Dear Shepherds Friends,
It is with great pleasure that Shepherds celebrates the end of the 2022-2023 academic year and looks forward to our 25th year of “Changing Lives…One Student at a Time!”
Our first highlight is the 100% graduation rate of Shepherds’ Class of 2023 at both of our partner schools. This achievement is all that more impressive when compared to the historical graduation rates of their peers in local city public schools of 65-70%. See the great colleges and universities the Notre Dame Shepherds’ Class of 2023 students are attending.
This graduating class had the full impact of COVID remote learning, split scheduling and social isolation making their accomplishments that much more impressive. Our students’ academic successes are not only the result of their hard work, but the dedication of their mentors, and the generosity of our financial supporters. Thank you all for what really brings substance and meaning to Shepherds’ motto.
We encourage our mentors to stay in touch this summer and have some fun in this more relaxed and more flexible time for your students. A brief list of ideas is presented below. If your schedules permit, consider getting together with other mentor-student teams. Shepherds staff is available to coordinate, answer questions and suggest other possibilities.
We’re also ramping up to welcome the 5 new young men and their mentors for the Notre Dame/Shepherds Class of 2027. Speaking of which, be sure October 19th is marked in bright letters on your fall calendars to join us at our 25th Anniversary Gala.
Have a wonderful summer. Stay Safe and Enjoy!