August is National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM), and the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) has compiled resources that can be used throughout NIAM (and all year-round) to help raise awareness about vaccine-preventable diseases and the importance of prevention through vaccination:
Low immunization rates put everyone at risk for vaccine-preventable diseases. The NFID Vaccines for Life videos and infographic help make the case that while recommendations may change as we age, the need for protection does not.
Improving HPV Immunization among US Adults: Implementing Vaccine Recommendations, an online self-paced educational activity based on the latest recommendations for vaccinating US adults against human papillomavirus (HPV).
Co-brandable NFID graphics help raise awareness with 10 Reasons to Get Vaccinated. When you skip vaccines, you leave yourself vulnerable to illnesses such as shingles, influenza (flu), and HPV and hepatitis B–both leading causes of cancer.
The Vaccines for Children (VFC) animated public service announcement video highlights the value of the federally-funded program which provides free or low-cost vaccines to eligible uninsured and underinsured children.
Partner Resources
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) offers resources for sharing accessible, evidence-based information on COVID-19, Tdap, and flu vaccination during pregnancy.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers graphics, videos, factsheets, and other resources (in English/Spanish) to highlight the importance of staying up to date on routine vaccines across the lifespan.
The #FirstDayVax Campaign toolkit from Vaccinate Your Family provides back-to-school vaccine reminders and information about the safety and benefits of vaccines, including downloadable graphics and sample social media posts for use throughout NIAM.
Voices for Vaccines offers a convenient guide to posting on social media throughout NIAM, including a series of co-brandable graphics and post templates, organized by week, along with other tips for social media engagement.
NFID blog posts offer valuable content on infectious disease topics for healthcare professionals, parents, caregivers, and anyone interested in staying informed. Posts cover the latest breakthroughs, news round-ups, health advisories, and guest posts from respected thought leaders.

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