Have a look at our current selection of Shoei closeout helmets. Great reviews and easy fit; see what other customers are saying. Now's the time to buy while there is a still a good selection.
Everybody knows that Shoei helmets are some of the finest out there and we don't often have them at reduced pricing. We've had these models on sale for a little while, but we're getting down to the last of them. Don't miss out on this great deal!
That crystal clear shield used to go up and down with a crisp "click-click-click" but now it's scratched and the click is more of a thud :(
Give new life to an existing helmet or keep an extra shield or base plate kit on hand. Nothing spruces up your helmet like a new shield or base plate... and for cheap!
Once a helmet model is discontinued, manufacturers will soon quit making accessories, so spruce yours up and get some extras before it's too late!
Selection Tip: Not sure what shields and accessories to choose for your helmet? Go to any helmet product page that is the same model as yours, scroll down and you'll see the full list.