Open for Shipped Orders!
Our physical store is closed, but you can still get many books shipped to you directly from our warehouse. Here's how:  
1. Only order titles with an inventory status of "Available at the Warehouse" 
2. Select the " UPS/USPS Ground Shipping" option
3. Pay with a credit card

We are happy to fulfill other orders, but will not be able to process them until at least April 7. Other options: try  or - keep it indie!
Shelf Stable: March 24
“Books and doors are the same thing. You open them, and you go through into another world .”
 – Jeanette Winterson
Hello readers,

As you likely have heard, yesterday Governor Baker called for all non-essential businesses to close to employees. This was a tough moment for us. On one hand, it's truly, truly been our pleasure to continue serving our community by delivering your books, answering your phone calls, shipping out stacks even we envy. You've been so kind, so supportive, so generous every step of the way. Books are a crucial connector, and especially in these isolating times, we need them more than ever. It's hard (really hard) to lock the doors of our store and walk away for the time being. But it's also the right thing to do to take care of ourselves and our community.

If you've been following our updates, though, you'll already know this piece: we are still able to ship you books. Our warehouse is still operating and is able to send you books directly so you won't have to wait until April 7th to have your order processed. I've put instructions above, but to recap:
-> visit us at!
-> choose delightful books of your heart's desire that have a status of "Available At Our Warehouse"!
-> Select "UPS/USPS Shipping" at check out!
-> Pay with a credit card!

Orders that fall outside this criteria will be processed as soon as we get the all clear to return to work. If you need to look elsewhere while we're closed, we strongly encourage you to keep your dollars in indie bookstores!! Tr y to look for stores that are still open, or order through , and keep local businesses healthy in this uncertain time.

Truly, we just can't wait to be able to welcome you back into the store.

Stay connected, stay well, and keep reading.
all the best, Leila @ PSB
Events We Missed
Need some inspiration?
OK, if you're anything like us, you've been pretty much posted in the kitchen for much of the day. The experience of eating is such an incredible one: not only are you tasting flavors and techniques, but memories, ideas, dreams all seem to bubble forth as you're stirring that stew your mother always made or seasoning the spiciest dish you can find from a country you've never visited. Cooking is nurturing and comforting and in equal measures, transporting and inspiring. We had some of our foodie-inclined staff come up with a whole pile of cookbooks to get you going!
1: Sinny's pick- Judy Joo's Korean Soul Food ( 20% off this month!) + Rough Guide Korea
3: Carter's pick- Food52 Genius Desserts + My Neighbor Totoro notebook (keep your recipes inside!)
5: Katie's pick- Love Real Food by Kathryne Taylor + Paperblanks notebook (for recording your culinary adventures!)
6: Hannah's pick- The Hungry Student Vegan Cookbook by Spruce + stellar notebook (keep recipes inside!)
Go on, try a recipe - and let us know what you've been quarancooking! (We just might share our own results...)
Josh on Reading Proust
Planning to read Proust while you quarantine? Nice! Here's Josh on how the very beginning of the very first book gives you some keys to reading the whole thing:
(PS: We heard from some of you that our link to Kate's delightfully dialect-filled reading of Terry Pratchett's Mort didn't work - so sorry for that! You definitely want to give this one a watch - click here.)
Shelf Stable Exquisite Corpse
An "exquisite corpse" is a group writing exercise in which a story is built one line at a time. Someone kicks it off by writing one sentence on a piece of paper and handing it to the someone else. That person writes the next line, folds the paper so that only their sentence is visible, and passes it to someone else. This goes on until everyone in the room has added their line and then the "story" is read. With social distancing we ain't passing anything to anybody. So we'll do our exquisite corpse online. Here's your jumping off point:

The surprises were apparently just beginning, though, because what I saw through that open door was something I had been fearing since it had been driven out of town, some twenty years ago...

Respond to this email with your next sentence. We'll pick our favorite and put it in the next newsletter. Rinse and repeat. Eventually, we'll publish the entire story on our blog.
Featured Staff Pick For Kids
Scary Stories for Young Foxes by Christian McKay Heidicker, illustrated by Junyi Wu 

Follow a pair of clever fox kits through the spooky underbelly of the forest in this beautifully-woven tale, reminiscent of Watership Down by way of the Brothers Grimm. The dangers the foxes face will make you want to keep the light on and the door shut tight--but, as the wise old storyteller counsels, if you can make it to the end of the tale, you'll find a happy ending waiting there. --Kate
We want to hear from you! What kind of reads are you into these days?
New releases are keeping it exciting.
New-to-me books - I'm finally getting to that stack!
I am a glutton and only want apocalyptic books right now.
Re-reading favorites is keeping me sane!
Taking this time to dive into a nonfiction read on a topic I know nothing about.
Oh, I've been....over here working on this 1,000 piece puzzle.
Audio Book Of The Month
Oona Out of Order by Margarita Montimore

" Oona Out of Order is a work of fiction that genuinely encouraged me to reflect upon my own mortality and the trajectory of my life. Oona wakes up on her birthday every year in a different part of her life. The difficulty this imposes is fascinating. Pop culture and music is ever-present, as Oona is a musician and chapter titles are taken from song titles or lyrics. What would it be to live your life out of order? To instinctively want to second guess and redo what you saw as failures? At the heart, Oona Out of Order is about mastering the art of living in the moment and it is a terribly fun romp."
-Rachel, Avid Bookshop
See you next time here at Shelf Stable!
We'll get out our next issue as soon as we can. In the meantime, don't forget about all the other places you can catch up with us from afar, on
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube :
25 White St. Cambridge, MA 02140