It's Time to CELEBRATE! Saturday, 4/29 KCHS End of Year Celebration

Great Fun at the Shelton Sports Center

Career & Finance Workshop for Seniors

Resume Writing for Juniors

College Tour for Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors

Shepherds Service in Action

Etiquette Workshop for Freshmen & Sophomores

Shepherds Students are Headed to HOBY

Fundraising & Development

Upcoming Events

Save the Date: Shepherds 25th Anniversary Gala

Mentors Needed for the

Class of 2027

Dear Shepherds Friends,


Shepherds Weather Report - Spring, 2023:

Looking out the window, our view for the day and next two months in one word is, SUNNY!

That sunshine is reflected in the faces of our Shepherds students as they enter the homestretch of their academic year, and being normal teenagers, evidencing more than a tinge of spring fever. We see the extra effort in their athletic activities, their social energy in the hallways, and their impressive engagement in our many Shepherds’ sponsored activities. It’s a great time to be a Shepherds Student and a Shepherds Mentor!

But sometimes a cloud or two passes, auguring a change. And change is good as we know. Spring flowers need rain.

With that lead in, I bring the other part of the news.

Lisa Matson, our incredible Kolbe Cathedral Shepherds Liaison, finally has real plans to retire after 41 plus years of service and untold contributions to the Kolbe Cathedral family of students, teachers, and administrators. We were very fortunate to add Lisa to the Shepherds team eight years ago and take advantage of her experience, intelligence, and judgment filling the critical intermediary role between Shepherds students, their families, mentors and the school faculty and administration. It’s hard to overstate the good fortune we and over 100 students and mentors have had by having this very special person in our lives. Our motto may be “Changing Lives…One Student at a Time”, but Lisa has done it in scores.

We celebrate the many sunny days Lisa has brought to Shepherds and that now lie ahead for her and her spouse, Ed. Thank you, Lisa, and may you remain in good health and enjoy every minute of the next stage of what life brings you in the years ahead.

The important role of Kolbe Cathedral’s Shepherds Liaison is truly a case of “big shoes to fill.” I welcome inquiries and referrals from our Shepherds’ friends who might be interested in applying for the role.

Enjoy the Spring!




Our Shepherds Kolbe Cathderal End of the Year Celebration will be on Saturday, April 29th from 9:30am-11:30am. This celebratory breakfast will be held at The Trumbull Marriott Shelton (180 Hawley Lane Trumbull, Connecticut 06611)

We ask that Shepherds mentors coordinate with their student for attendance and travel arrangements and RSVP below. (Senior students are welcome to bring up to 2 family members and Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors may bring up to one family member).

We look forward to seeing everyone there and to celebrate another successful Shepherds year!



Arcade fun for Everyone!

Our Shepherds group headed to the Shelton Sports Center on March 29th for a neon-filled afternoon of arcade games and laser tag. Shepherds mentors and students showed their skills at pinball, the "claw" machine, car racing and more. Every mentor and student became a kid again which was made evident by the laughs and smiles on all of our Shepherds faces!

Nelson D. & Jim Nugent

Linda Schwartz & Nixie G.

Alberto T. & Jason Sherrod

Click to see all pics...


Shepherds Seniors Learn the Rules of Life

Shepherds Senior students participate in two interactive sessions, "Your Career Adventure: Self-Assessment & Majors/Careers" and "Money Matters: The 5 Principles" presented by UNH?

Working with a professional career and finance advisors, students conducted a self-assessment and learned how their personality, interests, and skills connect to academic majors and careers and learned about the 5 principles of financial literacy and tips on how to manage your money effectively. 

Thomas S, E. Vincent and Eliana B.

Joshua T., Joshua C., Nariyza D. and Gigi G.


Resume Writing for Juniors

On April 19th, Juniors learned the value of a strong resume and how it becomes their first impression when applying for an internship or a job. Students were taught how to showcase their best skills, qualities, and experiences to make an employer want to meet them...and help them to land that job!


Shepherds Goes to College!

On Thursday, April 13th, a group of 20 Shepherds students, several mentors and staff visited Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) and The College of The Holy Cross, both in Worcester, MA.

