Shavua Tov: Sunday, August 6, 2017 / 14 Av 5777
Welcome to Temple Isaiah's weekly newsletter. Shavua tov, h ave a good week.

Sunday, August 6
3pm  P'tach Libeynu in TTC 204

Wednesday, August 9
11:30am W.I.S.E. Ones Seniors Group in the Adult Lounge
7pm Wise Aging cohort in the Sanctuary

Friday, August 11
9:15am Ganeinu Jewish Playgroup in the Adult Lounge
8pm  Shabbat service in the Sanctuary followed by oneg

Saturday, August 12
9:15am Torah Study in the Beit Knesset
9:30am Tot Shabbat in the Adult Lounge
10:30am Shabbat Minyan in the Beit Knesset

For the complete Temple Isaiah calendar, visit
Treat Yourself To Shabbat
The invitation to rest is rooted in an undeniable spiritual gravity that allows all things to rest and settle, to find their place. There comes a moment in our striving when more effort actually becomes counterproductive, when our frantic busyness only muddies the waters of our wisdom. - Wayne Muller, Sabbath 
Shabbat Service
Fri day, August 11  at 8pm in the Sanctuary

Second Fridays include a Torah reading and celebration for those with birthdays and anniversaries in August. Our special guests will be called to the bima for the honor of chanting the blessings for the Torah reading, and receive a special blessing from our clergy. Let's pray, sing and celebrate together as we draw inspiration from the Torah and the strength of our community.

Torah Study
Satur day, August 12 at 9:15am in the Beit Knesset
Join us on Shabbat morning as we study the weekly Torah portion with a member of our clergy team. Newcomers are always welcome. 
Tot Shabbat Morning
Satur day, August 12 at 9:30am in the Adult Lounge
Geared toward families with children 0 to 5 tears old, Tot Shabbat is an interactive and friendly Shabbat experience. Enjoy a free bagel brunch, activities and prayer with other young families. R.S.V.P. at
Shabbat Minyan 
Satur day, August 12  at 10:30am  in the Beit Knesset
Join us Saturday morning for worship from liturgy in Mishkan T’filah, the Reform Movement’s prayer book in the Beit Knesset at 10:30am.
Why Bother With Religious School? 
Our Director of Education Rabbi Nicki Greninger shares her perspective  here.
Learn more about JQuest at
Oneg Sign-Up Deadline August 31 
If you haven't already, please sign-up by August 31 for onegs this year. Those who haven't signed-up will be charged $36 to your account for the hospitality fund. 
Order Challah and Support Gan Ilan Preschool
Get your weekly or high holy day challah through Temple Isaiah and support our preschool. Cost: $5 each. Click here to login to your account to order by August 29.
Starting a Hebrew or Yiddish Conversation Group
Do you speak Hebrew or Yiddish?
Would you like to get together to practice with other Temple Isaiah members?
A member of our congregation is looking for others who want to meet up for casual conversation and language practice.Once we get a head count we will organize a kickoff meeting and get the group started! If interested, please contact Todd Degnan or Rabbi Greninger.
Featured Events This Week
Camp Kefli 2017:  August 7-11 for kids K-8
The Camp Kefli experience enhances a child's year-round Jewish learning and promotes a positive connection to Temple Isaiah. The days are spent on adventures to places like the Exploratorium, Creativity Museum, and Six Flags Discovery Kingdom. We bowl, swim, and have fun competing in the annual Maccabi Games. Our Theme Days this year include Mighty Jewish Power Rangers, Kefli Cartoon Mania, and Kefli Takes Manhattan. Register at
P'tach Libeynu
P'tach Libeynu - Support Group for Adults with Mental Illness
Sunday, August 6, 3-4:30pm in TTC room 204
Dealing with anxiety, depression or other emotional challenges?  Come to Temple Isaiah's support group and join others in sharing and supporting one another. Facilitated by licensed marriage and family therapist, Valerie Milner, and Diana MaKieve. Contact: [email protected] or (925) 988-9707.
W.I.S.E. Ones Seniors Group 
Wednesday, August 9 at 11:30am in the Adult Lounge
All seniors are welcome to join us when Rabbi Shelley Waldenberg will be our guest speaker at the Wise Ones group. We will discuss:"The Book of Jonah and Us." Perhaps together we can figure out why on Yom Kippur afternoon, when we are so exhausted and famished,  we have to read a book in the Hebrew Bible that is so "ironic, ambiguous, inconclusive, and darkly comic."  Bring your lunch, your existential angst, and your sense of humor.  Any questions, or need a ride? Questions? Contact Jan Trzesniewski at 925-376-0361 or [email protected]
Ganeinu Jewish Playgroup
Friday, August 11 at 9:15am in the Adult Lounge
Temple Isaiah is proud to offer a free, weekly, Jewish, drop-in playgroup for parents and caregivers, and their infants and toddlers (0-30 months). All are welcome.
Looking Ahead
Anshei Isaiah at Jewish Heritage Nights
Tuesday, August 15 with the A's and
Monday, August 21 with the SF Giants 

