch and discuss The Shack. Dates and times will be announced soon.
Grace Community Christian Church
2770 Montgomery Road
Aurora, IL 60504