Life Science Nation Newsletter  | October 13,  2016  |  Issue 183

  The LSN Story   |   Investor Platform   |   Company Platform   |   RESI Conference   |   Fundraising Consulting
Life Science Investor Mandates (Oct. 6  - Oct. 12)
Invests in Clinical-Stage Therapeutics, Devices and Diagnostics
Invests in Digital Health, Diagnostics, Devices and Health Apps
Invests in Growth-Stage Healthcare Opportunities
Focuses on Preclinical Oncology Therapeutics
In This Issue
Nature BioEntrepreneur Features LSN: Aligning Needs
LSN Services
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LSN Videos
RESI Boston Investors Panel

By Lucy Parkinson, Director of Research, LSN

One of the greatest difficulties in raising early stage financing in the life sciences is that many investors balk at the development timelines involved in biotech and medtech opportunities. VC investors in particular are driven by short term fund lifecycles; particularly if you are receiving an investment late into a fund's investment period (which may extend 2-3 years after the fund is closed), the VC will be often looking for the possibility of an exit in under 3 years. Angel investors and evergreen funds may also operate under similar horizons, as they rely on successful exits to generate capital to make further investments. Beyond structural constraints, from an investor's perspective, time is money; their rate of return is directly governed by how long their capital is tied up in your company.

Everyone knows that it takes a long time to develop and commercialize a new drug, medical device or diagnostic. It's estimated that it takes 11-14 years to move a drug from preclinical testing to the marketplace. Yet many investors step into this marketplace with a 2- or 3-year investment horizon. Early stage companies must therefore learn how to get in step with investors when it comes to timelines...

By Caitlin Kramer, Research Analyst, LSN

Agriculture is the base of modern society, and makes up nearly a third of the global carbon footprint. Many current sociopolitical conversations revolve around GMOs, use of pesticides and antibiotics, and the future of sustainable food in the face of an ever-growing population. Biotechnology has increasingly sought to step up to these challenges of sustainability, though not always as successfully as anticipated (biofuels) or without controversy (GMOs), and in the back seat compared to biotech's role in therapeutics. Yet, innovation in this space still sees strong interest from investors - 152 investors mention an interest in agbio in their mandates on the LSN Investor Platform. A majority of the investors LSN tracks that are interested in Agbio are open to investing as early as the seed stage...

By Cole Bunn, Senior Research Analyst, LSN

Numerous Asian-based venture firms have created investment offices in the states to uncover U.S. technology that fills an unmet need back home. These investors are looking to acquire an early stake and shepherd innovative products through the unfamiliar regulatory agencies/process, business environment and healthcare system at large.

LSN has recently recognized this trend with a dedicated track to explore these investor's specific appetite and first-hand insight into cross-border deals, and we're excited to bring these panels to the West Coast where there is a large amount of such activity.

Asia Pacific Investors panelists will include the following:
  • Jimmy Lu, Managing Director, WI Harper Group
  • Judith Le, Partner, Lilly Asia Ventures
  • Vincent Xiang, Partner, Frontline Bioventures
  • Yao Li Ho, Director of Business Development, Lyfe Capital
  • Lu Zhang, Managing Partner, NewGen Capital