Presbytery of the Miami Valley

Joys and Concerns

Sharing Our Joys and Concerns
Each Sunday on our Presbytery of the Miami Valley calendar we hold up one of our mighty 49 churches in prayer. It is part of our covenant that we pray for each other. Leadership Council would also like to share joys and concerns about each of our churches that can be lifted up in prayer. 
Please hold up these prayer requests for our brothers and sisters this month:
First Presbyterian Church (Bradford) , with Pastor Mike Buker, shares that their joys are many. They are small but strong in faith, a great joy. They find joy in joining together each Sunday to worship, to celebrate and to enjoy each other. There is joy in that they will be hosting two of the Wednesday evening Lenten Services for the Bradford community. This is a great chance for the various churches to join together and worship as The Church.
As with many churches today they are an aging church missing the new generations needed for growth. They find concern in these missing new generations of members. They have the grandparents and sometimes their grandchildren. But church is not always important to the parents of these children so they rarely attend. Reaching this generation and losing their children is a concern for them and the church. Without these it is difficult for churches to grow and to thrive and to pass on message of Jesus.

Oxford Presbyterian Church
 (Oxford), with Pastor Lawrence Bartel, and Associate Pastor Marc van Bulck, is filled with joy in having Pastor Marc van Bulck join their staff. Their concern about Pastor Lawrence Bartel carrying such a heavy load has been alleviated by this caring, friendly and accomplished pastor. His installation will be happening soon.

One of the concerns they are dealing with in Oxford is the proposed expansion of services to the underserved in our community. The faith community has been asked to financially support a new building that will support more and better benefits for those in need.

Northminster Presbyterian Church
 (Springfield), with Pastor Dwight McCormick, asks for prayers of discernment from the Holy Spirit as they seek to answer the call God has for Northminster in their community and in the world. Please pray for discernment to find the mission to which they are called in this time and this place. Please pray for discernment for how to be good stewards of their gifts and time. Please pray for discernment for their strategic planning team to help articulate what all of those pieces look like in practical terms. Also, Pastor Dwight shares his joy in taking a Sabbatical with his family this coming summer.

Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church
 (Piqua) shares their concern at being a very small congregation. They continue to pray for what the future holds for them. Joys are how their members are very faithful, have a wonderful countenance of love and compassion, and how their faith keeps growing!