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Shalom Keren,

I hope you are doing well. This Thursday evening, we light the first candle of Chanukah! We have a few special things happening for Chanukah, and I hope you will join us for all.

  • This weekend, Dec. 89, Ugandan Rabbi Gershom Sizomu is joining us as a guest speaker during services on Friday and Saturday. His Saturday sermon is titled Going Against the Odds, the Way Forward.

  • This Shabbat, we have an enhanced kiddush—themed Chanukah Around the World. Join us as we celebrate the Holiday of light and different communities from around the world.

  • On December 13th, join us for Neonukah: a multi-generational Chanukah celebration filled with joy.

On December 17th, we will hold our Semi-Annual meeting at 4 pm. If you have not had a chance to vote for the board slate, there are two ways to submit a proxy vote:

          Vote Online          

This Shabbat, in addition to our Enhanced Kiddush, we will be honoring our outgoing board members and thanking them for their dedication and service to our community. Join me in thanking Emily Greenwald, Micah Yairi, and Van Meak.

Wishing you a Shavua Tov,


Services this Week

Candle Lighting Time 🕯 4:50 pm

Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2023

Morning Minyan Service (In Person or Zoom)

7:30 am in the Beit Tefillah (Chapel)

Zoom | Meeting ID: 886 4137 2800

Password: 111759

Friday, Dec. 8, 2023

Babies and Blessings (Zoom)

5:00 pm

ZoomMeeting ID: 843 2991 2210 | Password: 686981

Kabbalat Shabbat

(In Person or Zoom)

6:30 pm in the Beit Tefillah (Chapel)

Zoom | Meeting ID: 848 6294 8683 | Password: 585037

Saturday, Dec. 9, 2023

Torah Study (In Person or Zoom)

9:00 am in the Beit Aseifa (Zemel Room)

Zoom | Meeting ID: 883 8777 3105

| Password: 554650

Junior Congregation (In Person)

10:00 am in the Beit Tefillah (Chapel)

Traditional Service (In Person or Zoom)

10:00 am in the Beit K'nesset (Sanctuary)

Zoom | Meeting ID: 893 3029 2653

| Password: 407603

Shabbat Club (for ages 3-8 potty-trained) (In Person, weather permitting)

10:00 am to 12:45 pm at the educational wing, room #14

While you attend services, drop off your children at no charge. Please be sure your child brings a water bottle and snack.

Power Hour+ (In Person or Zoom)

11:30 am in the Beit Tefillah (Chapel)

Zoom | Meeting ID: 826 8123 2556

| Password: 693156

Enhanced Kiddush:

Chanukah Around the World

12:30 pm in the Social Hall

Upcoming Events

Guest Speaker Rabbi Gershom Sizomu

Friday and Saturday, December 8 and 9

Learn about the unique history, culture, and music of the Abayudaya Jewish community of Eastern Uganda from Rabbi Gershom Sizomu, their chief rabbi and worthy ambassador. A charismatic leader and accomplished musician, he will lead Friday night's Kabbalat Shabbat service and give the sermon at Shabbat services on Saturday. Rabbi Sizomu's visit to CBJ is not to be missed!

Read More

Jewish Ethics & Modernity

Saturday, December 9, 1:30 - 2:30 pm (Session 1) in the Beit Tefillah Chapel

This innovative Shabbat learning series explores ethical dilemmas at work through Jewish principles and professional codes. Recent rapid advances in Artificial Intelligence raise many new ethical questions for us to grapple with as a society. Join us for a conversation with User Experience Researcher Harry Morgan and Rabbi Ilana for a Jewish take on the new world of AI. Join us for a delicious kiddush lunch and engaging conversations—open to all!

Lifesaving Insights: An Exclusive Morning with Eli Beer

Sunday, December 10, 10:00 am in a Congregant's Home

We are welcoming Eli Beer, Founder and President of United Hatzalah, who will be updating us from Israel. We are so privileged to have Eli and United Hatzalah as our partners, as they are truly dedicated to saving lives. Thanks to the generosity of so many of you in our community, we are closer to our goal of purchasing an Ambucar and an Ambucycle for United Hatzalah.

Email Bill for More Information

Donate to Our United Hatzalah Campaign Here


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We are excited to announce that this year, the theme of our annual community Chanukah celebration is Neonukah! Bring your brightest blacklight-reactive neon clothing and step into ultraviolet bliss! Please save the date for an evening of radiant joy, delicious eats, and endless activities as we come together to light up the darkness.

Amidst the challenges our community faces, let's take a break on this special night to cast off the shadows and bask in the brilliance at Neonukah. Join us in sparking joy and radiance with blacklight, neon glow, and a communal candle lighting that will warm all of our hearts.

