We invite you to join us this Shavuot at Beth Jacob to be inspired by our learning, minyanim and programs. Our exciting schedule is below. 
Thank you to all our generous sponsors for partnering with us. 
Shavuot 5783 Schedule
Thursday, May 25 - Erev Shavuot
Candle Lighting after 7:37pm
All Night Learning: Beginning at 10:30pm in Shapell Sanctuary
SPARK Parent-Child Shavuot Program at 10:30pm in Jacob's Garden
Young Professional Torah Slam at 10:30pm in Ives Lounge

Friday, May 26 - 1st day of Shavuot
Shacharit: 5:05am in Shapell Sanctuary, 8:30am Benny's Minyan, 9:00am in Shapell Sanctaury, YP will be joining the main shul in Shapell, 9:45am SPARK in Ives Lounge, 9:45am Teen Minyan in the Schoenfeld BM
Mincha/Maariv: 7:40pm in Shapell Sanctuary
Candle Lighting: 7:38pm

Shabbat, May 27 - 2nd day of Shavuot
Shacharit: 7:30am Hashkama Minyan, 8:30am Benny's Minyan, 9:00am in Shapell Sanctaury, 9:30am YP Minyan in Rubin Hall, 9:45am SPARK in Ives Lounge, 9:45am Teen Minyan in the Schoenfeld BM
Please note Yizkor in all minyanim will take place approximately 1 hour after davening begins.

Afternoon Community Shiur at 5:30pm
Timely & Timeless: Modern Medicine in the Torah with Rebbetzin Dr. Hindi Posy
At the home of Sharon & Kovi Elkus - 1718 Roxbury Drive

Mincha/Maariv: 7:30pm in Shapell Sanctuary
Havdalah: 8:39pm

Click here for the pdf version of the full schedule.
There will be walking groups from Beth Jacob to Beverlywood
accompanied by a security guard
at the following times: 12:00am, 1:30am and 3:00am.
Beth Jacob Shavuot 5783 Dedication Opportunities
Thank you to all of our generous sponsors for partnering with us.
If you would like to become a sponsor, please contact
the Beth Jacob office at [email protected].
Beth Jacob Congregation | 9030 W. Olympic Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211