January is nationally recognized as Human Trafficking Prevention Month. The Washington County Human Trafficking Task Force, led by Safety Compass Oregon works to identify and support victims of trafficking. Human trafficking is a real threat used to exert power and control over others, especially women and children, through force, fraud, or coercion.
As members of the Task Force, Washington County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO) detectives and deputies work tirelessly to help those trapped in trafficking and forced labor. WCSO thanks our community partners, Safety Compass Oregon, the Washington County District Attorney's Office, our municipal partners, and community support service providers. These partnerships help coordinate sex trafficking investigations and prosecutions while ensuring victims and survivors receive trauma-informed services.
Anyone can join the fight against human trafficking. We encourage you to to get involved to raise awareness and honor those missing or who have lost their lives to the violence of trafficking. The US Department of State has outlined ways you can learn more to help prevent and stop this criminality:
Indicators of human trafficking.
Learn to recognize traffickers' recruitment tactics, how to navigate out of a suspicious or uncomfortable situation safely, and how to reach out for help at any time.
- Become a mentor to a young person or someone in need. Traffickers often target people who are going through a difficult time or lack strong support systems.
Parents, caregivers, and those working with youth: Learn how human traffickers often target and recruit youth and know who to turn to in potentially dangerous situations.
If you believe someone may be a victim of human trafficking, call the 24-hour National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 or local non-emergency at 503-629-0111. Always report emergencies to law enforcement by calling 9-1-1.
If we all “See Something, Say Something” together as a community, we can save lives and hold abusers accountable. To read more about this fight and other ways you can help, visit the US Department of State's website.