The Shenandoah Update
District News and Activities
July 2, 2020
In Our Prayers
We continue to pray for pastors Jack Haddock (Trinity), Dot Mellott (Waynesboro) and Tim Sites (Leake's Chapel) who are recovering from serious illnesses.
District News
From the Desk of District Executive Minister John Jantzi
Words That Anchor

In the last Shenandoah Update, I shared a meditation on words that anchor. Micah 6:6-8 is an anchoring passage of scripture during days when I wonder what my primary task and vocation should be. Do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God. Do that much and you are walking in the ways of God.

There is a second passage of scripture that has anchored my soul over the years. It does not answer that question of what I should be doing but rather tells me who I am. That passage is Luke 3:21-23 (ESV). “Now when all the people were baptized, and when Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, the heavens were opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form, like a dove; and a voice came from heaven, you are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased."

While true that those words were spoken to Jesus in his unique relationship with God, we also participate in that promise at our baptism. One of my favorite moments in the baptismal ritual occurred after the triune immersion. The candidate would stay kneeling in the water and I would pray for the Holy Spirit to descend. At that moment in time, I would repeat the blessing of God, “you are my beloved son/daughter in you I am well pleased.”

At Mt. Bethel, where I was the pastor for nine years, we did most of our baptisms at the farm of Jack and Gloria Showalter on the banks of the Dry River. The water was cold, the banks were lined with worshipers, and often the birds were singing. When repeating those words, I would not have been surprised if a dove descended and landed on the shoulder of the newly baptized one.

These words, uttered to Jesus, were not designed to simply provide Jesus with good feelings or warm fuzzies. Immediately after Jesus’ baptism we find Jesus being led into the wilderness to be tempted. These were the words that allowed Jesus to stand in the midst of struggle and temptation, in the midst of ministering, in the midst of facing evil and unjust accusations, in the midst of all that his life encompassed. Jesus knew his identity and whose he was.

Sisters and brothers, this is our identity as well. As followers of Christ, we are sealed by the Holy Spirit and called God’s beloved ones. As was true for Jesus, this is not meant to make us feel good. It is designed to give us a place to stand and minister and bless those we encounter each day. This identity allows us to show mercy with confidence because we know whose we are. Without that clarity of standing, our efforts to minister in the name of Jesus result in a flurry of disconnected activity.

And so I say to you sisters and brothers, God has given you a name and that name is beloved. You are God’s beloved daughters and sons. Carry that promise with you, and may all those you encounter be able to catch a glimpse of what might be theirs.

Go forth in the confidence of “whose” you are.
District Office and Holiday Hours
The District Office has taken steps to reopen the office while maintaining the safety of staff and others. To that end, social distancing will be observed and masks will be required. The following times constitute normal operating hours going forward:

Mon. - Thurs. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri. 8 a.m. - noon

On the first Thurs. of each month, the phones will not be answered in order for the staff to meet without interruptions.

This week, the District Office will be closed tomorrow, July 3, in observance of Independence Day and will open at 8 a.m. on Mon., July 6.

Due to the size constraints of the office space, no more than three employees will be working at any one time. In order to meet this requirement, staff will be working both from home and at the office during the designated hours and frequencies listed below:

  • District Executive Minister John Jantzi, daily office hours as noted above.
  • Office Manager Sarah Long, daily office hours as noted above.
  • Financial Secretary Larry Holsinger, weekly office hours, Mon., 8 - 10 a.m.
  • Director of Ministerial Services Jonathan Prater, weekly office hours, Tues. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Jon will assume the new position on July 16.
  • Director of Finance Gary Higgs, weekly office hours, Wed. 1 - 6 p.m.
  • Director of Communications Brenda Diehl, monthly office hours, first Thurs. of each month, 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Pastoral Vacancies
Bridgewater - full-time, Christy Dowdy, interim pastor, congregational profile forthcoming 
Garbers  - part-time, Ken Dolan, interim pastor, congregational profile forthcoming
Leake's Chapel - part-time, Tim Sites, interim pastor, congregational profile available
Staunton  - full-time, J. D. Glick, interim pastor, congregational profile forthcoming
Sunrise - part-time, Paul Roth, pulpit supply, congregational profile forthcoming
Waynesboro  - full-time, Dot Mellott, interim pastor, updated congregational profile available
District Conference in Planning Phase
Program and Arrangements is keenly aware of the logistical difficulties resulting from the COVID-19 virus. Even though District Conference is not until Nov., a variety of options are being explored. We anticipate an announcement in July regarding the structure and format for District Conference 2020.
Website Development
District Staff have been busily engaged in providing text and photos for the new website. Work has progressed well. We will keep you informed as to the launch date.
Publishing Schedule
The Shenandoah Update will be published weekly on Thurs. through July 16. There will be no Update released on July 23, due to scheduled vacation time for the director of communications. The Update will resume on July 30.

