Welcome To Our Weekly Sheep Buzz Newsletter

November 18, 2022

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Christ the King Sunday

Please print your bulletins from home if you are able.

Worship Bulletin8:30 AM | 10:45 AM

The Praise Worship Service will be livestreamed at facebook.com/gslcwoodstock

Sunday School at 9:45 AM.

Donate Online

Sign in for online worship attendance

Following the service we will post the recorded service to our YouTube channel and our website on the sermon page gslutheran.org/sermons.


Next week, the 8:30 AM Traditional Worship Service will be livestreamed at facebook.com/gslcwoodstock

You do not need a Facebook account to view our livestreamed services.

Pre-packaged communion will be available for anyone interested in participating in the sacrament of Holy Communion while watching a livestream/taped service. Please stop by during normal office hours, or contact the church office if you need help in obtaining these sacraments for your at home use. Pastor Rosy has offered to deliver it to anyone in the area. 

We give thanks to God for the opportunity to gather together and celebrate as the Good Shepherd community.

Wednesday Advent Services - 2022

“Wait Upon the Lord”

7:30 PM

Dessert beginning at 6:45 PM

The season of Advent is characterized by waiting; waiting upon the Lord for his presence to be revealed to us on Christmas.

In this worship series for Advent, we look back in Scripture at those who waited upon the Lord for his promises to come to pass through the Christ Child. We also look forward, contemplating how we should wait upon the Lord in this present moment of our lives, as God continues to make himself known to us.

Week 1 (Nov. 30) - Wait Upon the Lord with Faith (Galatians 3:8): Abraham and Sarah waited with faith for the birth of their son, Isaac, and we wait with faith for the birth of God’s Son, Jesus, trusting that he will come at Christmas to save all people.

Week 2 (Dec. 7) - Wait Upon the Lord with Hope (Psalm 130:5): The prophet Isaiah declared the coming of the Lord, which gave the people of Israel hope for the future. We wait with hope for the future because we know what the future holds, a Savior.

Week 3 (Dec. 14) - Wait Upon the Lord with Rejoicing (Isaiah 25:9): Elizabeth rejoiced as she waited for the coming of her son, John the Baptist. And Mary rejoiced as she waited for the birth of her son, Jesus. In the same manner we rejoice as we wait for the coming of the Son of God.

Week 4 (Dec. 21) - Wait Upon the Lord with Gratitude (Psalm 9:1): Zechariah’s waiting days for John the Baptist’s birth were filled with great gratitude for the Lord’s promise about to be fulfilled. In these remaining waiting days before our Savior’s birth, we are ever more grateful for the arrival of the Promised One.

It is not too late to submit your offering pledge forms. As a reminder, please be sure to submit a new Simply Giving Authorization Form if you are changing your Simply Giving amount in any way. 

Stewardship Forms

Time to order poinsettia's for Christmas. Get your order form here. The cost is $12 per plant. Please submit your check, including the order form with printed dedication, to the mail slot outside the Office Coordinator mailbox. All forms are due back to the office by Dec. 4th.

Poinsettia Order Form

We are now taking orders for GSLC Swag. Take a look at the mock-ups of the styles and designs by clicking the button below, or on the closet door near Fellowship Hall. We have youth sized T-shirts and Fleece and Adult sized T-Shirts, Polos, Fleece and caps. All orders will need to be submitted, with a check made out to GSLC for the full amount. Place the word "SWAG" in the memo line. All orders will be due December 4th.

Swag Styles
Swag Order Form
November Servant Schedule
December Servant Schedule

You May Have Been Assigned a Servant Role in November or December

The Sunday Servant Worship Schedule can be found by clicking the button and viewing on our website. There is a link on our home page under "Quick Links."

We need volunteers to read a short scripture and light the Advent candles at each service each week. The sign-up sheet is in the Entryway. Please consider participating in Advent worship in the way!


We have very limited servants signed up for Assisting Minister, Acolyte and Crucifer for both services. Please prayerfully consider if you are willing to serve in one of these roles.


