It's a Wrap!

The Shepherds Community Celebrates the End of the Year

Fundraising & Development

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Save the Date: Shepherds 25th Anniversary Gala

Mentors Needed for the

Class of 2027

Dear Shepherds Friends,


This June, Shepherds completes its 24th year of “Changing Lives...One Student at a Time” with 13 students graduating from our two partner schools.

I’ve been to several graduation events the past two months both for our Shepherds students and their classmates and even a granddaughter’s nursery school, and there’s been a consistent theme to the speeches and messages that I heard but wasn’t expecting. Despite what we remember about the two-plus years of what I refer to as “the blackhole of COVID”, references to the pandemic as an excuse, a lament, or even as a memory, were nearly non-existent!

The themes, the tone, and most impressively the RESULTS were celebratory, congratulatory, optimistic, forward-looking. Kind of like “the old days” when graduation or moving up for younger students was all about handshakes, hugs, and smiles. Human expressions we missed for two years! I thought to myself this is really healthy for students, families, and friends, why stop there…. for everyone!

Please flip through the Shepherds Class of 2023 graduates’ comments, school plans and smile with them too!

And families and mentors, you may deservedly congratulate yourselves, as we say Thank YOU!

Enjoy the remainder of the graduation season and school year. It’s time to catch-up on being human!




On April 26th, our Shepherds community enjoyed a festive pizza dinner in The Collins Auditorium at Notre Dame High School, celebrating our 2023 Notre Dame/Shepherds graduates and the successful completion of Shepherds' 24th year of Changing Lives...One Student at a Time.

Five members of the Shepherds Class of 2023 and their mentors traded speeches of mutual appreciation and admiration. The graduating seniors all have plans to attend college in the fall (which you can view in the event program to the left) with substantial scholarships and financial support to make it possible.

Shepherds Juniors, Sophomores and Freshmen students and mentors were able to see their own path and future through the accomplishments of our Seniors. (See video below) Congratulations to all!


Spring Sports are nearing the end as Outdoor Track, Baseball, and Lacrosse prepare for SCCs and Connecticut State Title championships in early June.

Three of our Shepherds students have been highlighted in the past few weeks for their outstanding accomplishments in Track and Field. Alberto Torres, Class of ‘26, (pictured in the middle of photo to the left) celebrates his SCC Novice Race win with his teammates setting a personal best in the 1600m race. 

Alberto (pictured second from left in photo below) also runs in the 4x800 relay race team. He and his team placed 5th at SCCs East Meet and state qualified with a time of 8:58.1

Jumar Vaccianna, Class of ‘25 (pictured above), is part of the ND Track team as a shot-put thrower, coached by his very own mentor, Dr. Sean Gleason ‘03.

Arthur Totimeh, Class of ‘24, (pictured above on the left) with two other teammates who all state qualified in 100 and 300m hurdles for the state tournament in Early June. 


25th Anniversary Gala - Great Sponsorship Opportunities Available

The Board of Directors and the Educate & Empower Gala Committee are actively soliciting sponsors for Shepherds 25th Anniversary Gala, being held October 19th at The Inn at Longshore in Westport.

Gala Sponsorships from $500 to $50,000 provide great visibility for commercial and professional organizations at this event with over 250 high net-worth attendees supporting Shepherds plus on-line visibility for up to six months. Each sponsorship dollar raised also reduces the cost of the Gala and assures more funds flow to support more Shepherds students in the years ahead. Please visit our gala website at: for more information.

Recent contributions have come from Carrubba, Inc. via Lisa Matson, PeoplesBank (MA) via Bill Bruno, Perfect Positioning via Mike Bentivegna, and Robin O'Neil Interiors via Jim O'Neil.

If you know of any business or individual who might be interested in sponsorship, please contact Jane MacDonald at


JUNE 2023

Friday, June 2: Last Day of School


All members of the Shepherds community - past and present - are invited to mark their calendars for the Shepherds 25th Anniversary Gala being held on Thursday, October 19, 2023, at The Inn at Longshore in Westport.

Shepherds only holds a major event like this every five years! It’s critical to building the financial resources to support more students over the years between events. 25th Gala Event Information


We have started to build our pool of prospective mentors for the incoming Class of 2027.

As of May 19th, we still need one mentor for Notre Dame. 

Please invite your friends whom you think might be interested to check out Shepherds website, send us an email or call us (203) 367-4273 to discuss the opportunity to “change a life….”

Click here to fill out a Mentor Interest Form (or email the link to a friend!)

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