Mission Moment
October 2018
  A note from Sheridan's Mission & Outreach Ministries
Tanzania Leader to visit Sheridan Oct. 21-31 - Sheridan...

Pastor Godrick is the headmaster at Agape Lutheran Seminary, a high school owned by the ELCT Northern Diocese which enrolls Christian students from diocese congregations.

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Rice Distribution in Haiti-Thank you Sheridan!
Due to Sheridan’s generosity, 270 bags of rice were distributed to families this August. Through our Haiti VBS ministry, a program for rice distribution began. When a family sends a child to the VBS, they do so because that child achieved good grades and behavior in school and the community. When the child has had good attendance and behavior at VBS, the family receives a 30 pound bag of rice about a month after VBS is over. This bag of rice feeds the family for the next few months. It is a tremendous blessing for them, and a great reward for positive life choices. We pray God’s blessings upon them as they are fed and strengthened for their life’s work through this food. Amen!
Save the Date: Angel Tree weekend in November
November 17 & 18
Pick up an angel from the special Angel Tree following worship on Nov. 17 & 18 purchase a gift for a child whose parent is incarcerated. New this year - ‘angels’ from Barnabas Community will also be featured instead of the tradition of Shoebox Gifts.
Mark your calendars to stop by the table in the Great Hall in November and pick up an angel to purchase a gift for a child this Advent season. 
Freed for Life Event
Fri., Nov. 9; 5:30-8pm
Family LIfe Center | Purchase tickets
Sheridan hosting the Freed For Life Dinner, a benefit dinner and gala for Nebraska Synod ministries that share God’s love in our state’s penitentiary system. The ministries supported through this event are Followers of Christ – an ELCA worshipping community in the State Penitentiary and Bridges to Hope – a prison aftercare ministry that helps former inmates become contributing and productive members of society. The featured speaker for the event is Mr. Shon Hopwood. Purchase your tickets using the link above.
Last chance for Lutheran World Relief Kit Items
Please help collect items for baby care, personal care and school kits for Lutheran World Relief. Find specific kit needs and assembly instructions online or from the Welcome Center. Please place kit items in the Donation Bins near each entrance. Kit items are collected through this month and are assembled and mailed in November.
Tanzania scholarship recipient
Fall Noisy Offering
During the fall, the Noisy Offering during worship will support our scholarship programs in Haiti and Tanzania. As we have sponsored students over the years, many scholarship recipients have found jobs as nurses, teachers, administrators and business leaders. Educating children, generation after generation, helps a nation grow and develop in positive ways. Thank you children for modeling joyful and generous giving! 
This summer more than $1,200 was collected for the Habitat for Humanity/Lincoln Faith Build. 
Connections Cafe'
Cafe Hours:
Sundays: 9:30am-12:30pm
Wednesdays: 6:30-8pm
Visit the Connections Cafe and support ongoing mission partnerships in Lincoln and beyond.
In October, your tips this help provide food for the meal that Sheridan hosts at Matt Talbot Kitchen and Outreach. Every 4th Friday of the month, a team from Sheridan serves between 160-200 people at Matt Talbot who are hungry. 
Volunteering for Missions and Outreach Made Easy
Our mission & outreach partnerships need your help. Volunteering involves prayerful consideration and clearing your calendar. You’ll be in for an opportunity that will grow your faith and inspire your heart and mind. Make time in your schedule to experience the gift of serving and giving. You’ll be glad you did! Sign up for volunteering online
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