TI Business Connections "Schmooze and Schmear"

Sunday, August 20 from 9:30-11am in the Adult Lounge

Come make business connections with your TI member community. Bring your business cards and an elevator speech. Complementary bagels and coffee provided. Click here to R.S.V.P. Questions? Contact [email protected]

WOI Tours New Home of Sufism Reoriented
Sunday, August 20 at 2pm at 11 White Horse, Walnut Creek
Women of Isaiah are planning another tour of the magnificent architectural center of the Sufism Reoriented organization before the Rachel event at Temple at 4pm. R.S.V.P. by August 15 to [email protected]
Rachel: Israel's National Poet
A Musical Celebration of Her Life and Poetry
Sunday, August 20 in the Sanctuary at 4pm (doors open at 3:30pm)
Free and open to the public. Written, produced, and directed by Efi Lubliner and Rivka Amado with Michael Gill, Doron Rotem, and Gordon Lustig. Sponsored by Temple Isaiah, Congregation B'nai Shalom and the Contra Costa JCC. Click here for details.
Sacred Hebrew Chant and Healing Circle
Monday, August 21 at 7pm in the Beit Knesset
Share in ritual, chant and meditative silence…finding some moments of calm as we immerse ourselves in the prayers of our ancestors.
Neshamah Yoga Resumes August 22
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10am in the Adult Lounge
Neshamah Yoga™ is open to every age, every body. This unique class weaves together self-care/massage, tai-chi, brain balancing, and traditional yoga poses, along with breathing techniques for stress reduction and optimal health.  This ongoing, drop-in class draws from the deep wellspring of our tradition, including Mussar, Torah portions, liturgy, poetry, and Jewish holidays.  Bring: Yoga mat.  All other props will be provided for new students. Adults only, drop-ins welcome. $5 for members, $10 for nonmembers. This class is facilitated by Temple Isaiah member Kendra Fried, mind-body movement specialist and integrative wellness counselor. Please feel free to contact her with any questions or concerns at (831) 717-4270, or [email protected] and visit
Tot Shabbat Evening
Friday, August 25 at 5:30pm in the Sanctuary  followed by catered dinner
Geared toward families with children 0 to 5 years old, Tot Shabbat is an interactive and friendly Shabbat experience. Enjoy food, activities and prayer with other young families. Dinner cost: $30 per family (max. 2 adults, 3 kids) or $10 per person. Details and R.S.V.P. at
Women of Isaiah Kick Off
Monday, August 28 at 6pm in the Social Hall
"Not Your Bubbie's Kugel: Eating for Health at the Jewish Table" with chef Tal Sendrovitz and holistic nutritionist Stephanie Snyder. Schmoozing, dinner, raffle, and more. Special tribute to Rabbi Judy Shanks. $50 WOI Members or $70 for Non-WOI Members. $36 for women age 36 and under. Register at
P'tach Libeynu Support Group for Caregivers
Monday, August 28 at 7pm in TTC 204
Are you a parent, sibling, or child of an adult with mental illness? This group provides information as well as the opportunity to share and support each other as you learn to help your loved one. Facilitated by licensed clinical social worker, Rosemarie Frydman, and NAMI certified trainer Karen Cohen. Contact [email protected] 
High Holy Days Prep Course
Tuesday, August 29 at 7pm in the Adult Lounge
Thursdays, August 7 and 14 at 7pm in the Beit Knesset
Join our clergy as we spend three weeks preparing for the High Holy Days and turn our hearts, minds, and spirits toward the new year ahead.
Anshei Isaiah Fantasy Football League Draft
Thursday, August 31 at 7pm in the Beit Knesset
Whether you are a Raider or Niner supporter, or you root for the team from your ancestral homeland in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Dallas, or Boston, pick your players and root them on to your own team’s victory. Spots are available for Anshei’s Isaiah’s Fantasy Football League. New players and fantasy veterans welcome. Co-own a team with a child, grandchild, or friend if you wish. Standard scoring rules. $72 entry fee includes $18 donation to Youth Fund. Register through your online Temple account. Big prizes for winners. Draft live at the event, log in remotely, or set an autodraft.  Contact Stu Kirsch with questions 508-821-0479 or [email protected]
Friday, September 1 at 6:30pm in the Amphitheater
Join us for a music-filled, outdoor Shabbat service in our beautiful amphitheater. Please remember to bring sunscreen and wear layers. Service followed by Shabarbecue dinner. Cost is $35 per family (up to 2 adults, 3 kids) or $10 per person for burgers, veggie burgers, hot dogs, green salad, potato chips, and watermelon. R.S.V.P. at
Mussar and Meditation Service 
Saturday, September 2 at 10:30am in the Beit Knesset
Explore the wisdom of Mussar practice on the first Saturday morning each month when Temple Isaiah offers a Mussar & Meditation Shabbat experience. We open our hearts through chant and silence, and discuss the Jewish teachings around a particular quality. If you are seeking a soulful Shabbat, but with a little less prayer - this is for you. If you are seeking ways to grow wiser in your everyday life - this is for you. If you aren’t so sure about chanting and silence, give it a try anyway. You might be surprised at how the combination of music and silence calms us, connects us, and creates space for new ways of thinking and acting to emerge.
Jewish Book Group
Wednesday, September 6 at 10:30am in the Adult Lounge
All are welcome! This is not a ‘club’ but a dynamic group of people who love Jewish books, reading, discussions and expressing strong opinions. The September book is The Best Place on Earth by Ayelet Tsabari. Any questions or suggestions, contact clergy assistant Nina Jones at [email protected]
Shabbat in the Park
Friday, September 15 at 6:30pm at Hap Magee Ranch, Danville
Hate driving in traffic? No problem! We're bringing Shabbat to you.  Meet at Hap Magee Ranch Park this summer for family-friendly services. Come early and bring your own picnic dinner, seating (chairs, or blankets), and bring your pets on a leash for a special pet blessing. We hope to see you there!
Saturday, September 16
7pm S'lichot Learning, discussion, and dessert reception in the Social Hall
8:30pm S'lichot Service in the Sanctuary
High Holy Days
High Holy Days Passes
Passes to High Holy Days for each household are included with membership and will be mailed by September to all Temple Isaiah members in good standing. Additional passes are available for purchase online. Questions? Please call (925) 283-8575.

