Shibboleth Partner Exercise Homework #2

This is workout #2 for our Shibboleth partners. There are really only two exercises for today. Begin with your warm-up and stretch routine. After stretching and warming up you will have two exercises to enjoy. First, we will perform air squats again. The lower body is very strong and easily handles stimulation two days in a row. We want to condition our lower bodies and see amazing progress soon. The abdominals also evolve quickly with daily stimulation so today we are incorporating leg raises instead of crunches. Leg raises work the lower abdominals as opposed to the upper abdominals. Crunches are for the upper abdominals and leg raises are for the lower abdominals. Strengthening the lower abdominals while also keeping the hamstrings and quads flexible through a solid stretching routine will help eliminate pesky back pains. I have also added burpees for the intermediate and advanced folks here. If you cannot perform burpees or a variation of the burpee, don't worry. You will get there soon enough. Tomorrow, we will take a rest day. We will have worked both our upper and lower bodies thoroughly and will give our bodies a little time to recover. If you don't feel fatigued on your rest day, feel free to perform another progressive workout of your choice. Please do not take a rest with your steps. You should strive to get 10,000 steps each day come rain or shine excluding times when injured.

Warmest Regards,

Travis Martin

This video is updated once each week. Our next live partner exercise session will be held this week and announced this week so be on the lookout. We record the sessions for those who cannot be present. The live exercise demonstration video is located in the Shibboleth Partner Facebook Group.
We live in an instant gratification society. It is killing ambition, happiness, and joy. Instant gratification offers only momentary happiness but most often leads to pain. Put in the hard work, one day at a time, to live your best life and to be your best self again.

Before performing the exercise routine please perform the stretch routine that we went over in the class from Saturday, August 13, 2022. Facebook Class Link

Stretches ~ Using the stretch a minute, a long towel, or stretch strap and timer perform the following static stretches for at least one minute. (The stretch a minute has a built in timer.)

1) Good Morning Stretch
2) Shoulder and Tricep Stretch
3) Chest Stretch
4) Hamstring stretch
5) Quadricep Stretch
  • If you have not already, perform your max test so you can get your first Workout Series programmed.
  • You do not have to do all exercises together, but you do have to do all 5 sets of your Workout together.
  • Example:
  • Your first Workout Set for Push Ups = 5,6,6,5,4
  • Perform all 5 sets together with a small break in between each set.
  • Move to your 1st Workout for Squats and then to Crunches / Sit Ups

The Air Squat/Body Weight Squats
Remember to keep those abdominal muscles tight while performing air squats. Not only will air squats work your lower body but they will also work your core if you keep those abs tight.
Leg Raises to work the lower abdomen
Keep abs tight. Keep knees only slightly bent or straight, legs together, and elevate legs to slightly less than 90 degrees. This photo shows legs raised to 90 degrees. Raise legs just shy of 90 degrees keeping tension on the abdominals at all times. Lower legs until heels are about 6 inches from the floor, pause, and elevate again.
Burpees (Optional) for beginners
Click the image to the left to see the burpee performed correctly and also modifications for those new to burpees. This is an optional exercise for today. If you can't perform burpees yet, don't worry. As you become stronger you will be able to do these with no issue. Everyone here should have a goal of performing burpees in the future. This is a powerful strength and conditioning exercise.

PERFORM 10,000 STEPS OR MORE. When following the Shibboleth lifestyle, after two days you are in what we call efficient fat burning mode. This means every extra step you take burns 4% of 1 calorie. Nothing burns calories stored in fat like long brisk walks.

This is the facebook group for Shibboleth Partner Group Support
A two-week supply of vitamins, 
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Please consult your physician 
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