Linwood Community
425 N Linwood Ave
Appleton, WI 54914

OUR MISSION: To provide a Faith-based, Inclusive, and Safe Independent Living Experience for Moderate Income Adults
(ages 62+)

October 16, 2024

Support Linwood Community by shopping in our online auction. Bidding begins on Friday, October 18 at 5 pm and ends on Monday, October 28 at 12 noon. You can view and shop for auction items by clicking here. Our volunteers are still busy adding new donations, so check back for the final line-up on Friday afternoon.

Our auction includes baskets filled with gift certificates to local businesses, framed art, wine, chocolate, homemade cookies, scones and soup, a handmade tote, airplane rides, movie night packages, Timber Rattler tickets and much more. The donations of auction items from our community has far surpassed our expectations and we are thankful.

Proceeds support the ministry of Linwood Community. If you have any questions about the items, please email our director Lynn Ann at

CLICK HERE to begin your shopping experience.


October 23 - December 4


End-of-life planning is the ultimate gift you can give your loved ones. Join us and staff from UW Extension for a 6-week class that gives you the tools and resources to begin or continue the end-of-life planning process. Advance care planning is not just for people who are old or ill. At any age, a medical crisis could leave you unable to communicate your own health care decisions. Plan ahead. Don’t leave a mess, leave a legacy.


Classes will meet on Wednesdays for 6 weeks starting October 23 through December 4 from 2 - 3 pm. There will be no class on November 20. Class will meet in the Commons at Linwood Community, 425 N Linwood Ave. Register with Jean at Linwood Community by email at or by calling (920) 734-7225 Ext 7. This class is supported by a Thrivent Action Team grant.

For more information on the Planning Ahead class, click here.

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Linwood Community, a ministry of Fox Valley Lutheran Homes is a non-profit corporation affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and area congregations. The board of directors is composed of community leaders, clergy and dedicated volunteers who guide the operation and plan for the future.

Non-Discrimination Statement
Fox Valley Lutheran Homes, Inc. (FVLH) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, handicap, sexual orientation or any other characteristic protected by law. FVLH is an independent living facility for seniors (62+).