Open for Shipped Orders!
Our physical store is closed, but you can still get many books shipped to you directly from our warehouse. Here's how:  
1. Only order titles with an inventory status of "Available at the Warehouse" 
2. Select the " UPS/USPS Ground Shipping" option
3. Pay with a credit card

We are happy to fulfill other orders, but will not be able to process them until at least April 7. Other options: try  or - keep it indie!
Shelf Stable: March 26
"There is creative reading as well as creative writing. When the mind is braced by labor and invention, the page of whatever book we read becomes luminous."
 – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Hello readers,

I was one of the people who was, until this week, driving around bringing books to our local customers in Cambridge and Somerville. On Tuesday I was at the store at 8 AM, packing crates of books into my tiny car and loading up google maps. I was happy to do this, even though as an evening shift person, I'm rarely up that early. I understand as well as the rest of our libromancers that providing the community with books is an essential service. When we can't leave the house physically, at least we can go on adventures through reading. We can't go to school, but there are non-fiction books out there on every topic imaginable. We can't touch anyone without risking infection, but there are romance novels out there with… well, you get the picture.

So this was a job I was happy to do. I drove from house to house, dropping books in the mailbox or on the porch, and shooting off texts to customers to let them know the books were there. We have very good customers. I almost always got a thank you, and if text well wishes were as effective as soap in destroying the virus, I would be able to last a long time on all the "be safe" and "stay healthy" messages I got. 

And then there were the messages of appreciation. I know Porter Square Books is well loved in the community, but I haven't seen it demonstrated this frequently or with this many exclamation points until now. Here are a few highlights:

"BTW, you guys are ROCKING IT."

"Appreciate all the work you've all been doing during this time—you guys are the best!"

"Thank you so much!! I miss PSB! Good luck!"

"Oh great! Thank you so much--what a treat!"

"Thank you so much!!!!! You and PSB are awesome!"

The store is now completely closed (though you can still order online!) and local deliveries are on hold with everything else. Like so much else happening right now, I don't like it, but I understand it. The safety of the community comes first. 

But I hope that community knows we love them as much as they love us.

Stay connected, stay well, and keep reading.
all the best, Shana @ PSB
Events We Missed
Need some inspiration?
This bookseller here has avidly followed Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah since his incredible, bestselling debut story collection, Friday Black , was published. (I've probably added this one to some of your stacks!) Nana, who teaches creative writing at Syracuse, is an incredibly talented writer, a protege of George Saunders ( Lincoln in the Bardo ) and generally, a really great human being. He's also giving a story talk tomorrow, Friday the 27th, at 6:30pm on Instagram Live!
Join Nana to dissect "Isabelle" by George Saunders and story openings; work on a "very chill" guided exercise, and discuss in a digital setting. Follow Nana on Instagram at @king_nk to join in!
Don't miss our live bedtime stories!
At around 8:45pm each night on Instagram Live, the PSB booksellers you know and love will be regaling you with renditions from some of our favorites. We'll do our best to save these and add them to our YouTube channel - but not going to lie, it's pretty lovely to have a live audience to enjoy it! Tune in at 8:45pm weeknights on our Instagram story to be read to!
We're sorry we didn't capture the video for this one, but last night, Meaghan read from Emma in full period costume. Bless you, Meaghan. We needed this.
Need a puzzle fix?
We all know books are the best way to spend your time, but sometimes... you just need a good puzzle to get you into the zen. Since we're not able to offer you the puzzles that are in our store at the moment, we compiled a whole bunch of puzzles, coloring books, greeting cards, games and more on our Pinterest page!
Support Cafe Zing baristas!
Although Cafe Zing is its own business separate from ours, we really don't see it that way: Zing workers are part of the Porter Square Books family. They keep us well supplied - very well supplied - with caffeine, kindness, and some great tunes. Sometimes they give us staff picks; sometimes we give them exact change because we've bought the same, perfect, comforting, delicious beverage twice a day five days a week for how long, now?

They're our family, and they could use a hand. If you are able, please considering donating to the Cafe Zing GoFundMe; 100% of proceeds go to baristas. What might you have spent at Zing over the past weeks if it we were in normal times? If that $10 is still in your wallet, consider putting it in their tip jar. We love you, Zing!
Featured Staff Pick For Kids
The Midnight Lie by Marie Rutkoski

Marie Rutkoski is a genius. This book will stomp on your heart and swallow you whole. --Rebecca
We want to hear from you! What kind of virtual event would you be most likely to attend?
A Zoom meeting turned reading - that way I can ask questions!
Facebook Live is where it's at.
I prefer Instagram Live!
I have a different idea - I'll email you!
Audio Book Of The Month
Oona Out of Order by Margarita Montimore

" Oona Out of Order is a work of fiction that genuinely encouraged me to reflect upon my own mortality and the trajectory of my life. Oona wakes up on her birthday every year in a different part of her life. The difficulty this imposes is fascinating. Pop culture and music is ever-present, as Oona is a musician and chapter titles are taken from song titles or lyrics. What would it be to live your life out of order? To instinctively want to second guess and redo what you saw as failures? At the heart, Oona Out of Order is about mastering the art of living in the moment and it is a terribly fun romp."
-Rachel, Avid Bookshop
See you next time here at Shelf Stable!
We'll get out our next issue as soon as we can. In the meantime, don't forget about all the other places you can catch up with us from afar, on
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube :
25 White St. Cambridge, MA 02140