
I’m not sure how I feel about this. Let me know what you think. An IT guy worked three full-time remote jobs in order to make enough to pay his mortgage off and save for his kid’s future college expenses. Last year he made $344,000!

Some of the jobs required only a few hours of work a week, and he was able to adjust his schedule to accommodate for meetings with each employer. The morality of not being clear with the employers bugs me, but on the other hand I have to applaud the work ethic. Can you imagine the stress of trying to juggle three jobs? Read more here.

Amelia had a fall festival at her school this past Friday. It was a cool event! She had a great time.
Speaking of things that are challenging to juggle, we officially made the move in our office to begin using a new back-office support company called Creative One. They are a company that supports independent financial advisors like myself and helps us function efficiently.

I’ve spoken to many of our clients about this transition, and if I’ve not had an opportunity to speak with you yet look for a call soon. This change mostly affects us internally at our office. We’re excited to grow our business in the years ahead with a new strategic partner. We’re always trying to get better at our craft, and I believe this shift is going to help us take it to the next gear.

This transition only impacts our clients who have what we call a “red bucket” account with us. Our red bucket money is funds that we have in the stock market. We believe it’s important to have some funds allocated to the market throughout our lifetimes because the market tends to help us protect our purchasing power. The market helps us with inflation.

I had to carry Ansley like a sack of taters after the fall festival. She didn't seem to mind.
The market is beginning to feel scary now, but this is often the case in the fall of the year. The market tends to trend down this time of year, but our current circumstances aren’t helping either.

Amelia painted a scarecrow recently. It doesn't look too scary to me...
Amelia and her scarecrow
Larry Fink is head of the world’s largest money manager. He heads a firm named Blackrock. He recently said, “What the world is missing today is hope. I see more fear than any time in my business career.” He stated consumers are spending which drives the economy but business and political leaders aren’t providing hope and this may lead the economy into a recession.

Ansley loves the sun!
When we have all of our eggs in one basket it’s easier to lose hope, I’ve found. We are putting all of our faith into one outcome. That’s what I love about process! We are making allowances for different types of markets which is necessary as we edge closer to retirement or are in retirement.

When we’re younger we may be able to pursue aggressive growth in our accounts but as we get closer to potentially using our funds, we should create an all-weather plan that makes allowances for volatility. If you’re betting on one outcome and hoping for the best, let’s get together and talk about remedies to that problem. A well-thought-out financial plan can provide much peace of mind. That’s what we’re ultimately going for with our clients. Returns are secondary to peace of mind.

Until next week,

David C. Treece,
Financial Planner

PS: Our October Medicare workshop is filled. If you missed out this month, you'll have an opportunity on November 2nd at 6:30 to attend our ABCDs of Medicare presentation at the Tyger River Spartanburg Community College in Duncan. Respond to this email to register to our complimentary presentation.
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Clients Excel, LLC is an independent financial services firm that utilizes a variety of investment and insurance products. Investment advisory services offered only by duly registered individuals through Creative One Wealth. Creative One Wealth and Clients Excel, LLC are not affiliated companies. Neither the firm nor its agents or representatives may give tax or legal advice. Individuals should consult with a qualified tax professional for guidance before making any purchasing decisions. Clients Excel, LLC is not affiliated with or endorsed by the U.S. Government or any governmental agency. Clients Excel, LLC has a strategic partnership with tax professionals and attorneys who can provide tax and/or legal advice.