Ruth's Reward
View Rabbi Snow's Recorded Shiurim  Available  HERE
Additional videos can be found here on YouTube
Erev Shavuos - Thursday Evening May 28th, 2020

Eruv Tavshilin (is required in order to prepare food on Friday for Shabbos)

7:57pm Candle Lighting 1st night of Yom Tov

The minhag is to Daven Ma'ariv after Tzeis Hakochavim which is 9:03pm

First Day Shavuos/Erev Shabbos - Friday Evening May 29th, 2020

9:11am Latest time for morning Shema

Akdamus is said

7:58pm  Erev Shabbos Candle Lighting for Shabbos and 2nd night of Yom Tov

Second Day Shavuos/Shabbos Morning - Saturday May 30th, 2020

9:10am  Latest time for morning Shema

Say Yizkor at home.

Please remember to donate Tzedakah in Memory of your loved ones. The YIBE of Boro Park is greatly appreciative of your Rememberance Gift to the Shul, especially in these difficult times. Please donate here - .

9:10pm Shabbos and Yom Tov ends
Ahavas Olom תש"פ
Chazzan Ben Zion Miller
Torah study topics for Shavuos
Dear Choshuv Members and Friends,

The nights and days of Shavuos are primarily a celebration of the giving of the Torah to Klal Yisrael 3332 years ago. Our observance includes not only special Teffilos, but also increased Torah study.

The YIBE is pleased to share with it's members and friends two links for Torah study provided by the Orthodox Union, the OU. You may download any of the Shiurim and their source materials. Choose the topics that interest you and study them over the Yom Tov. There could hardly be a better way to celebrate the Yom Tov of the giving of the Torah. Enjoy your learning.

Chag Sameach and Mazal Tov on the Simcha of Matan Torah.

Your Devoted Rav,
Rabbi Moshe Snow
Shavuos Challenge
Semichas Chaver Presents:

The SCP Shavuos Challenge

Learning designed for all ages.
Separate competitions for adults and kids.
Cash prizes up to $500.

Sinai at Home
Many Shiurim available here.

Please click here to make Pushka donations during this time that we cannot be in our Mikdash Ma'at.

Daf Yomi 7:30 AM Sunday to Friday / Motzei Shabbos at 9:45 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 569 435 268
Password: 652975

To Join via Telephone  - (929) 205-6099, Enter Meeting ID 569 435 268 when prompted followed by #   

Nightly Shiur 7:45 PM Sunday to Thursday

Perkei Avos Mishanayos Kalim and Halacha
Tuesdays -  Yitzchok Dov Rottenstein Gemorah Shiur

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 870 685 158
Password: 876053

To Join via Telephone  - (929) 205-6099, Enter Meeting ID 870 685 158 when prompted followed by # 
A Message from our Rav:
To My Dear Young Israel Beth El Members and Friends,

The Shul is celebrating one hundred years since it opened. I doubt that in all this time the Shul had to be closed for any day, let alone for a Shabbos. But now, with the dangerous Corona virus plague, we have been forced to take the heart wrenching but absolutely necessary step of suspending all Shiurim and Minyanim for the immediate near future. As soon as is possible we shall once again fill our Mikdash Me'at with the sounds of Torah learning and Teffilah.

This suspension was taken with the full support of our Rabbinic and lay leadership. Make no mistake, this virus is dangerous. Lives will be saved by limiting contact with others. If even one life will be saved, and I have been informed by medical professionals that many more than one life will be saved, then these extreme measures are proper.

The temporary closure carries with it the implicit message that no one should attend any Minyanim anywhere in our community. Only by strict adherence to these measures can the safety of our lives and those around us be protected.
Davening at home transforms our homes into a Shul. The Talmud in Megillah states that all Batei Knesses in the exile will one day be relocated to Yerushalayim. If we turn our home into a Shul, then our home too shall be moved to the Holiest place on Earth, Yerushalayim Ir HaKodesh. It will take effort on our part, but I have no doubt that we are up to the task. 

This will be an opportunity for us to increase our knowledge and understanding of our Teffilos, prayers, as we will have the opportunity to say them a bit more slowly, and with Kavannah, intent. We will also have the chance to spend time learning at home. This Shabbos, for example, will be an opportunity to read the Parsha and fulfill the Mitzvah of Shnayim Mikra V'Echad Targum. That is reading the Parsha twice in the original, and once in translation. Beyond that, we may even have the time to look into some explanations of various commentaries.

Although we want to be extremely careful of getting together with others in person, we still should reach out to others through the telephone, or through the use of computers. It is a blessing from Hashem that computers were invented before we were faced with this problem of isolation. It's another example of Hashem preparing the Refuah (healing) before the makkah (sickness).

The challenges facing us individually and collectively are unprecedented. May Hashem give us the fortitude to get through this difficult time admirably. Let us strive to be somewhat improved in our Torah study, Mitzvah observance, and Davening during this hopefully brief time of challenge.

May we all be blessed with good health.
Shabbat Shalom UmeVorach.
Rabbi Moshe Snow, Morah D'Asra
Judd Odzer, President
Dovid Beck, Chairman of the Board