Wanted: High Holy Days Chanters
We are looking for congregants who are interested in chanting a Torah portion at High Holy Days services this year. Even if you have not chanted since your bar or bat mitzvah, this is a wonderful opportunity to rekindle your connection with Torah through publicly chanting these holiest of words. It’s never too early to start practicing, so please call the temple or email Cantor Korn at [email protected] to volunteer. Cantor Korn will provide all of the materials you need to be prepared for the holidays. Priority will be given to those who have not chanted on the High Holy Days before.

Yizkor Book of Remembrance
Temple Isaiah is publishing the annual Yizkor Book of Remembrance for the High Holy Days. If you would like your names and the names of your beloved departed included in the book, please login to your Temple account to complete the form no later than Friday, September 1, 2017. Questions? Contact [email protected]

Service schedule and details at
Social Justice
Reform CA Lobby Day in Sacramento
Tuesday, August 22 10am-3pm
REGISTER NOW and let Rabbi LeVine know you'll be joining our delegation. 

Save the Date: Sunday, October 15, Temple Isaiah Social Justice/Action Kickoff
If you are involved with or interested in any of Temple Isaiah's social justice and social action efforts to make our world a kinder and more just place, Sunday, October 15 is the day to show up. We will learn together, inspire each other, and plan in smaller groups for the coming year. More details to come. Contact Rabbi LeVine with any questions. 
Many Ways To Support Temple Isaiah
Temple Isaiah relies on the time, talent and treasure of volunteers dedicated to our community. We’d love your support! Learn more at

Special Gifts
We welcome endowment gifts, fund-specific, and unrestricted donations to Temple Isaiah at and acknowledge contributions in our monthly Ruach Bulletin.