Students were able to see first-hand what college looks and feels like. Taking a tour at both colleges, students interacted with current college students, saw dorm rooms and even ate in the cafeteria -- all giving them the full, college experience.

Click to see all pics...


Shepherds Students Follow the Path of Service and Leadership

Freshman Shepherds student, Leeanna S. and her mentor, Ellery Malkin put their gloves on and got together to "clean up" Bridgeport’s Seaside Park on Sunday, April 16th.

Leeanna, thinking about completing her required service hours for the year, worked with Ellery to come up with a plan. Leeanna took the initiative and lead to create flyers and distributed them to other students at KCHS. This led to fellow Shepherds student, Sofia L. to also jump at the opportunity to earn her hours. While participating in their service work, our group removed trash and debris from the beach and surrounding area and additionally helped to protect the Long Island Sound. 

Thank you, students Leeanna and Sofia and mentor, Ellery Malkin for helping to make it all happen!


A First Impression is Everything!

On Wednesday, April 26th, Shepherds Freshmen and Sophomores will be attending an educational and empowering workshop presented by "More than Manners" to learn about the essentials of manners and etiquette.

In this workshop, our students will learn about the do's and don'ts's when it comes to handshakes, conversation, dining, place settings, silverware, expressions of gratitude and more.


Shepherds Sophomores Follow the Path of Leadership

Four of our Shepherds students: Angel G., Mariela M., Nyasha W. and Sensere B., have been invited to attend The Hugh O'Brien Youth (HOBY) State Leadership Conference at Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven from

June 2-4.

Specifically for high school sophomores, HOBY has inspired young people to make a difference and become catalysts for positive change in their home, school, workplace, and community.

In addition to academic performance, our Sophomores were selected by showing strengths in communication skills, critical thinking, creative problem solving, strong decision making, charisma, courage, and an interest in community service--just what our Shepherds students are about! Congratulations, Angel, Mariela, Nyasha and Sencere!


Fund-Raising Highlights for April

Shepherds is pleased to report the John and Ethel Kashulon Foundation has made a generous grant of $20,000 to support the Shepherds program at Kolbe Cathedral High School. This is the third grant the Kashulon Foundation has made to Shepherds since 2018. Thank you to the Trustees of the Foundation!

We are also grateful to the M&T Bank Foundation for its recent grant of $5,000, which will underwrite a new Shepherds video premiering at our 25th Anniversary Gala in October.

These gifts, like many others, were facilitated by Board members and Mentors who introduced Shepherds to these donors. We welcome all our volunteers to open doors for us - your support will help Shepherds to continue to fulfill its mission of "Changing Lives...One Student at a Time."

We’re particularly seeking business and individual sponsors for our 25th Anniversary Gala in

October. See the Educate & Empower website for specific opportunities.


APRIL 2023

Wednesday, April 26: Etiquette Workshop

For Freshmen and Sophomores from 2:30pm-3:30pm

Saturday, April 29: Shepherds Kolbe Cathedral End of the Year Celebration

All students and mentors will have a celebratory breakfast at The Trumbull Marriott Shelton

MAY 2023

Wednesday, May 24: Kolbe Cathedral Prom

JUNE 2023

Thursday, June 1: Kolbe Cathedral Class of 2023 Graduation


Shepherds celebrates 25 years of "Changing Lives...One Student at a Time" this fall with our 25th Anniversary Gala, Thursday, October 19, 2023, at The Inn at Longshore in Westport.

Shepherds only holds a major event like this every five years! It’s critical to building the financial resources to support more students over the years between events. 25th Gala Event Information

Sponsorships and tables information will be available shortly. Should you wish to reserve a sponsorship early - personal or business - make a tax-deductible gift, please contact Jane MacDonald at Jane MacDonald at


We have started to build our pool of prospective mentors for the incoming Class of 2027.

As of March 15th, we still need 4-5 women and 3-5 men for the incoming Class of 2027 at Kolbe Cathedral and 4-7 mentors for Notre Dame. 

Please invite your friends whom you think might be interested to check out Shepherds website, send us an email or call us (203) 367-4273 to discuss the opportunity to “change a life….”

Click here to fill out a Mentor Interest Form (or email the link to a friend!)

Donate to Shepherds Today!
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