Important Updates on Membership Fees and New Adult Application Process
We are excited to bring you some important updates from the National Council.
Firstly, we're delighted to announce that the $25 New Joiner fee has been eliminated effective March 1st 2024.
There will also be a minor increase in the membership fees as follows also effect 3/1/24:
- Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing, and Sea Scout participants: $85/year ($5 increase)
- All adult volunteers: $65/year ($5 increase)
- Merit Badge Counselors (not already registered as a leader in another role): $25/year
- Exploring participants: $50/year
- Unit recharter fee: $100/year
- Scout Life magazine subscription: $15/year
We also want to inform you about an important change in the process for all new adult applications. Starting Monday, March 4th, the adult application process will require that the results of the Criminal Background Check (CBC) must be received before ANY new adult volunteer can assume a leadership role. Please note, they cannot participate as a leader until the CBC process is complete.
Upon processing an adult application, the applicant will be put in a “pending” state. The adult leader will receive an email notice informing them that their registration is being processed and they are not to assume any leadership role until the completion of the CBC process. The unit's key 3 will also receive this email.
Once the CBC results are found to be acceptable, an email will be sent to the applicant and the unit's key 3, stating that the applicant can now be an active leader.
We thank you for your attention to these updates and your continued commitment to making Scouting a safe, fun, and rewarding experience for all our members.