If switching to a new role, please email our Office Coordinator so she can add you to our schedules. Also, please let the office know in advance if you are scheduled, or future plans have you going away and cannot serve. Thank you.


We need one family for each service throughout Advent to read our candle-lighting scripture. If your family is interested, please contact Pastor Rosy or our media coordinator and we will get you the readings for the service. The first Sunday is November 27th. The sign-up is in the Entryway.

We will be decorating the sanctuary for Christmas on Saturday, November 26th, at 11 AM. If you can spare an hour or two, please come out and join us. Sign-up here or at the church.

We also have Advent calendars available in the Entryway. Please take one per family.


Thank you for the prescription bottles. We have all that we need for now.

We are now collecting used eyeglasses. A box is located in Fellowship Hall. These will be donated to the Lion's Club.



The Bells of Good Shepherd rehearse Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM If you are interested in joining this group, contact Thomas Eisnor or email him using the link below.

The Celebration Ringers rehearse Tuesdays at 6 PM. This is our beginner handbell group. Contact Thomas is you are interested in joining using the link below.  

Click here to email our Director of Music

The Praise Team rehearse Thursday evenings from 7-9 PM. Contact Pam if you are interested in being in our Praise Team. The group will continue to meet on Saturday’s but only the first Saturday of each month.

Click here to email Pam, our Praise Service Coordinator

News from the  SES Synod and ELCA



Available for any and all ages!!

All Classes begin at 9:45 AM

Visit our Sunday School page for detailed information.

A Bible Study opportunity on Sunday Mornings for parents with youth in Sunday School. Come join us and check it out! Rm. 120.

Faith Stories meets Sunday mornings at 9:45 AM titled, "“Dear Church: A Love Letter from a Black Preacher to the Whitest Denomination in the US”. Book available on Amazon. We meet in room 117.


Monday’s Lunch and Learn: A new Advent study beginning.

If you’d like to begin with lunch and fellowship come at noon, otherwise we will begin our study at 12:30 PM.

In our study we will be discussing, Embracing Advent: Rediscovering Christmas in the Chaos, by Jen Ludwig. Books available on Amazon.

We will start Nov. 28th for 4 weeks, ending Dec.19th.

We will break for the Holidays. 

Contact the church office or Brenda Kviten if you are interested.

Word on Wednesday Bible Study-Come join us.

  • Would you like to meet new people? Join a small group? Expand your Bible knowledge?
  • Word on Wednesday small group meets via Zoom virtual format from 10:00 – 11:30 AM on Wednesdays, for study of The Word, discussion and fellowship.
  • Our study will be: Truly Present, Practicing Prayer in the Liturgy by Lisa E. Dahill.

  • You are welcome to join anytime.
  • Our study format allows flexibility for your schedule.
  • For more information, please contact Lori Peters, small group leader or the church office.


Thursday Morning Bible Study There will be no study on November 24th.

Our next study, beginning on December 1, will be:“Underdogs & Outsiders” by Tom Fuerst


The Bible is full of surprises. At every turn, from the beginning of the Old Testament right through the end of the New, we find God working in unexpected, even strange ways to bring about God's purposes. During Advent, remembering this strange history of God working in our world helps us look forward to the birth of God's Son, Jesus. As if to remind us of this, the Gospel of Matthew presents a genealogy of Jesus before telling the story of his birth, including subtle references to the times God worked through unlikely people. Matthew names five women in the family tree of Jesus: Tamar, a forgotten daughter-in-law and widow; Rahab, a prostitute; Ruth, a foreigner; the wife of Uriah, an adulteress; and of course, Mary, a young virgin. This Advent study explores the stories of each of these five women, showing how they all played a pivotal role in God's purposes.


Remember to use the word "smile" and a period before the word Amazon in the website address and designate Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Woodstock GA as your preferred charitable organization. GSLC will receive a portion back from Amazon when you make any Amazon purchases this way.



 Due to Thanksgiving and Advent services, Theology on Tap will not be meeting the remainder of November and December.



