NJAAW News and Resources
February 15, 2023
Happy Black History Month
Black History Month was officially recognized in 1976 by President Gerald Ford, who expanded it from a week coinciding with the birthdays of both Frederick Douglas and Abraham Lincoln. President Ford recognized Black History Month during the celebration of the United States Bicentennial. urging Americans to "seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history".

For our readers who remember that significant start of BHM, and the efforts leading up to it, we wish you a month full of celebrating and pride.

There are many sites in NJ that highlight important histories of African-American residents.
  • See the State Tourism offices list: BHM trail
  • See Familyhood Cental's compilation of events throughout NJ to celebrate :BHM Events in NJ
We've moved!
We are pleased to let you know we have moved into new office space at

3705 Quakerbridge Road
Suite 102
Hamilton, NJ 08619
(609) 421-0206
NJAAW and the Age Friendly Institute Bring the
Certified Age Friendly Employer Program to NJ
We are thrilled to announce a new partnership with the Age-Friendly Institute to bring their Certified Age Friendly Employer (CAFE) program to NJ. This unique program identifies employers who proactively recruit and retain age 50+ employees, and assists employers in achieving age friendly goals. Age-Friendly Institute President Tim Driver and NJAAW Executive Director Cathy Rowe said “we’re delighted to join forces to better connect employers and older residents in the great state of New Jersey.”  
For the full press release, click here: Press release

To learn more about the Age Friendly Institute and the CAFE program, click here 
NJAAW 25th Annual Conference

Save the Date! 
Friday, June 9, at the Hyatt Regency in New Brunswick

In celebration of the 25 years since NJAAW began its work in aging we will explore:
  • What will the next 25 years look like in the field of aging? 
  • What changes do we need to work on now, to prepare for an older NJ population? 
  • What does it mean when individuals can expect to live 25 years past retirement?
Last Call for Speakers

Interested in presenting at our conference?
We want to hear from a broad range of experts in the field of aging.

To see our Speaker Proposal Guidelines, please click here: Call for Speakers
Caregiving in New Jersey Webinar Series
Wednesdays, March 1, 8, 15 at 1pm

Today in New Jersey, more than 1 million residents are serving as caregivers to family members or friends. While the roles may differ among families, all caregivers have common needs for support, training and recognition of their important role in our health care system.

As family members take on the role of caregiver, they do so with love and dedication but without training, skills or knowledge of many of the realities and tasks involved. The NJAAW Caregiving in New Jersey Series will bring together experts in the realm of caregiving to discuss the needs of unpaid family and friends caring for older adults. This series will help caregivers understand the scope of care they might need to provide, find support and develop skills to care for their loved ones and themselves, and identify their rights and benefits for family leave.

Broken into 3 sessions and held virtually on Wednesdays at 1pm, the series will include:
  • March 1 - Defining Caregiving & its Impact on Family, Patients & Friends.
  • March 8 - Finding Support & Building Skills
  • March 15 - Benefits: Family Leave, Respite Care, NJ Family Leave Insurance
Registration required – please click here: Caregiving in NJ registration

For a printable flyer, click here: Caregivers in NJ
This series is generously offered to all NJ residents with the support of Parker Life

CSH and Capital Impact Partners Offer Lunch & Learn - February 28th  

CSH is partnering with Capital Impact Partners for a February 28th Lunch & Learn to better understand the supportive housing client needs tied to aging in place. To help understand the aging and health needs of clients and to inform the February 28 discussion, CSH asks supportive housing developers, service providers and property managers to fill out  this short survey: CSH survey

To register for the February 28 event, click here: Register
Aging Insights
Enjoy our New Episode:
GetSetUp New Jersey!
We are thrilled to bring back Melissa Chalker. MSW, Deputy Division Director, Division of Aging Services to talk about this new, free program offered to all NJ residents over 60.

To support older residents, promote aging well and fight the challenges of social isolation, the Division of Aging services has partnered with GetSetUp to provide online programming free to NJ residents. This virtual platform offers classes and discussions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week..
On the go?

Listen to Aging Insights as a podcast.
Click here: GetSetUp podcast

You can also find it on our website or through Spotify and other podcast apps.
Policy Updates
SNAP Benefits Increase to $95 on March 1,2023
Since our last newsletter, Governor Murphy has signed legislation that brings the minimum SNAP benefit per household to $95.

This increase to $95 per month compared to the pre-COVID level of $20 for senior citizens will make a dramatic difference in the health and well being of our low-income adults. At pre-COVID levels, many older adults did not see the benefit as worth the effort to file. Please spread the word on the new higher amount through your networks and to your clients so we can help fight food insecuirity among our oldest resdients.

SNAP recipients can check their benefits through their account portal or by calling 800-997-3333.
NJAAW Executive Director Testifies to
Assembly Committee on Aging and Senior Services
We were very pleased not only to be invited to give testimony concerning in-home care for senior citizens, but with the Committee's goal to develop a better understanding of the policy initiatives that exist, and are still needed, to support aging in place with dignity.

Several of our colleagues in aging testified as well, highlighting the current situation and changes needed to help all residents age with independence and dignity. For the NJAAW testimony, click here: NJAAW Testimony
Thoughts on Ageism and Senior Care

Boomers Today is a talk show where experts are interviewed on many of the issues facing boomers and an aging population.

We'd like to share a thoughtful interview with our colleague, Lauren Snedeker, LCSW on one of their recent podcasts. Lauren is a licensed clinical social worker, an Assistant Professor of Teaching, and the Coordinator for the MSW Certificate in Aging and Health Program at Rutgers School of Social Work. Listen here:
AARP Community Challenge Grant 
AARP is accepting applications for quick-action projects that can help communities become more livable for all residents, especially those age 50 and over. Applications must be submitted through aarp.org/communitychallenge and are due by March 15, 2023, 5:00 p.m.

COVID-19 Vaccine/Booster Questions Answered

In the initial wave of vaccinations, NJ's older adults did well in accessing the COVID vaccine, thanks largely to all of your efforts. As the perceived urgency of COVID has waned, it is important to share up-to-date and accurate information on the importance of vulnerable people receiving boosters. 
NJAAW recently partnered with the NJ Department of Health to answer questions on the vaccine and boosters. In case you missed it, you can watch the recording here: COVID 19 Vaccine/Booster Questions Answered
Professional Development
The American Hospital Association (AHA) is accepting applications for The John A. Hartford Foundation Age-Friendly Health Systems Cohort Scholarships as part of its 2023-2024 Next Generation Leaders Fellowship.

For details, click here

  Health and Aging Policy Fellows 

The one-year Fellowship runs from October 1 – September 30 and has full-time and part-time tracks. It is conducted as a hybrid program of mentoring, networking, learning and practicum experiences.

To learn more, click here