This year's celebration is open to all, and we want you to be a part of this joyous occasion. It will be an exquisite experience for everyone, and we need your spirit to make it truly unforgettable. Best of all, this event is entirely free!

Please save the date and consider joining us as a volunteer to help make Neonukah even more special. If you're looking for a way to lift the spirit of the CBJ community, we'd love your assistance.

RSVP or Volunteer Here

Stroll & Study

Saturday, December 16, 10:00 am

Please join us for our next Stroll & Study Torah series installation. Greg Marcus will walk us through more Torah wisdom as we witness and experience the incredible miracle and energy of life. Register Here

Guided Jewish Meditation

Saturday, December 16, at 11:00 am in the CBJ Conference Room

A few minutes of guided meditation can help us be more present not only to the demands of the season but also to its joys. Join Yesh Ballon on December 16th for Jewish Meditation just before Power Hour!

Embrace Israel

Recommended Reading

Curated by Rabbi Ezray

Gratitude Ritual

Eulogy for Richard Sirinsky

by Rabbi Nat Ezray

Self-Care and Compassionate Conversation Tips

by Batya Dale

Ongoing at CBJ

Mondays with Meaning with Rabbi Ilana

(In-Person or Zoom)

Mondays | 10:30 am | Beit Aseifa Room


Meeting ID: 839 3579 6160

Password: 613

Hebrew Text Study

Thursdays | 12:15 pm - 1:00 pm | Zoom

Hebrew text study with Rabbi Ilana began this past Thursday and will continue to be held every Thursday from 12:15 pm to 1:00 pm. This class deals with classic texts in the original Hebrew, focusing as much on language as on content. In this new round, we will be studying Midrash Rabbah. Please email Marcia Chaiken to get the Zoom link if you'd like to join the class.

Hebrew Reading Class 1: Aleph Bet (Zoom)

Tuesdays | 5:00 - 6:00 pm | Zoom

Master the Aleph-Bet and Vowel Marks step by step. Begin reading words and phrases from the first class. This is a beginner class; you don't need any prior Hebrew knowledge. Please get in touch with John with questions.

Hebrew Reading Class 2: Vocabulary and Fluency

This session has yet to be scheduled. If you are interested, please reach out to John to arrange times.

Practice reading berachot (blessings) for many things and situations, as well as siddur passages (prayers). Learn the core vocabulary of Jewish liturgy and ideas. John will introduce Hebrew syntax (word structure) and grammar. Prerequisite: know Alef-Bet; able to sound out words (even if slowly).

Mah Jong Players Welcome!

Thursdays | 12:30 to 3:00 pm | CBJ Lobby

Embrace the thrill of every tile at our Mah Jong rendezvous! Dive into an engaging afternoon of strategic plays and camaraderie every Thursday from 12:30 to 3:00 pm in the vibrant CBJ Lobby. Join fellow enthusiasts for an enriching and enjoyable experience that brings the game to life.

It is thanks to you and your generosity that our community can be a home to all who want to join us, and for our continued vibrancy.

Make a Donation to our High Holiday Appeal

CBJ Cares:

Supporting our Community Members with Chesed

Congregation Beth Jacob is an inclusive, vibrant community that embraces the foundational Jewish value of Chesed, loving kindness. CARES seeks to strengthen the fabric of the community for members to both give and receive. We support community members in times of illness and in times of loss. If you need support, don't hesitate to contact us; at CBJ, we often say Hineni or "I am here." For CARES, Hinenu; We are here to support you in any of your needs.

If you need help or would like to offer support to someone else, please contact Cantor Barbara or Linda Softley.

  • Baby Steps is a new program for children 6 months to 2 years old. Held from 9 am to 10:30 am on Wednesdays, this program allows our youngest children and their caregivers to play, bond, and explore together in a warm and welcoming environment. Led by teacher Alexa Dahl, each class will feature songs, playtime, movement, and outdoor time.

Email Ann to learn more.

  • The Chanukah Festival may be over, but there are still shopping days before Chanukah. Stop by the table in the lobby and see the beautiful candles and gifts for yourself or others. Just pick your goodies and stop by the office to purchase them. Happy Chanukah!

Enrollment for the 2023-2024 School year is open! No child will be turned away.

Our teachers and staff have been working hard on creating engaging and educational curricula for all of our students.

Please email Rabbi Ilana to get involved and learn more.

From Our Committees

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Understanding and Combating Antisemitism:

Exploring Identity, Countering Stereotypes, and Empowering the Next Generation

Join us for a transformative journey as we delve into the multiple viewpoints on the critical issue of antisemitism and its impact on our society.

In this thought-provoking series, we will explore the various views on the manifestations of antisemitism, from its historical roots to its manifestations today and its presence on college campuses. Through engaging discussions and practical strategies, we aim to not only understand and combat this persistent prejudice but also empower ourselves and our teens with a sense of Jewish pride and resilience. Together, we can create a more inclusive and tolerant world. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the solution. Join us for these important conversations and let's make a difference together.

