Dairyland’s Legal Services team works across all areas of the organization to reduce risk and lower costs for the benefit of Dairyland and our member cooperatives. With a mission to “provide high-quality comprehensive legal services that protect Dairyland’s interests, ensure efficiencies of legal spending and create cost-savings by strategically utilizing both internal and external counsel,” the team is here to serve you.
Costs down, services up: Since the internal legal department was established in 2022, Dairyland has realized a significant cost reduction in legal spend while also supporting project efficiency and risk management. When specialty legal services are required, the Legal Services team sources outside counsel and provides management and oversight of that work by our team.
Legal Services department members:
Joyce Peppin - General Counsel. In addition to the Legal Services team, Joyce oversees Government Relations, Economic Development and Grants and Records & Information Management. Joyce represents the interests of Dairyland and provides legal advice and counsel to the Board of Directors and Executive Team. She also assists with contract negotiations, review of legal issues, sits on cross-functional teams as Dairyland’s internal legal advisor and ensures Dairyland’s risks are being properly managed.
Kathleen Galioto - Deputy General Counsel. Kathleen has been with Dairyland since March 2022 and she assisted Joyce in building Dairyland’s in-house legal services department. Her main role is to support Joyce’s work as General Counsel and to ensure the legal work for Dairyland is conducted using our own legal staff or through management of outside counsel when special expertise is needed.
Rob Maly - Staff Attorney. Rob joined Legal Services in March 2023, transferring from the position of Right-of-Way Agent he had held since 2015. In the initial months after his transition to Legal Services, Rob split his time between the Right-of-Way Department and his new role. In August, Rob transitioned full-time to serving as Staff Attorney in Legal Services. His Right-of-Way experience has made him a valuable resource regarding Dairyland’s increasing real estate-related areas of focus, including power delivery projects. Rob also supports the variety of legal work that comes into the Legal Portal along with regularly assisting Supply Chain with contract reviews and negotiations.
Ryan Verhulp - Associate General Counsel. Ryan joined the Dairyland legal team in June 2023 and provides support with a variety of critical legal matters, including helping Dairyland to prepare and submit its first spent nuclear fuel claim to the federal government to recover damages for ongoing expenses in operating the ISFSI. Ryan is an experienced transactional attorney, and he is available to assist employees when legal analysis or opinions are needed on laws, regulations, contracts or risks associated with their work.
Elyssa Cook – Paralegal. Elyssa provides support to the Legal Services team in all areas, managing the day to day operations and calendar of the department. She assists with registered agent duties, maintains the organized flow of systems, manages the Legal Services Request Portal, helps with Board committee notes, assists with retaining outside firms and manages outside counsel, contracts and invoices. (Elyssa is currently on leave, returning in December 2023.)
Legal Services Requests Process: To assist Dairyland’s employees with accessing support for their legal needs, a Legal Services Request Portal is on the Breaker under Resources > Business Operations > Legal Services. Employees should use the Portal to request legal review of contracts and documents they have received from third parties and request legal advice on a variety of matters. Utilizing the Portal reduces the chance of an email requesting legal support getting lost in an inbox and improves efficiency in that requests will be immediately assigned to an attorney for review and tracked to closure.
“Employee engagement is essential to managing legal risk,” said Kathleen. “We encourage employees to come to us with any questions and please remember, there is no question too minor. It is better to know than to wonder when it comes to legal matters.”
When possible, requests or questions should be submitted a minimum of one week before they’re needed. For urgent legal needs, employees should not hesitate to call or email any member of the Legal team. "The Legal Services team seeks to be a convenient and accessible resource for support of your work, so please do not hesitate to ask questions, request peer reviews, or ask for our participation," said Kathleen.