In a recent LA Times article they called for the end of single-family zoning. They perpetuate a false claim that 72% of residential land is zoned single family, however, by the LA City Planning Department’s data the number is approximately 45% (the rest is not developable due to environmental and geographic issues). The LA Times and other pro-development lobbyists go on to claim that this land is critical for the City to accommodate the more than 250,000 new home needed to meet State criteria. Again, a false narrative.
We, the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council’s Vision Committee along with United Neighbors, has demonstrated to the City Planning Department, the Mayor’s office and through a vast number of public meetings, that if the commercial corridors are developed for housing and retail, there is enough capacity to accommodate more that 3 times the required housing without touching single-family or multi-family zoned properties. Remember, the goal is affordable housing. Yet the LA Times and pro-development lobbyists want to destroy existing single-family residential areas that are naturally affordable (and most peoples only source of generational wealth) and rezone exiting multi-family zones which are mostly rent stabilized housing and affordable. You must ask why anybody would want to destroy housing to create housing. Makes no sense. Except when you realize the amount of money that has been invested in our residential areas and the amazing profit that will be made when the single-family and multi-family properties are upzoned to allow for greater density. Greater density equals large apartment buildings in single-family neighborhoods and even bigger apartment buildings where our garden apartments exist today.
We have proposed developments in our commercial areas (currently mostly one-story retail surrounded by asphalt parking lots) to build vibrant new neighborhoods that could be developed as paseos with walk thru pedestrian spaces with shops and restaurants to make living here better than in the “boxes” being built to store people that are currently being built. We have also demonstrated how to add new affordable townhomes as an appropriate transition from the proposed apartment buildings to existing single family neighborhoods. These would be starter homes, family friendly developments and a chance for people to build generational wealth.
Please join us at Vision, the first Thursday of every month and participate in this ongoing effort to bring smart development and beauty into our community. Beauty is a concept that never comes up in discussions of new housing. State and City laws actually prohibit what they term “subjective” design criteria.
Don't miss out on our regular community engagement opportunities at the Sherman Oaks Library:
Vision: First Thursday of every month at 6:30pm.
Planning, Land Use, and Land Management Committee (PLUM): Third Thursday at 6:30pm.
Your participation is crucial in shaping the vibrant future of Sherman Oaks. Together, let's build a community we're proud to call home!