Antisemitism Panels 

  • Sunday, January 21, 3:00 pm Antisemitism on College Campuses

Adult & Parent Workshops

  • Sunday, March 10 Our Kids On The Frontlines: Real-Life Case Studies

Teen Workshops (9th – 12th graders)

  • Sunday, March 10 Combating Antisemitism Through Jewish Pride
Tikvah Events
Who We Are
Contact Us
Watch Professor Irshad Manjii's April 22nd talk "Don't Label Me: Partnering to Change our Polarized Culture"
Watch the Panel from October 29th "Effectively Addressing the Rise of Antisemitism: A Dialogue Across Perspectives"

Adult Learning

The Adult Learning Committee is looking to expand. Anyone interested in joining can attend and contact [email protected] for further information. Meetings will be alternated monthly between daytime and evening.

The only prerequisites for our Adult Learning classes and programs are a passion for learning and an inquisitive mind. Learners at all levels are welcome and encouraged to join. You don't need any prior knowledge (of text, history, or Hebrew). Come with an open mind and bring a friend! 

All CBJ Adult Learning programs are free of cost and open to both CBJ members and our broader community. If you would like to make a donation to support our ongoing programming,

Click Here and select adult education from the dropdown menu.

BEYOND WORDS: Creative Responses to Sacred Text with Batya Dale

First Fridays: (January 5) 10:00 am - 12:00 pm 

Learn More and Register Here.

Jewish Ethics and Modernity

Four-Part Series with CBJ Clergy and Lay Experts

Shabbat Afternoons, 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm:

  • Saturday, December 9, 2023
  • Saturday, February 10, 2024
  • Saturday, March 16, 2024
  • Saturday, April 20, 2024

This innovative Shabbat learning series explores ethical dilemmas at work through Jewish principles and professional codes. Delve into the intersection of Jewish ethics and secular professional responsibility in Artificial Intelligence, Medicine, Business, and Law. Co-led by CBJ clergy and expert congregants, these sessions offer ample discussion time. Join us for a delicious kiddush lunch and engaging conversations—open to all!

December 9th: AI Session

Recent rapid advances in Artificial Intelligence raise many new ethical questions for us to grapple with as a society. Join us for a conversation with User Experience Researcher Harry Morgan and Rabbi Ilana for a Jewish take on the new world of AI.

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CBJ Jewish Book Group

Who By Fire by Matti Friedman

Friday, December 15, 2023 from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Hybrid: Beit Aseifa (Zemel Room) & Zoom

CBJ’s awesome Jewish Book Group is about to reconvene. Come explore books with Jewish themes, authors, narratives, history, and modern Israeli literature. Fiction and non-fiction.

Email event organizer David Steffen for the Zoom link.

Stroll & Study

Saturday, December 16, 10:00 am

Please join us for our next Stroll & Study. Greg Marcus will walk us through more Torah wisdom as we witness and experience the great miracle and energy of life.

Register Here

"And God saw that it was Good."

Chanukah Cookie Swap

& Sisterhood Planning Meeting

Sunday, December 3rd, 2:30 pm

Women's Book Group

The Color of Water by James McBride

Wednesday, January 10, from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm in the Conference Room

Women's Book Group will not meet in December. We will resume our meetings on January 10th to discuss the book The Color of Water by James McBride. The discussion will be led by Fran Aron. Bring a dairy/parave lunch and/or something to share.

For more information on or questions about Sisterhood at CBJ, please email Ora Chaiken.

Join CBJ's Social Justice Group

CBJ is a diverse community. Our Social Justice group reflects one of many approaches to realizing the deeper values we all share. If you would like to get involved in advocating for housing rights, immigrant rights, reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and other politically touched issues, please complete this form.

Our community includes a range of views about the best path towards a more compassionate and safe society. The Social Justice group acts from a perspective that is not representative of our entire community but does resonate with many. If you want to join this group in their fight for the dignity of low-income workers, stable housing, immigrant rights, and more, join us in the Conference Room over kiddush lunch on Shabbat, December 16th at 1:00 pm. It will be an opportunity to update one another on the work we've been doing, to share hopes, frustrations, and inspirations, and to come away ready to take action. For more information, email Nancy Nagel or Linda Leeb.

CBJ Serves Dinner on Christmas Eve Please Volunteer!

