News for Alumni and Friends
Citizens Serving Communities to Shape Lives and Save Lives
Inside this issue...
Texas Cadet has new Wings,
Maj Gen Smith featured in Airman Magazine, Cadet Alum Shares His Testimony,
Alumni Highlight: Cadets Who Found Love, and AOPA Honors CAP Pilots
She's Flying High: Texas Cadet is First Graduate of CAP's New Cadet Wings Program
Texas Wing cadet Emma Herrington became the first Civil Air Patrol cadet to earn a private pilot’s certificate through the new Cadet Wings program — part of the organization’s
Youth Aviation Initiative
, funded by the U.S. Air Force.
“Flying is a sensation unlike anything else I’ve ever experienced — I love every aspect, from rotation to the chirp of the tires on the pavement. It’s my happy place. I love seeing the world from a different angle, something many people don’t ever get to experience.”
General Smith Speaks
on the Power of Mentorship
Airman magazine interviewed Maj. Gen. Mark E. Smith, Civil Air Patrol's 24th national commander. He talks about the life changing mentor who guided him to the Air Force Academy and his mission to build CAP cadets into leaders of the future.
This CAP Cadet Alum Shares His Story
It's the month to celebrate love and partnerships.
We thought it would be fun to share stories from some of our alumni who met and fell in love in the Civil Air Patrol. We are NOT suggesting or encouraging cadets to fall in love, but when you bring people together who share similar ideals and values, sometimes it happens.
We reached out to these Alumni with a list of questions and a request for pictures. We hope you will enjoy what they shared with us.
John Knowles, CAP Deputy Chief of Alumni Relations
John & Teri (Hanna) Knowles
How did you meet?
We were both cadets in the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Cadet Squadron. Teri was friends with his older sister Valerie. The squadron was very active in Ground Search and Rescue and was one of the largest cadet squadrons in the country at the time.
How long have you been married?
First, although we knew each other as friends, we didn’t start dating until college. We were married on July 5
, 1982 surrounded by friends and family, including a lot of our CAP family.
Words of advice
Always remember why you joined CAP and why you remain committed to those ideals. For many of us, this includes living your life as a servant leader. We have both been blessed in our careers to help others. John served as a Squadron, Group, Wing and Region Commander in CAP and his success at those levels is due to the support of his family. All of them, especially Teri, have spent a lot of days with me being away supporting CAP. Keeping a balance of faith, family and work has been vital in keeping life’s balance. Also, take time to hold hands and stay committed to the love that brought you together and be sure to set time aside to stay connected with your sweetheart outside of your daily routine.
Leo & Monica (Messer) Burke
How did you meet?
In the middle ages, also known as the 1980s, meeting people was mostly done in person. You actually approached the other human being and talked to them. It’s hard to imagine a time when everyone didn’t walk around with a cell phone. We didn’t use text messages, email, FaceBook, Instagram or even Snapchat to communicate with each other.
During encampment staff selection in 1982, I first noticed Cadet Monica Messer. She was also barely five feet tall and beautiful.
A year later, after the 1983 Cadet Staff Selection, my friend went off to the Air Force Academy, and I moved into his slot as Wing Adjutant. Cadet Major Monica Messer was now a Deputy Squadron Commander. Cadet Lt Col Leo Burke managed to spend lots of time with her.
Sometime around Monday, I asked her to go to the dance on Friday night. She said “Yes” and changed my life forever.
How long have you been married?
In September, 1983 we started officially going steady. Fast forward to September 15
, 2019 will be our 30
wedding anniversary. Thirty six years went by pretty quickly. We have one daughter. During her brief career as a CAP officer, she introduced herself as “Chelsea Burke, no relation.” She is now married and since the delivery of the Burke’s grandson, she is simply referred to as “Jack’s Mom.”
Bruce & Teresa (Hall) Saunders
How did you meet?
I joined the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Cadet Squadron in 1968 and Teresa Hall joined in 1969, following the path of her older brother Bill and sister Lorie. As I recall, Robert Kennelly was the Cadet Commander at the time, shortly thereafter replaced by Butch Archibald.
Now being people of faith, Teresa and I believe that everything happens for a reason. Life is a tapestry with people and events woven together throughout, some for a season and some for a lifetime. CAP played a major role in our development as young people, and instilled many core values within us which have been important foundations to build upon over the years.
Tell us a little bit about each other (school, career, interests)
CAP is where Teresa and I met, fell in love and married. Our best man and maid of honor were fellow CAP members Bonnie and Tony Perry. Over the course of our 45 years together, Teresa and I have six wonderful kids now raising their own families. Our direct family is probably big enough to be a squadron on its own!
How long have you been married?
We were married in 1974, so 45 years this year!
AOPA Honors CAP Pilots as Top Instructors
Civil Air Patrol pilots account for three of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association’s eight choices of the Best Flight Instruction by region, while five other CAP flyers are recognized as Distinguished Flight Instructors, based on the results of AOPA’s annual Flight Training Experience Survey.
Civil Air Patrol Development
Kristina E. Jones, M.A., CFRE, Chief of Philanthropy
Donna Bass Maraman, Development Coordinator
Col. John M. Knowles , CAP, Deputy Chief of Alumni Relations
(334) 953-9003 Direct
(833) IAM-4CAP Toll Free
Interested in talking about the legacy you want to leave?
Contact Kristina Jones, Chief of Philanthropy by