This Holiday season, we will be sponsoring 29 children from Clark Creek Elementary School in Acworth. Starting on the 27th of November, there will be a tree with each child’s name on an angel and their basic needs for the holiday season. All you have to do is take one of the kids ornaments, buy them a gift, (wrap it, place the angel back on the gift, and place it in the box next to the tree. All gifts can be donated until December 11th (no later!).


If you are not sure about sponsoring a child for the holiday season, we will also be collecting monetary gifts for the school to help clear up late fees for school lunches and their after school program. There is a “life-size lunchbox” next to the holiday donations that you can place your donations in. If you are writing a check, please make sure you make it out to either “after school program” or “school lunches”. If you have any questions, you can contact the church office.



Many of you know that we have a Benevolence Fund. This fund allows us to assist people in our community with utilities, groceries and emergency fuel for vehicles. We currently have depleted most of these funds and would like to ask members to prayerfully consider giving funds specifically for benevolence. You can also purchase gift cards for gas or groceries and donate those too. If you are writing a check, please indicate in the memo line “Benevolence”. Thank you to those who have already contributed to this fund.


Sunday, December 4th

Bring your orange bag recycling for a convenient way to recycle those hard to recycle items. Need some orange bags? They are available in Fellowship Hall.

Two-Can Sunday Thanksgiving Drive


Our Two-Can Sunday Coordinators brought 3 overflowing grocery carts of food to our smaller food pantries, Papa's Pantry and Timothy Cupboard.

Both organizations have been so thankful and appreciative for the added help this Thanksgiving season! We are very thankful for Good Shepherd’s response to this season’s needs for both pantries. You all really stepped up and we thank you for your generosity.

Our next Two-Can Sunday day is December 4th.Place items in designated shopping cart. Look for Two-Can symbol!

The church office will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday, November 23-November 26th, to allow our staff to have time with their families.

One of the Girl Scout troops that meet at Good Shepherd (Troup 7843), will be hosting a Craft Festival on Saturday, December 3rd, beginning at 9 AM, here at GSLC. Come out and support the Troup and get a start on the shopping season.



MUST Ministries is currently experiencing an increase in families that are in need of food. The organization is looking for supporters to try unique ways to obtain supplies for their food pantry initiatives.

Current most needed items from MUST Cherokee:

Food items: Jelly, salt, pepper, grits, ramen, oil, mustard, mayonnaise, flour, corn , carrots, yams, broth, cereal, stew, dressings, ketchup, coffee, instant potatoes, snacks, spaghetti noodles, canned potatoes, mixed vegetables, cornbread, cream of mushroom, cream of chicken, mac & cheese, spam, sugar.

Non-food items: Diapers size 4, 5, 6, Pull-ups size 4t-5t, baby wipes, conditioner, razors, Chapstick, towels, grocery bags.

We continue to collect food items on our front porch. Please consider a way to help your neighbors. 

Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, and live in love, as Christ loved us - Ephesians 5: 1-2a.

Must Ministries Website


Looking for all the news for our Youth? Be sure to read your Wednesday, Weekly Lamb Buzz Email. Some exciting things are happening at GSLC for all ages of our youth. Access each week on our website under the Youth Tab, the button below or sign-up to be on the e-mail list. Let Mel know at youthfamministry@gslutheran.org if you want to be included in the email blast. 
We will continue to list important youth activities in our worship bulletins.
I will attend
I want to volunteer


As Youth & Family Ministry continues to expand, so does our library! We are looking to start a book drive & donation for new books to fill our Worship Bags and Children’s library. All you have to do is grab one of the pictures of books hanging outside of Melina’s office, purchase it, and place it back in her mailbox. With Christmas season right around the corner, what better time to tell the tales of celebration via books! Please contact Melina with any questions. 



This is our e-mail address for you to submit prayer concerns. Prayers will be posted to the Prayer Circle, via e-mail, during normal business hours. You can also drop us an e-mail at this same e-mail address if you would like to be a part of the Prayer Circle.

Current Prayer List

Keep costs at GSLC down: print Sunday's bulletin today and bring it with you Sunday morning to service.


 Sunday's worship bulletin access here: 

Worship Bulletin8:30 AM | 10:45 AM

Donate Online

Go in peace. Be blessing in the world.

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