October 2022
Information & Resources for Non-Profits and Those who πŸ’“ Them  
Why Hire an External Facilitator?
Whether your organization is contemplating leadership development, strategic planning, or any other critical group engagement, consider hiring an expert external facilitator. Your people are your greatest asset, and contracting with an outside facilitator demonstrates commitment to listening to and involving your stakeholders. Download Sheer Strategy's
brief guide to considering working with an external facilitator.
"Maddy and Matt facilitated a very insightful and resourceful workshop where they engaged everyone in the room so that all participants felt comfortable in sharing ideas and learning from each other."  
Tatyana Kochergina,
RBWN Board Member
Consider Risk Management after Strategic Planning
It's no surprise that the Covid pandemic has more of us thinking about risk management. Once your agency has confirmed its strategic priorities, the next step is to consider a risk management assessment. This article includes two FREE downloads (a Risk Appetite Guide and the Orange Book) to help guide agencies on the risk management process.

9 Grant Writing
ο»ΏLessons Learned
The author of this brief blog post offers nine lessons learned in her grant writing experience. Lessons 4 and 6 in particular hit home for me, as it is very time-consuming to edit responses to fit word and character limitations! That said I love the challenge of ensuring that my responses include only the most pertinent information.
Stay well and thanks for reading
Sheer Shareables!