Shabbos Candle Lighting May 26th  7:59pm . Shabbos ends 9:09pm  
Boruch Hashem

This week's Torah portion of Bamidbar is generally read the Shabbos before the holiday of Shavuot. The day on which Hashem gave the Torah to the Jewish People at Mt. Sinai. 

As Jews we believe in Hashgacha Pratit, Divine Providence. Nothing happens by chance and there the portion must contain something of significance in it's relationship with the upcoming Holiday. 

In this week's Sedra there is a census taken of the People prior to their entry into the Land of Israel. Counting shows the importance and endearment one has the objects and therefore counts them. Counting helps us appreciate the value of the item in hand. 

Why does G-d need to count the Jewish People? Surely He is fully aware of how many there are of us, and we know we are precious to Him already?

The answer in it's simplicity brings out a most inspiring lesson. 

When one counts, it really levels the playing field so to speak. In terms of the numbers there is no great or little. There is no separation rather everyone is actually all the same in terms of their sequence in the counting. When Hashem counts us, He is saying "You count! You matter! You are on equal footing with each and every single Jew in terms of your essence, your soul! My confidence and trust in your ability will never sway".

We always read this portion before Shavuot, to remind us that as we all relive the experience at Sinai we are all important in the eyes of Hashem. 

Wishing you all a wonderful Shabbos
Rabbi Hillel and Chana Scop

PS Come join us Wednesday morning to relive the Sinai Experience and bring the kids too. 

(Yom Tov begins with Candle Lighting at 8:08pm on Tuesday Night May 30th . Light Yom Tov Candles on Wednesday night after 9:13pm.
Shavuot ends on Thursday June 1st at 9:13pm.)

Tuesday Night May 30 - Torah Study 10:00pm - Midnight
Wednesday May 31 10:00am Davening
Wednesday May 31 5:30pm Ice Cream Party


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Mark your calendar for Sunday May 21st . A Story of Hope and Inspiration. A special event for women. 


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