Sunday, December 24 from 4:306:30 pm

San Mateo County Navigation Center

275 Blomquist St., Redwood City 

Let's do a mitzvah together this holiday season! Please sign up to serve dinner on Sunday, December 24 from 4:306:30 pm at the San Mateo County Navigation Center run by LifeMoves. The address is 275 Blomquist Street in Redwood City. Volunteers must be age 14 or older. The Navigation Center has replaced the old Maple Street Shelter. It provides interim housing and a wide range of health and counseling services to people experiencing homelessness. It has a fantastic kitchen, spacious dining room, and cooking staff. Since the staff is doing most of the cooking, we don't need to bring any main dishes, but they'd appreciate our help in making the meal festive for the center's residents. If you can help set up and serve the meal and/or bring a few tasty side dishes or desserts, please sign up! They would also like to have a few people entertain the residents with games, music, or crafts. Email or Call Linda Leeb with any questions.

Refugee Welcome Circle: Volunteer Drivers Needed!

CBJ congregants are partnering with Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley (JFSSV) to sponsor and resettle a refugee family here on the mid-Peninsula later this summer or fall. Our biggest challenges will be finding affordable housing and employment opportunities. Please email Jon Rose if you would like to help. 

At this time, we need several people to sign up as drivers to occasionally take refugee family members to appointments, shopping, school, the DMV, etc. As needs arise, we will text our volunteers to see who is available on the given day. We need drivers to sign up now so that required background checks can be completed by JFSSV before the refugees arrive (likely in August or September). To volunteer as a driver, please email your name and cell number to Linda Leeb. Thank you for considering this valuable opportunity to help asylum seekers find refuge here!

Save the Date

Shabbat, December 8 & 9, 2023

Visiting Scholar-Rabbi Gershom Sizomu Guest Speaker

Wednesday, December 13, 2023


Community Chanukah Celebration

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Semi-Annual Meeting

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Vision Project with Keren Smith

Sunday, May 19, 2024

CBJ Gala

From Our Community Partners

Upcoming Events and Organizations


Peninsula Multifaith Coalition

Click HERE to learn more.

Berkeley Moshav

Putting a Jewish twist on the cohousing (a form of intentional community) model. We are the first cohousing community in an urban setting that is rooted in Jewish tradition and values and encompasses all levels of observance, ages, and walks of life. Our goal is to create a vibrant multigenerational community where everyone can participate in the rhythms of Jewish life in a context that includes a wide spectrum of Jewish observance.

Click HERE for more information.

Jewish Community Mentorship Program

The Jewish Community Mentorship Program offers a 6-month mentee-driven mentorship program for Jewish young adults in the San Francisco Bay Area. The program provides personal, professional and career development through a mentorship experience with Jewish business and community leaders. This program is a collaboration between J Leaders and the Jewish High Tech Community (JHTC).

Click HERE for more information.

Center for Children and Youth Workshops

Click HERE for more information.

The Jewish Coalition for Literacy Needs Tutors!

Click HERE for more information.

HIP Housing Home Sharing Program

If you have an ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit) for rent, please click HERE to learn more.

Upcoming Events with Shalom Hartman Institute

Click HERE for more information.

Widow/Widower Cafe on the Peninsula

Click HERE to view a flyer about this important monthly support group.

Hebrew Free Loan Disaster Relief Loans

Click HERE for more information.


Wornick - Get Ready for Hanukkah Party with Isaac Zones!

Sunday, December 3, from 11:00 am to Noon

at The Reading Bug, 785 Laurel St, San Carlos, CA 94070

Join Wornick Jewish Day School at The Reading Bug for hands-on craft activities and music with Isaac Zones! Co-sponsored by PJ Library. This event is geared toward families with children 3-5 years old. Admission is free. Advanced registration is required by noon on Thursday, November 30.

Wornick - Science Fun!

Sunday, January 7, 2024, from 10:0011:30 am

at Wornick Jewish Day School, 830 Foster City Blvd, Foster City, CA 94404

Join Wornick Jewish Day School, Jewish Baby Network, and PJ Library for science-themed activities and storytime. This event is geared toward families with children 3-5 years old, and there will be a separate play area for families with children 0-3 years old. Admission is free. Advanced registration is required by noon on Thursday, January 4.

TK/Kindergarten Readiness Zoom Info Session 

Wednesday, January 10, 2024, from 8:009:00 pm on Zoom

We'd like to learn more about how to support your child in the transition to TK or Kindergarten. A Zoom link will be provided to registered attendees before the event. Admission is free; advanced registration is required by noon on Monday, January 8. 

Wornick - New Student Applications for 2024-2025 School Year Due January 19!

Wornick is more than just a TK-8 school. We are a vibrant, connected community that inspires critical thinking, complex problem-solving, ethical decision-making, and persuasive speaking. Combining outstanding academics with timeless Jewish values, we're shaping and preparing the next generation to lead with intelligence, confidence, respect, and compassion. You can learn more about the admissions process, submit an inquiry form, and apply for the 2024-24 school year by January 19. 

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