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Shelf Stable: April 17
"' Isn't the writing of good prose an emotional excitement?' 'Yes, of course it is. At least, when you get the thing dead right and know it's dead right, there's no excitement like it. It's marvelous. It makes you feel like God on the Seventh Day – for a bit, anyhow.'" Dorothy L. Sayers
Hello friends,

One of the biggest things that made me anxious about this whole shelter-in-place thing was my inevitable tendency to compare my to-do list with others'. That's especially bad when it comes to creative pursuits.  At last!  I thought.  An opportunity to write without having to bow to the rigid demands of my normal schedule! Instead of having to juggle writing with three other jobs I only have to schedule it between long bouts of nothing!  Of course that thought was quickly followed by something like creative paralysis. What if I couldn't write (while in the midst of a terrible situation that feasts on my already-present depression and over-active empathy)? What if someone else wrote more than me? 
That's all silly, of course, and I'm trying to treat it as such. I'm trying to just write, and I'm sure plenty of you are as well. It’s not easy, so don’t let my attempts at optimism be another comparison point that makes you roll your eyes and grit your teeth. I only strive for Little-Engine-That-Could territory because the alternative is, well, it’s not great, Bob. I wrestle with my mental health and even on the best of days depression is a thing that is constantly creeping into the corner of my eye. You’ve probably noticed this by now, but we haven’t exactly been in “best of days” territory lately. It’s scary, it’s challenging, and it can really get in the way of creativity.
It’s hard to write when the walls are closing in.
But like I said, there’s hope mixed in there somewhere. Dorothy Sayers (who you might know from her prolific mystery writing, but was also a brilliant essayist) made a point I always come back to in her essay “The Image of God”. Essentially, if God is a Creator like we see right off the bat in Genesis, then when we create it moves us closer to God, since creation is a godly thing to do. I know that in the midst of a Global Freakin’ Pandemic it can seem like God is distant (I don’t believe that to be the case but sometimes Depression sure does!), so I’m trying to do my part to close some of that distance. I’m trying to create and find joy in that, because books at their best are a place of hope, and there’s enough bad going on without me letting writing-related anxiety win.
Stay safe and sane out there; it’s easier said than done but we got this!
-Caleb @ PSB
Don't miss our next virtual event!
Need some inspiration?
Of all the rituals and routines we’ve had to give up these past weeks, the worst for me was the closure of my yoga studio. Though it was necessary, I felt like I was losing the connection to my practice at a time when I needed it most. I didn’t trust myself to keep practicing at home, without the warm, inviting studio and the community to be found there. 

My studio,  Metrowest Yoga  , started offering twice daily classes on  Facebook Live  . I tuned in that first morning, rather skeptical, thinking there was no way it could be the same. It wasn’t, but something amazing began to happen. Alone in my own home, I wasn’t afraid to look foolish or risk falling over. And I have fallen over a few times, but I’ve also found poses I thought would never be accessible to me. The strength and confidence I felt after finding Crow Pose for the first time kept me coming back at least once, and often twice, each day. 

Whatever your fitness level, age, or level of experience (even if it’s absolutely none), yoga can be an antidote to the malaise and anxiety many of us have been feeling. It calms the mind while energizing the body, and teaches us to let go of distractions and be gentle with ourselves. Easier said than done, but that’s why it’s called yoga practice right? 

All you need at home is a bit of floor space. If you don’t have a mat, you can use a towel, woven blanket, or even the carpet. Soup cans or rolled up blankets can stand in for blocks, and a hand towel for a strap. I made a makeshift yoga studio with a space heater and miniature humidifier. What kind of space can you make for your practice with things around the house? 

Find your local studio on social media - many are offering free live classes on Instagram or Facebook (or, if you are able, you might consider buying an online pass to help support the studio). If you’re new to yoga, Yoga with Adriene offers a  free 30-Day course on YouTube . Some other great resources include  Every Body Yoga  by Jessamyn Stanley,  The Yoga Effect  by Liz Owen and Holly Lebowitz Rossi,   Yoga for Everybody  by Dianne Bondy, and the classic  Light on Yoga  by B.K.S. Iyengar. 

Wishing you all strength and peace, 
Katie @ PSB
Bedtime Stories
Caleb reads from an absolute classic, destined to bring you to the Land of Conclusions (that this book is really tremendous fun, no matter your age or bedtime): The Phantom Tollbooth !
Meet us over at our Instagram story at 8:45pm for tonight's live bedtime reading!
Support Cafe Zing baristas!
Although Cafe Zing is its own business separate from ours, we really don't see it that way: Zing workers are part of the Porter Square Books family. They keep us well supplied - very well supplied - with caffeine, kindness, and some great tunes. Sometimes they give us staff picks; sometimes we give them exact change because we've bought the same, perfect, comforting, delicious beverage twice a day five days a week for how long, now?

They're our family, and they could use a hand. If you are able, please considering donating to the Cafe Zing GoFundMe; 100% of proceeds go to baristas. What might you have spent at Zing over the past weeks if it we were in normal times? If that $10 is still in your wallet, consider putting it in their tip jar. We love you, Zing!
Featured Staff Pick For Kids
Brown Girl Ghosted by Mintie Das

Violet Choudbury sees dead people, and in particular the recently murdered queen bee of her cheerleading squad. For one of a handful of brown girls in a small Illinois town, who wants only to blend in, this is not working well. I thoroughly enjoyed this original, fun, and fast-paced story. --Robin
We Want to Hear from You!
Which book and beverage pairing would you choose?
Hot cocoa + Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
Lemonade + The Lemonade War by Jacqueline Davies
Tequila + To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Water + Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel
Rum + The Rum Diary by Hunter S Thompson
Coffee + The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul by Deborah Rodriguez
Audio Book Of The Month
Deacon King Kong by James McBride

“Deacon King Kong is a quintessential New York story. Set in the Brooklyn projects in 1969, a perpetually inebriated deacon called Sportcoat aims a gun at the neighborhood’s main drug dealer in the public plaza and pulls the trigger. Incredibly well-constructed and hilarious at times, McBride’s story entwines a number of storylines that are kickstarted by this central event. The local Italian gangster, the veteran cop, the meddling churchgoers, and the drug pushers all have their own agendas, hopes, and dreams that are affected. And though Sportcoat doesn’t remember his actions and is always under the influence of gut-rot moonshine, I couldn’t help but root for him as I was reading this. His delightful ineptitude and absence of clarity made this book impossible for me to put down. If you’ve never read McBride before, this is a great introduction.”
--Stuart McCommon, Novel.
See you next time here at Shelf Stable!
We'll get out our next issue as soon as we can. In the meantime, don't forget about all the other places you can catch up with us from afar, on
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