Praying Citizen  
August 13, 2019
The heart of the prudent gets knowledge; 
and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge. Prov. 18:15
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FBI Raids Epstein's Island
Shocking Details and Clues from Q

The medical examiner did an autopsy of convicted pedophile and human trafficker Jeffrey Epstein who died of an alleged suicide on Saturday. The ME did not come to a conclusion about the death, although the information released by the prison is that he was found hanging in his Lower Manhattan jail cell with a bedsheet wrapped around his neck and secured to the top of a bunk bed. 

Epstein was removed from suicide watch at his lawyers' request two days before his death, and his cell mate was moved out the day before. His was the first successful suicide at this facility in 22 years. 

Two of Epstein’s attorneys have hired criminal defense lawyers for themselves, a sign that they’re preparing for government scrutiny of Epstein's companies and finances. 

Attorney General William Barr said on Monday, “the Department of Justice has learned of “serious irregularities” at the federal facility where Jeffery Epstein died. He added that the department’s Inspector General will get the bottom of what happened and the case against anyone that was complicit with Epstein will continue. "Any co-conspirators should not rest easy; the victims deserve justice and they will get it," Barr warned.

Also on Monday, a dozen FBI agents and NYPD detectives were spotted on Epstein’s Island. In their story about the raid, the UK Daily Mail gave the Q movement credit for warning people about Epstein. Their article notes that the temple on the island “has been of great interest to members of the QAnon community, who had been talking about the island long before Epstein’s arrest…”

That is an about-face. The mainstream media have been calling QAnon a conspiracy theory and hoax from the start. Now, if and when people go back and read the posts about Epstein, they will find a wealth of information. Had it been heeded earlier, perhaps more could have been done to prevent tragedies.

The first Q post about Epstein, November 11, 2017, told us of the temple: 
Hard to swallow.
Important to progress.
Who are the puppet masters?
House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+
Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+
Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+
Focus on above (3).
Public wealth disclosures – False.
Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’. 
Think slush funds (feeder).
Think war (feeder).
Think environmental pacts (feeder).
Triangle has (3) sides.
Eye of Providence.
Follow the bloodlines. 
What is the keystone?
Does Satan exist?
Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?
Who worships Satan?
What is a cult?
Epstein island. 
What is a temple?
What occurs in a temple?
Why is the temple on top of a mountain?
How many levels might exist below?
What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome? 
Why is this relevant?
Who are the puppet masters?
Have the puppet masters traveled to this island? 
When? How often? Why? 
 “Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”
The next set of posts told us who else is involved.

In April, Q told us that Epstein spent $29 million burying the tunnels underneath the temple, but phones were allowed in and people took pictures. Then he began dropping photos of people connected with Epstein, like this one of Bill Clinton and Rachel Chandler, who was likely a minor when the photo was taken.

Chandler now operates the Midland Agency, where she photographs and advertises young people as models. The implication from Q is that “Ray” Chandler is a child handler who specializes in trafficking underage “models," such as the one pictured below on the right.

One expert, who produced a 2014 film about human trafficking, estimates that up to 300,000 children are “sold” every day in America. A single child can be sold for sex many times a day and net a trafficker $200,000 or more a year, tax free. The average age is 12.
Tunnel of Horrors

The next related drop of information took us to the public photo (above) on Chandler's Instagram. According to Q, it shows “Night 3” on Epstein’s Island. The image on the right is a close-up of security camera 10--which appears to be naked people sitting on overturned buckets or stools, eating something.

Q suggested that one such figure in these photos is "H."

For many years, Epstein flew the world's elite--including Bill and Hillary Clinton--on junkets to his private island. The flight logs support the testimony of Virginia Roberts Guiffre, who says she was trafficked to business titans, heads of state, and Prince Andrew. She was Epstein's underage sex slave for many years.

Sadly, some in Hollywood joke about being pedophiles. Patton Oswalt tweeted he is a proud pedophile. Bill Mahr has a production company called Kid Love Productions. Others have even talked about eating babies. The public tolerates it because it's so-called humor, but is that all there is to it?

Image below: Lynn de Rothschild with a painting that hangs over her mantle.
Human trafficking is not the only perversions Q has brought to our attention. On March 19, 2019, the drop included a link to Epstein’s flight manifests followed by:

This is not just about sex trafficking [1].
Will the rich & powerful influence the court to prevent the unsealing?
[1] - Sex Resort (non_temple_resort_only) > trafficked & drugged underage girls
[2] - Occult / Worship of Evil (temple) [CLAS 1-99]
Haiti > 
Pray for the victims. 

On July 25, immediately after Epstein’s first suicide attempt, Q linked to a story in USA Today about Epstein’s offer to mortgage his $77 million mansion in order to get bail. It was turned down by the judge.

Q wrote:

Does a person who fights hard for bail, then appeals the original decision (attempt to overturn), attempt suicide prior to the ruling of the appeal? 
Logical thinking.

Other important drops by Q confirmed the following: 

  • Special Counsel Robert Mueller (Russia collusion investigation) was also tasked with protecting Epstein, who was a liability to many
  • The “models” trafficked by the Midland Agency were targeted based on being loners, depressed, insecure, and from poorer families unable to fight back
  • The media has been trying to help cover up the details about Epstein’s island. For example, the temple was said to be a music room or gym. And yet, inside the temple was a bed covered in plastic and scaffolding (pictured above)
  • Enormous ventilation/air conditioning units built into the side of a hill on the island were for the underground tunnels (image below)
  • Vanity Fair wrote on July 17 that the amount of names linked to Epstein is going to be staggering and warned “Manhattan and DC brace for impact”
  • The Rothschilds and the Vanderbilts and other billionaire families are part of the network 
  • Societies and foundations set up to protect children are actually involved in the trafficking of children--thus Q's mention of Haiti. A Clinton family friend was arrested for taking 40 young children out of Haiti following the earthquake, some of whom still had parents.The Clintons got her released from jail.
  • Smallville actress Allison Mack, who was arrested as a key leader in the NXIVM sex cult is “singing like a bird” and providing names of high profile politicians, Hollywood stars, and business executives

Why this Matters: The repeated phrases “These people are sick,” “Nothing can stop what’s coming,” and “Those who are the loudest” (are guilty) help put things in perspective. Justice is coming like an avalanche, and now is the time to arm ourselves with information so we can be prepared and help prepare others. May the Lord prepare our nation to see beloved figures exposed for what they are and who they serve.

How to Pray: That some will have a heart to repent. May the eyes of all be opened to the truth and may "regular folks" understand that sin is not a friend, and perversion is not okay. God is not mocked by wickedness, yet He is compassionate and forgives all who come to Him through Jesus.

Jeremiah 23:23-24 - Am I a God at hand, saith the LORD, and not a God afar off? Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the LORD. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the LORD.

Eph. 2:8-9 - For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.