After this time, the publications will be further evaluated and a new slate of communications, to include meditations, news, pastoral information and resources will be considered. The direction of communications for the District will be announced in future Updates.
Congregational Reopenings
District churches continue to open at a varied pace and manner under social distancing guidelines developed to date by the District and as described in Phase Two of Va. state requirements. Va. moved into Phase Three yesterday on July 1. Download Va. Phase Three guidelines here .

It is important to note that Va. Phase Three guidelines do not address the wearing of facemasks and therefore do not replace the mandate for wearing them as prescribed in Executive Order 63 .

W. Va. entered Week Nine of the State's W. Va. Strong - The Comeback plan. Click here for a link to the W. Va. week-by-week listing of reopenings.
CGI Classes
Christian Growth Institute (CGI) classes will resume this month. The classes will be taught via zoom. Contact Sarah Long for information about CGI.
Denominational News
Online Concert Tonight
Tonight, Thurs., July 2, an online concert will be shared beginning at 8 p.m. Click for more information
Congregational News
Services and activities at District churches are in transition. Some churches are offering online, drive-in and in-person worship services and limited activities.
Mark Your Calendar
The revival planned at Madison for July has been postponed until fall. Contact Pastor Ed Morris for more information.

Calvary has canceled VBS for this summer. Stay tuned for Big Fish Bay in 2021.
Brethren Disaster Ministry News
Kit Depots to Reopen in Places
Church World Service announces plans to reopen many of their kit depots Aug. 17 through Sept. 4.
It's time to Donate School Supplies for Kits
Disaster Auction Committee Chair Catherine Lantz is looking ahead and preparing for whatever back-to-school will look like this year. She is encouraging churches who are interested in contributing school kit materials to watch for sales on school supplies in the coming weeks. Supplies will be used to make kits to resupply the kit depot.
Brethren Woods News
Watz' in the Woods
Watz' in the Woods, Brethren Woods' online camping adventure, continues in July. Click here to watch a video about the program. Interested participants may register for Watz’ in the Woods online or by completing the request form on the camp's website. A username, password, and login information will be provided to get started. Access to the portal will be open through July 24.  Click here for details.
Family Camp
Family Camp is a unique alternative for families that are ready to get outside. It’s also a fun and reasonably priced vacation alternative for families who may not be able to go on other trips planned for this summer. Find out more by clicking here.
Continuing the work of Jesus.
Peacefully. Simply. Together.

Shenandoah District website:

Questions? Comments?
Director of Communications

Today's photo courtesy of B. Diehl, Blackwater Falls, W. Va.

Shenandoah District Church of the Brethren
P.O. Box 67, 1453 Westview School Road, Weyers Cave, Va. 24486
Phone: (540) 234-8555; Toll-free (888) 308-8555; Fax (540) 234-8333

John Jantzi, District Executive Minister,
Sarah Long, Administrative Assistant,
Brenda Sanford Diehl, Director of Communications,
Gary Higgs, Director Finance,
Larry Holsinger, Financial Secretary/Bookeeper,
Pastoral Placement Team, Glenn Bollinger, Bernie Fuska and John W. Glick
Disaster Ministries Team, Jerry Ruff, Coordinator;,
Henry Elsea, and Galen Halterman,