Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the Lord. May the Lord bless you from Zion, he who is the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 134:2-3
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony & First Day of School

Shiloh United School celebrated its Grand Opening on Thursday, August 23, 2018 with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. Principal David Swift and Mr. Ed Swift spoke to the students, families, faculty, pastors and all who attended. Four teachers led the group in singing God Bless America and Amazing Grace. The excitement resonated throughout the halls after the ribbon was cut and the children found their classrooms to begin the new year.
Volunteer Opportunities
We are looking to boost our volunteer teams. Please contact us through the website if you would like to share your gifts for our Fall semester 2018.
If you have any items you would like to donate, some things we need are piano keyboards, guitars, laptops, and Mac towers (old is fine).
Beautification Day this Sat 9am-12pm

Every Saturday from 9 am to 12 pm is beatification day at Shiloh United. Thank you so much to all the volunteers who brought their time, talent and treasure to this great work! You made last week’s cleanup a resounding success! Yes, there is more to be done!
We can’t do it without you! Come on out! Meet new friends and have fun! Together, United, the vision gets accomplished!
Upcoming Events
  • Every Thursday Night, 7:30 apm - Prayer at Shiloh, in the Pelican's Nest Auditorium, 516 La Casa St - school back entrance.
Shiloh United School is a Pre K-8th grade private tech school starting this August with Spanish and Mandarin language classes.

As a united family with Biblical values, we build character, mentor talents, and educate for tomorrow in a culture of honor that allows students to grow in leadership, find their purpose and make a positive impact on their generation.
Shiloh United School ©2018 | (650)762-5385 |