L'dor Vador Circle
L’dor Vador Circle is comprised of members who strengthen our community by donating above the annual sustaining membership commitment amount, allowing us to: provide financial aid to our members in need so they can participate in Temple life, support innovation, including our award-winning youth and education programs, and preserve everything we love about Temple Isaiah. To join our L’dor Vador Circle, please login to your Temple account to renew your annual membership commitment, or contact Deb Kirsch, Executive Director at [email protected] or (925) 283-8575.

Credit Card Fees 
Please help Temple Isaiah by agreeing to add 3% to any credit card transaction to offset our costs. As a charitable contribution to Your Jewish Neighborhood, the additional 3% is tax deductible (to the extent allowable by law).

Memorial Plaques
Our Jewish tradition calls upon us to remember our loved ones. The memorial wall at the back of the sanctuary is a special way to honor those who came before us in a meaningful and lasting manner. Click here for more information.

Legacy Society
You can help ensure the strength and success of Temple Isaiah for future generations by including the temple in your estate plans. You don't have to be wealthy to leave a legacy. You can designate a small percentage of your estate or a portion of your retirement plan. There is no minimum gift amount, and the sign-up process is hassle-free. For more information, please contact Mike Bandler (925) 831-1320 or Maynard Lichterman (925)283-6608.
Corporate Matching Gifts
Please consider asking your employer for corporate matching gift opportunities. Questions? Contact the Temple office at (925) 283-8575.

Free Money
Please support Temple Isaiah when searching and shopping online with these partners:
Jewish Community 
URJ Biennial 2017 registration is now open!
Help us put together a gold delegation! If we have at least 12 registrants from Temple Isaiah, each will be refunded at the discounted rate and receive lots of other perks. Click for more details and to register here today
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Cal State University, Easy Bay Monthly lectures are held in the Oak Room, courses in classrooms on the Concord Campus of Cal State East Bay, 47000 Ygnacio Valley Blvd., Concord. All lectures are free to OLLI members, there is a charge for courses. Brochures of the complete Spring/Summer 2017 OLLI program are available in the Temple House & on the carousel in the entrance to the Sanctuary. For further information, please call the OLLI office at (925) 602-6776 or go on line to our website at

Temple Isaiah is proud to present UNDER ONE TENT, Contra Costa's Jewish Book & ARTS Festival. Book talks, a gardening demonstration, multi-week classes, lectures, galas, film screenings and more are on our exciting line-up. Detailed information about all of our festival programs can be found at:

Angel Network
Our caring community of volunteers dedicated to offering comfort and support to members and their families in times of need. The Angel Network can assist with a range of tasks from meals and transportation to making visits and phone calls. When a need arises, tell us. Contact clergy assistant Nina Jones or call (925) 283-8575.
Your Jewish Neighborhood
Be a member mensch
Want to help make Your Jewish Neighborhood even better? Be a member mensch! Invite your non-member family and friends to your next service or event so they too can experience all that Temple Isaiah has to offer. Mention your love for Temple Isaiah when you're out in the community. Have a prospective member lead? Please introduce them to the Temple Isaiah clergy and staff and take pride in helping to connect others with our caring community.  

Want Your Jewish Neighborhood feel a little cozier? Consider joining a havurah.

Already in a Havurah? Please join our active havurah database and contact the membership coordinator with any questions, ideas, milestones, and photos.
We'd love to hear from you! 
There When You Need Us
If you need immediate support with a death, illness, or other urgent matter, please call the Temple office at (925) 283-8575. Email communication may result in delays. We have a wonderful staff who will make sure you get the support you need.
Stay Connected
You are receiving this message as a subscriber to our "Shavua Tov: Temple Isaiah's Weekly Newsletter" email list. To manage your email list preferences, click "Update Lists" below. We have several lists to which you can subscribe. If you click unsubscribe, you will no longer receive any Temple Isaiah email. Questions? Please contact the Temple office at (925) 283-8575.

Temple Isaiah's mission is to embody, enhance and perpetuate our Jewish tradition by providing a welcoming spiritual home where the membership gathers to worship God, study Torah, engage in acts of Tikkun Olam, deepen our relationship with Israel, participate in Jewish rituals and life cycle events, and experience the joy of being part of a caring community.